Community cat intake up 30 percent over 2023

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) continues to see a steady influx of kittens born in the wild from communities throughout Massachusetts, and to date, ARL has taken in 833 community cats in 2024, a 30 percent increase over 2023.

Kitten specific intake has also seen a 30 percent increase in 2024 as well.

Since May 1, ARL has taken in nearly 600 community cats, 117 in September alone, the majority being kittens, and the organization is seeing no slow-down in the numbers of kittens being born in community cat colonies over the coming weeks and months.

ARL is the only large animal welfare organization in Massachusetts with a dedicated Community Cat Program, focusing on community cat colonies in numerous communities throughout the state.

Once colony is assessed, a trap-neuter-return plan is formulated, and ARL will provide these animals medical care, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, and finding homes for the vast majority.

For those cats that are truly feral, they are returned to the colony they were found, healthy and no longer able to reproduce, which will help end the cycle of homelessness among the colony.

With relatively mild winters become the norm in Massachusetts, there is no such thing as kitten season anymore, and caring for these animals is now a year-round effort.

Community cats are incredibly resourceful, and litters of kittens can be born anywhere a mom cat can find a dry, warm and safe environment.

ARL advises anyone who notices a colony or kittens in and around their home or neighborhood, to contact ARL’s Field Services Department for assistance at (617) 426-9170 x563.

ARL does not receive any government funding for this important work, so these cats and kittens must rely generosity of people like you to get their best chance for a happy and healthy life.

To help support their care, please visit