Category: Adoption
March is Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month!

There’s more than just cats and dogs at ARL

Many people assume that animal care & adoption centers only have cats and dogs, but here at the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) we have a knowledgeable staff and are able to accommodate a variety of animals including guinea pigs.

And they are just waiting for to find their perfect match!

If you’d like to adopt a guinea pig (or other small animal) from the ARL, make sure to bring a photo of the cage that your new pet will live in to make sure it’s a good size and shape for a guinea pig.

Just like any other pet, guinea pigs require special care and attention. Familiarizing yourself with their daily and long-term needs before adding one to your family is also an important step in the adoption process.

Learn more about guinea pigs

Guinea pigs can make great companions for both first-time or experienced pet owners, however they require a bit of patience and a gentle hand.

Once they are comfortable with you and their new surroundings, their personalities really shine through!

Guinea pig care tips (PDF)

Two guinea pigs eating a piece of lettuce

Adopt a Rescue Guinea Pig Month Fun Fact

Guinea pigs communicate through a variety of behaviors and sounds. These small animals will make a squealing or whistling sound, for example, to communicate anticipation or excitement–usually before they eat! Meanwhile, a deep sounding purr indicates your guinea pig is comfortable and content.

Pair of Puppies Found Tethered to Tree Near ARL Dedham Campus

Incident an example of a pet owner in crisis

 The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) recently found new homes for a pair of 4-month-old puppies found tethered to a tree near ARL’s Dedham campus – there was no malicious intent but is yet another example of a pet owner in crisis.

ARL acknowledges that many pet owners are facing tremendous challenges – and when people struggle, pets struggle.

Sid and Poppie in Dedham.

The rising cost of pet care, the housing crisis and financial hardship are all having a tremendous impact and are unfortunately causing some pet owners to make difficult decisions, and in some cases, take drastic actions.

The puppies, Sid and Poppie, were discovered on the grounds of the Nobles and Greenough School, right next door to ARL’s Dedham campus on February 12 and were brought to ARL immediately upon being found by Dedham Animal Control.

The Mastiff-type dogs were wearing matching leashes and collars, and are in good condition – their coats are clean, nails are trimmed and they are both healthy.

 “ARL realizes many pet owners are struggling, and we want the public to know that ARL is a resource,” stated Dr. Edward Schettino, ARL President and CEO. “Through community-based programs and services and reinvesting in the City of Boston to rebuild our animal care and adoption center, ARL’s goal is make every effort to help keep pets in homes and out of shelters, and when surrender is the only option, to offer a safe, judgement-free environment to help pet owners through this difficult decision.”

 If you are a pet owner in crisis, ARL urges you to contact the organization to learn more about what resources may be available to help keep pets in homes and out of shelters.

If surrender is your only option, ARL understands that while difficult, surrendering an animal in-person not only protects the animal, but allows ARL to gather information to help the pet move quickly through the shelter system.

Learn more about how to properly surrender an animal at the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

Bonded Canine Odd Couple Seeking Home for the Holidays

Bonded Chihuahua and American Bulldog are adorable pair

An unlikely bonded pair of dogs in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) are seeking a new home for the holidays together.

Karma, a female 5-year-old American Bulldog, and Gigi, a female 1-year-old Chihuahua, were surrendered from the same home in early November due to a housing situation, and while they were not surrendered as a bonded pair, the two soon forged a powerful bond while in the shelter and are now inseparable.

Standing side by side or in play mode, the stark contrast in size is comical to some, but the pair are gentle and fun-loving when together, and when play time is over, you can always find them curled up together for nap time.

They also complement each other with their personalities.

Karma is more of an introvert, while Gigi is a social butterfly, and together they open up quickly to new experiences, people, and other dogs.

The pair, who are now spending some time in foster care, will make a wonderful addition to any family, and anyone with room in their heart for not one, but two amazing pups, is encouraged to contact ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center for more information.

How You Can Help

When you make your year-end gift today, you can help make sure animals like Karma and Gigi get everything they deserve this holiday season.

Your generosity means you can be there for animals, every step of the journey home, as long as it takes.

From transports from overcrowded shelters or emergency rescues, to veterinary care, enrichment and  behavior training, and finally adoption – you make it all possible.

2,555+ animals in need have already found homes this year. Will you make a year-end gift to help two more?

donate button

Severely Injured and Burned Stray Kitten in Care of ARL 

Burned kitten likely injured in vehicle engine compartment

 A three-month-old kitten is in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), after being found in a Dorchester parking lot with injuries likely due to being inside a vehicle engine compartment.

The kitten sustained a multitude of injuries, including burns, and ARL is asking for the public’s support to help provide her with the care she needs.

Cynthia was found in a grocery store parking lot in Dorchester in late October, with the Good Samaritan finder realizing the kitten was in distress and needed help.

The finder took the kitten home for a few days, but soon realized she needed medical intervention.

Upon arrival at ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center, Cynthia received a comprehensive veterinary exam, which revealed abrasions, lacerations, and second-to-third-degree burns on her head, neck and abdomen.

Given the pattern and appearance, it’s likely the kitten suffered thermal burns while hiding in the engine compartment of a vehicle.

Although it will take some time, Cynthia is an amazingly resilient and friendly kitten, and is expected to make a full recovery and live a normal life.

Once the healing process is complete she will made available for adoption, however, at this time there is no timeline on when that may happen.

How You Can Help

Cynthia’s medical care is already in the thousands, and ARL reminds the public that the organization does not receive any government grants or funding, relying on the generosity of like-minded individuals to make a difference in the lives of animals in need.

Please consider donating to the care of Cynthia and animals like her.

ARL Pups Visit Red Sox and Most Iconic Play Yard in Boston

Boston Red Sox employees enjoy an ARL playdate

This past week, a trio of lucky pups in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), took a day trip to Fenway Park to brighten the day of more than a dozen employees of the Boston Red Sox.

The event, held in an event space inside Fenway, was part of an employee wellness effort, to give workers a chance to step away from their desks for a little bit and spend some time with dogs and to learn a little more about ARL’s programs, services and mission to help animals in need throughout Boston and Beyond.

These types of employee events are wonderful initiatives, as spending time and petting an animal offers a host of mental health benefits, including reducing stress and improving mood.

ARL thanks the Red sox, and is thrilled to have had the opportunity to further spread the joy that animals provide, and to partner with another iconic Boston institution, although we should point out that being founded in 1899, ARL actually predates the Red Sox, who were established in 1901!

For Vincenzo, October and Sersi, it was a chance to get out into the world, meet new people, and have a little fun!

The pups enjoyed running around the outdoor space, playing and accepting treats, pets and toys from Red Sox employees.

The day ended with the pups getting a glimpse at the diamond from the famed Green Monster seats.

ARL Hosting Fee-Waived Small Animal Adoption Event

Small animals make wonderful companion pets

This weekend, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) will host a fee-waived adoption event for small animals, including guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, and hamsters, at all three of its Animal Care and Adoption Centers.

For those thinking of adding a small animal (or two) to the family, it’s a perfect time to do so!

ARL hosting a fee-waived small animal adoption event this weekend.

The event will run from Friday, November 8, through Sunday, November 10 at ARL’s Boston, Dedham, and Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Centers.

Hours of operation are 1-6 p.m.

Currently, ARL has nearly three dozen small animals available for adoption, with many more in foster care waiting their turn.

The organization has seen a dramatic rise in small animal surrenders in the past few years, particularly guinea pigs.

Small animals make wonderful pets – they’re social, relatively quiet, great for small living spaces, and may be an option for those living in properties that may not allow dogs or cats but do allow small animals.

ARL’s Adoption Forward process, a conversation-based, application-free process designed so the needs of both the animal and adopter are understood and compatible with one another, will remain the same for this special adoption event.

Visit an ARL Animal Care & Adoption Center from November 8 through November 10 from 1:00pm-6:00pm:

Boston: 10 Chandler Street, Boston, MA 02116
Dedham: 55 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA 02026
Brewster (Cape Cod): 981 Main Street (Rte 6A), East Brewster, MA 02631

Prospective adopters must bring a photo of the enclosure their pet will live in to ensure it meets our requirements.

Stray Dog Likely Hit by Car in Care of ARL 

Stray dog required amputation of severely fractured leg 

A one-year-old dog found as a stray and in need of an emergency surgery after likely being struck by a car is currently in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and recovering well following the trauma. 

The dog, now named Vincenzo, was found in Roxbury and initially rescued by Boston Animal Control.

He was later transported to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center after receiving initial treatment at an emergency veterinary hospital.

Not only was he suffering from a fractured leg which was likely the result of being hit by a car, he was emaciated, and during his initial exam at ARL, he was diagnosed with a heart murmur.

Vincenzo was in a tremendous amount of pain due to his injury, the fracture had begun to heal incorrectly, exacerbating the pain and impacting his gait and quality of life.

ARL’s shelter and community medicine team decided amputation was the best course of action, and following his surgery, Vincenzo is healing, is on a refeeding plan to gain weight safely and slowly, and is also starting to discover something he had likely been without previously – toys!

Vincenzo is currently in foster care and ARL’s veterinary staff continues to monitor his heart murmur, but it’s expected this affectionate and playful pup will be ready to find his new home sometime in the next week.

Critical Care

Vincenzo’s injuries were not only severe, but impacted his quality of life.

ARL’s shelter and community medicine staff provides the highest standards of animal care and are able to respond quickly to help animals like Vincenzo.

With surgery, diagnostics and other medical needs, Vincenzo’s cost of care is well into the thousands, and ARL relies solely on the support of like-minded individuals like yourself to make it possible to help Vincenzo and animals like him.

You can help Vincenzo and animals like him receive everything he needs to recover and find the home he deserves.

ARL Seeing Explosion in Community Cats and Kittens Intake

Community cat intake up 30 percent over 2023

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) continues to see a steady influx of kittens born in the wild from communities throughout Massachusetts, and to date, ARL has taken in 833 community cats in 2024, a 30 percent increase over 2023.

Kitten specific intake has also seen a 30 percent increase in 2024 as well.

Since May 1, ARL has taken in nearly 600 community cats, 117 in September alone, the majority being kittens, and the organization is seeing no slow-down in the numbers of kittens being born in community cat colonies over the coming weeks and months.

ARL is the only large animal welfare organization in Massachusetts with a dedicated Community Cat Program, focusing on community cat colonies in numerous communities throughout the state.

Once colony is assessed, a trap-neuter-return plan is formulated, and ARL will provide these animals medical care, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, and finding homes for the vast majority.

For those cats that are truly feral, they are returned to the colony they were found, healthy and no longer able to reproduce, which will help end the cycle of homelessness among the colony.

With relatively mild winters become the norm in Massachusetts, there is no such thing as kitten season anymore, and caring for these animals is now a year-round effort.

Community cats are incredibly resourceful, and litters of kittens can be born anywhere a mom cat can find a dry, warm and safe environment.

ARL advises anyone who notices a colony or kittens in and around their home or neighborhood, to contact ARL’s Field Services Department for assistance at (617) 426-9170 x563.

ARL does not receive any government funding for this important work, so these cats and kittens must rely generosity of people like you to get their best chance for a happy and healthy life.

To help support their care, please visit support.arlboston.org/communitycats.

Rescued Neonatal Kittens Find New Homes

Neonatal kittens raised by surrogate mother cat

A pair of neonatal kittens who were saved by the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and just a day old when they were found in a driveway in Hyde Park have defied the odds and are now ready to find their permanent homes, thanks in large part to the care provided by a surrogate mother cat.

It was a hot July day when a resident discovered the neonatal kittens in a driveway, and shocked by the discovery, contacted ARL’s Field Services for assistance.

It’s unknown whether the mother cat had abandoned the kittens or that something had happened to her.

ARL responded quickly, rescued the kittens, and brought them to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center for critical care and treatment.

At approximately one-day-old, the kittens were literally helpless.

The umbilical cords were still attached, their eyes were closed and were far too young to care for themselves.

While initially bottle-feeding the kittens, a long-term solution was needed.

ARL did have a young cat in foster care who had given birth a couple of weeks prior, and ARL staff introduced the idea of seeing if the cat, named Victoria, could serve as a surrogate mother to the kittens.

The kittens were introduced to Victoria, who immediately took them in, and for next nine weeks, cared for them as if they were her own.

The kittens, now named Willie Nelson and George Strait, are happy, healthy and ready to find their new homes at ARL’s Dedham facility.

The pair also made fast friends with their adoptive brother Tim McGraw, who is also looking for his new home.

The stars aligned for these two kittens, and ARL is thrilled that they will now have the opportunity to live the long lives they deserve.

ARL’s Community Cat Program

At ARL, we are focused on community cats; those that live outdoors and are unowned, but are a part of our local communities.

It is important to remember that cats living in community colonies are not all considered “feral” but consist of a combination of feral, shy, and friendly stray cats all living together.

Previously, the animal welfare term “feral” was often associated with “bad cats” or “other cats.”

While feral cats are different in the sense that they have not been properly socialized with humans, they are biologically the same as owned house cats.

Community cats face many challenges living outdoors.

Without proper shelter and care, they are at risk of illness and injury. Additionally, without spay/neuter surgery, these cats can produce many litters and continue the cycle of large colonies of unowned cats. 

It is estimated that over 700,000 cats roam free in Massachusetts with 70,000 in Boston alone.

Our Rescue Agents will respond to the call of residents who report a colony of cats, investigating the colony to determine the number of cats and kittens residing in that area, the cats’ overall health status, and whether or not a local resident is feeding them regularly and can continue.

After the initial assessment, a TNR (Trap-Neuter- Return) plan is formulated for that particular colony.

TNR is one of the most humane and effective ways to stop the cycle of homelessness among cats.

Spay and neuter surgeries are low risk and proven to improve the safety and health of these cats as well as the community as a whole.

The plan also includes vaccines, and whether each cat will be returned to the colony, returned to their owner if microchipped, or admitted to an ARL shelter to be put up for adoption if they are friendly.

ARL Rescues Stray Kitten Trapped Below Fall River Boardwalk

Stray kitten now in permanent home

This past week, a nine-week-old stray kitten was rescued by the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Field Services Department after finding itself at the bottom of a steep embankment below a Fall River, MA, boardwalk, and unable to get out.

The situation unfolded in the area of The Cove Restaurant and Marina in Fall River, when a couple walking along the boardwalk area heard the kitten mewing and contacted ARL for assistance.

ARL Field Services responded to the area and spotted the kitten curled up on a rock.

See local news coverage of the rescue.

The kitten was about 20 feet below the boardwalk, and the steeply sloped and rocky area was not accessible without risk of injury, and the fear was the kitten would run and hide if responders attempted to come down to his level.

ARL contacted Fall River Animal Control to assist in the rescue, and ARL’s agents tied a humane cat trap to ropes and lowered it down to the area in an attempt to trap the animal.

On-scene responders held the door to the trap open while others would throw food to try and tempt the kitten into the trap.

After about 40 minutes, the kitten, showing signs of obvious hunger, drew closer and eventually stepped into the trap to get to the food that had been placed inside.

Once inside the trap, ARL’s agent snapped it shut, and raised the trap back to the boardwalk, where the kitten was safely placed in a carrier for transport.

The kitten, now named Wharf, was transported to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center, where he was immediately fed and given a thorough veterinary exam.

Aside from being ravenously hungry and frightened, Wharf was in good overall health.

It’s anyone’s guess how the kitten wound up in his precarious position, but ARL  focused on finding Wharf the permanent home he deserves, which he found just days after coming to the organization!

ARL wishes to thank the Good Samaritans who reported the wayward kitten, and Fall River Animal Control for their assistance in rescuing this adventurous animal.