Stray cat suffering multiple medical issues

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is currently caring for a 10-year-old cat that was found as a stray and is suffering from a multitude of medical issues.

Though not out of the woods, ARL’s medical intervention has likely saved the animal’s life.

The female cat, now named Wren, was found in Norwood, MA, in late June, and upon intake at ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, one medical issue was certainly noticeable.

Wren had large wounds on her neck and face, however, it is unknown if the wounds were caused by a hot liquid burn, allergic reaction, or infection – but it was her underlying medical issues that were most concerning.

Wren had pyometra, a uterine infection that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Additionally, Wren was very thin and diagnosed with diabetes, which had likely not been treated previously.

Wren’s wounds were immediately treated, as was her pyometra during spay surgery, but following treatment, the cat was not eating and losing weight.

With her outcome up in the air, Wren thankfully took a liking to wet food suitable for cats living with diabetes and fortunately has begun to put weight back on.

The cat is now in foster care to continue the healing process, and ARL’s veterinary staff has also begun a treatment plan to regulate her diabetes.

Wren’s wounds are healing and her health is improving, however, there is no timeline on when Wren may be made available for adoption as she still has a long road to recovery ahead of her.

Help Wren and Animals Like Her

ARL provides the highest standards of veterinary care, and in the case of Wren, her cost of care is estimated to exceed $10,000.

ARL is committed to helping every animal in the organization heal and thrive, but we cannot do it alone.

When you donate to ARL, you are helping Wren and animals like her by ensuring they receive the care they need and deserve, and once healed can begin the next chapter of their lives in a loving home.

Anyone interested in contributing to her treatment can visit to donate.