June 16, 2021, BOSTON, MA – The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is pleased to announce that it received a $12,500 grant from the Massachusetts Animal Coalition (MAC) through their “I am Animal Friendly” license plate program.  The grant is to be used towards ARL’s spay and neuter services. Because Covid-19 has significantly impacted the availability of spay/neuter services, this has resulted in long waiting lists for cats, dogs and rabbits across Massachusetts.  MAC has offered this Emergency Covid-19 Spay/Neuter Grant funding to shelters, rescues, municipal animal control organizations and high volume spay/neuter providers.

ARL’s Spay Waggin’ and Community Surgical Clinic are vital resources for pet owners seeking subsidized spay/neuter for their beloved animals, and in 2020 performed nearly 3,000 surgeries between the two programs – however the need for services continues to grow exponentially.

Dr. Edward Schettino, President and CEO of ARL said: “The communities we serve – on the South Shore, South Coast, Cape Cod regions, and Greater Boston – need access to fully and partially subsidized spay/neuter services now more than ever and the support from the Massachusetts Animal Coalition and the public who supports the “I’m Animal Friendly” license plate is crucial to lend assistance to those who need it. Thank you!”

About the Massachusetts Animal Coalition and the “I’m Animal Friendly” License Plate Program:

Massachusetts Animal Coalition (MAC) is a statewide, non-profit organization comprised of animal professionals and individual volunteers dedicated to working together to decrease the number of homeless, neglected, displaced and abused animals in Massachusetts.  MAC’s “I’m Animal Friendly” License Plate program helps fund spay and neuter programs across the state.  These charitable plates are available through Massachusetts RMV and are tax deductible.