
Join Us for This Year’s Kitten Shower!

The warm weather of the spring and summer seasons are a critical time for outdoor and community cats and kittens.

“Kitten season” is in full swing and we have seen a significant increase in the number of kittens in need of life-saving care.

These tiny creatures are born outside and at the mercy of the elements. They are at risk of injury, disease, or worse. Left without someone to care for them, they are in serious danger.

Your support gives them a fighting chance. Make a gift today to provide kittens and cats with the care they need

kitten symbolic gifts

Gifts of $100 or more will be recognized on the Kitten Kuddler Wall of Honor

Make a life-saving gift today

Donate Supplies Through Our Online Wish Lists

You can also send critically-needed supplies from our Kitten Shower Registry directly to those in need through our online wish lists!

Amazon Wish List
Chewy Wish List

Bottle Babies 101 Webinar

Spread the word with a Facebook Fundraiser

Setting up a Facebook fundraiser to is great way to help even more animals! With a fundraiser, you’re able to reach your own network of animal lovers and harness their support for animals in need.

First time setting up a Facebook fundraiser? Here’s how:

From a computer browser

2. Enter your goal amount and choose your own end date

3. Write a description for “Why are you raising money?” to explain why helping animals is important to you.

Have writer’s block? Here is an example you could use: Will you join me in supporting a cause I care about? I am raising money for the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Kitten Shower! I want to help ensure that kittens and cats in Massachusetts get the care they deserve, including food, sanctuary, medical care, love, and emergency rescue. Whether it’s $25, which can provide heating discs and bedding for comfort and warmth, or $500, which can support efforts in the field to safely pick up and rescue kittens and cats, any amount will make an impact and all proceeds benefit ARL. Thank you for your support!

4. Pick a cover photo—feel free to use your own or choose from our adorable images:
Kitten Shower Cover Photo 
Kitten Cover Photo

5. Click “Create”, then invite your friends and share the fundraiser in your news feed!

To manage your fundraiser, use the link that appears in the upper right-hand corner of your homepage.

On a mobile device

  1. From your homepage, open the menu by selecting Facebook Fundraiser Dropdown

2. Select   Facebook Fundraiser Icon
If you don’t see the fundraiser button in your menu, it may be under the “See More” category. 

3. Select  FacebookFundraiser Create Fundraiser

4. Select Nonprofit, and search for the “Animal Rescue League of Boston”

5. Enter your goal amount.

6. Pick a cover photo—feel free to use your own or choose from our adorable images:

Kitten Shower Cover Photo 
Kitten Cover Photo
Puppy Cover Photo

7. Select Create, invite your friends and share the fundraiser in your new feed!

To manage your fundraiser:

  1. Open the menu by selecting Facebook Fundraiser Dropdown
  2. Select   Facebook Fundraiser Icon, and your fundraiser will be listed at the top of the page

Tips and Tricks

1. Set a realistic fundraising goal and update your contacts.
Create urgency in your updates to increase support.

2. Make your fundraiser personal.
Convey that you care deeply about the cause so that others feel compelled to support it too.

3. Donate to your own fundraiser.
Show your family and friends that this cause is important with your contribution to start.

4. Make your fundraiser go viral.
Post your fundraiser on Facebook at least once a week. The more you are involved in your campaign, the more your supporters will follow your fundraiser.

5. Thank your donors.
Thank everyone who donates to you, and do it swiftly. Tell them how their gift made a difference!