
Board Safely®

Did you know… there are no statewide regulations that govern boarding kennels and pet daycare facilities in Massachusetts?


The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Board Safely campaign encourages pet owners to do their own research before leaving their pet in the care of a boarding kennel or daycare facility.

Download the Board Safely Flyer

oneFind out safety protocols and licensing.
What is the procedure in the event of a natural disaster or medical emergency? Are there vaccination requirements to ensure the health of all boarded animals? Does the facility have a current kennel license?

twoAsk for details about supervision and interaction.
What is the experience-level of the person supervising your pet, and are they always on the premises? Are dogs allowed to interact with one another, and are they separated by size/temperament?

threeDownload the Board Safely Checklist.
When researching potential boarding kennels or daycare facilities for your pet, ask all of the questions on this list and take notes.

Download the Board Safely Checklist


The Animal Rescue League of Boston is actively supporting a bill that would establish regulations within the operation of boarding kennels and daycare facilities, such as: emergency response training, facility standards, pet supervision and more.

YOU can advocate for these changes by contacting your legislator and urging them to support Ollie’s Law (S.1309 and H.2019)*.

*Please continue to check this page for the most current legislation related to kennel regulations.

Download the Board Safely Flyer

The Board Safely campaign is made available thanks to the generous donations of ARL supporters. Please consider donating to ARL, so that we can continue sharing this important pet safety message.