A Legacy of Compassion for Animals
in Need
Whether it’s a childhood pet, a current companion, or any other animals you’ve known in your life— you’ve been touched by the joy of a wagging tail, a happy purr, or a bright chirp.
Just as animals have touched your life, you can forever touch the lives of animals by including the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) in your Will and/or estate plans.
By including ARL in your legacy/planned giving, you make sure the life-saving services you support now will be there for animals when they need them in the future.
What is Legacy/Planned Giving?
Legacy gifts, most often a bequest from a Will, are a powerful investment that will care for animals, improve communities, and prevent animal neglect and abuse long into the future.
ARL gratefully accepts legacy gifts of any size including:
We are happy to work with your attorney to discuss annuity or charitable remainder trusts.
If you choose to include ARL in your plans, please use our legal name and tax ID.
Animal Rescue League of Boston
10 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA 02026
Tax ID: 04-210-3714
Please always seek the advice of your financial and/or legal advisors about legacy giving.
Have you included, or are you thinking of including ARL in your plan? Let us know so we can thank you! Please contact Jackie at (617) 226-5608 or jsmith@arlboston.org.
The Anna Harris Smith Legacy Society®
The Anna Harris Smith Legacy Society is a group of supporters who have included ARL in their legacy giving. Named after ARL’s founder, members carry on her spirit of compassion and generosity for animals in need.

We recognize the commitment of our members with:
- Listing in our annual report
- Invitations to special events
- Opportunity to be featured in ARL publications
- Subscription to our magazine, Our Four-Footed Friends
- Membership gifts
To be recognized as a member, all you need to do is let us know that you have included ARL in your Will or legacy giving plans. Copies of your Will or other documentation are not required. For more information, please contact Jackie at (617) 226-5608 or jsmith@arlboston.org.
Forever Friends
As you plan for your own future, you can now plan for your pet!
Our animals give us so much and we love and protect them unconditionally. And if the unexpected happens, you can still provide for your beloved companion(s).
When you enroll in the Forever Friends program, your pet(s) can count on the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) for comfort, care, and adoption services.
Member Testimonials

“The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s commitment to shaping animal policy and working to understand the root causes of cruelty and neglect reflect the proactive approach we align with.
Most people have had pets that meant something deep to them, so they can agree that being good to the animals that depend on us for everything is a positive, healthy choice.
The issues facing animals are not unsolvable, and it’s important that we do something about it. It’s a start to a better world.”
Stephen Spiegelberg and Denise Saltojanes

“When I think of all of the homeless and abused dogs in the world, I remember our first dog, Skippy.
Every animal deserves to be as loved as Skippy was, and we know ARL is making that possible. That’s why we decided to leave a legacy gift to ARL. It’s such a fulfilling feeling to know that our gift will continue to do good for animals not just today, but for decades to come.”
Brian Hyde and Joe Fiorello

“ARL consistently goes the extra mile for animals in need. Whether through law enforcement or making sure that animals get the best care possible, I’m always impressed by ARL’s commitment to go above and beyond.
Chris and I decided to include ARL in our wills because we care deeply about animals. We wanted to make sure that something that is so meaningful to us can last forever, and so including a legacy gift for ARL and the animals in their care was an easy choice.”
José Rodriguez-Villalobos and Chris Lapan

As the needs of communities change, you can make sure that our services can adapt. From community clinics that make low-cost care available to the families that need it most, to mobile spay/neuter units that improve animal health across the state, your legacy gift changes the lives of animals and the people that love them.

Your support can help thousands of animals find new forever homes every year. As we see more animals with complex medical and behavioral problems, your legacy gift will be vital in making sure that each of our shelter locations are equipped to help the animals that come through our doors.

You can make sure that we can continue to confront cruelty and abuse at its roots by investigating cases of animal abuse and neglect.

Your vision for the future, and ours, is a world where animals are healthy and safe in habitats and homes. To make that future possible, your legacy gift will support advocacy and education, to change laws and change minds about protecting animals in need.
Sample Will or Trust Bequest Language for a specific gift: (click to expand)
This type of gift allows you to designate an exact amount or specific percentage of your estate or assets.
I give $__________________ or ______% of my estate to the Animal Rescue League of Boston, 10 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA 02026, to provide funding for the ongoing activities of the organization as determined by the board of directors. Tax ID 04-210-3714
Contact your financial and/or legal advisors to include this language in your Will.
Sample Will or Trust Bequest Language for a residual gift: (click to expand)
This type of gift is honored after all other bequests, commitments, and plans have been fulfilled.
I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to the Animal Rescue League of Boston, 10 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA 02026, to provide funding for the ongoing activities of the organization as determined by the board of directors. Tax ID 04-210-3714
Contact your financial and/or legal advisors to include this language in your Will.
Sample Will or Trust Bequest Language for a contingent gift: (click to expand)
This type of gift is fulfilled when certain conditions are met and allows for flexibility in providing for additional beneficiaries including spouses, children, and grand-children.
I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to ______________________ (name of individual/beneficiary), if he/she survives me; if not, then the Animal Rescue League of Boston, 10 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA 02026, to provide funding for the ongoing activities of the organization as determined by the board of directors. Tax ID 04-210-3714
I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to ______________________ (name of individual/beneficiary), if he/she survives me; if not, then ______% in equal shares to my children who survive me and _____% to the Animal Rescue League of Boston, 10 Chandler Street, Boston, MA 02116, to provide funding for the ongoing activities of the organization as determined by the board of directors. Tax ID 04-210-3714
Contact your financial and/or legal advisors to include this language in your Will.
Insurance Policies: (click to expand)
ARL can be added as a beneficiary of an insurance policy. Contact your insurance agent or the administrator of your financial account for procedures.
ARL is a 501(c)3 organization so your gift will not be subject to federal estate tax and your estate may receive a tax benefit.
Retirement Assets: (click to expand)
You may name ARL as a beneficiary of your IRA or qualified retirement plan (such as a 401(k), 403(b), or other tax-deferred plans). Contact your plan custodian for a change of beneficiary form.
As a 501(c)3 organization, ARL will not pay income tax on this type of gift and it will not be subject to estate tax. Animals will benefit from the full value of your legacy gift and your estate may receive a tax benefit.
IRA Rollovers: (click to expand)
You can designate ARL as a beneficiary to receive IRA assets after your lifetime.
If you are aged 73 or older and faced with required withdrawals from your retirement accounts, a gift can help offset additional income taxes during your lifetime and you can see the impact of your generosity at work now.
Your Required Minimum Distribution must be transferred directly from your IRA to ARL to be eligible for any tax benefits. Contact your IRA administrator and provide them with our Tax ID 04-210-3714 along with your request to make a direct charitable distribution from your Individual Retirement Account to ARL.
Donor-Advised Funds: (click to expand)
You can direct that your donor-advised charitable fund be distributed, in full, to ARL after your lifetime. Or, you can choose a dollar or percentage amount to be distributed over a certain time, or until the account balance becomes zero.
Contact your account manager or sponsoring organization to recommend your plans to include ARL.
You can also give now from your Donor-Advised fund by clicking here.
Appreciated stock or securities: (click to expand)
Stock – Electronic transfers via DTC
DTC Participant #0955 – Bank of America
DTC Agent #20955
For further credit to:
Account Name: Animal Rescue League of Boston
Account #: 16-200-1765536
Add the following two notes ON the DTC ticket:
- Donor’s full name
- Contact Bank of America associate Michael Wrenn (603) 647-7651
Please contact Jackie at (617) 226-1508 or jsmith@arlboston.org to let ARL Boston know what day you are initiating a transfer of stock
You may also give appreciated stock or securities during your lifetime. Gifts of stock not only help animals in need, they can also provide tax benefits including avoiding capital gains tax.
I would like to include ARL in my will, what is the best way to do this? (click to expand)
You should speak to your legal or financial advisor to determine the best way to include ARL in your planned giving. When including ARL in legal documents, please use our full legal name and tax ID:
Animal Rescue League of Boston
10 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA 02026
Tax ID: 04-210-3714
What types of planned or legacy gifts does ARL accept? (click to expand)
ARL gratefully accepts legacy gifts of any size, including: A gift or bequest from your will or trust, adding ARL as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or assets, naming ARL as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, IRA Rollovers, gift from Donor Advised Funds, and appreciated stock or securities.
What are the benefits of a planned gift? (click to expand)
A charitable bequest allows you to make a substantial gift toward a cause that matters to you while still providing for yourself and your family. Planned gifts also can provide tax benefits.
How can I notify you about a planned gift? (click to expand)
Please contact Jackie at 617-226-5608 or jsmith@arlboston.org to notify us about a planned gift.
Is there a minimum amount to qualify for the Anna Harris Smith Society? (click to expand)
No, there is no minimum. If you inform us that you have included ARL in your planned giving, we will consider you a member of the Anna Harris Smith Legacy Society and would love to thank you accordingly!
How will my planned gift be used? (click to expand)
An unrestricted gift will help animals in need in the best way possible. As the needs of animals in the northeast change, the best way to help may shift and change as well. For that reason, unrestricted gifts are the most helpful to serving our mission, allowing us to remain flexible and agile in how we approach animal welfare. However, if you’d like to restrict your gift for a specific program or purpose, please contact Jackie Smith at 617-226-5608 or jsmith@arlboston.org to discuss that possibility.
Additional Resources (click to expand)
Apps such as https://tomorrow.me/ allow you to create your own free, legal Will, however, please always seeks the advice of your financial and/or legal advisors.
If you are looking for professional assistance, these resources may be helpful:
Request a brochure and toolkit (click to expand)
If you would like to request our brochure and tool kit, please contact Jackie at 617-226-5608 or jsmith@arlboston.org