Category: Advocacy
Watch the Video: Dog in Hot Car Demonstration

ARL participates in hot car demonstration in front of MA State House

Earlier today, July 14, 2016, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), MSPCA-Angell, and HSUS participated in a hot car demonstration in front of the Massachusetts State House to illustrate the dangers of leaving your pet in a hot car — even for a few minutes. On a warm sunny day, it’s just Too Hot for Spot®!

Click the “play” button below to watch the Facebook Live video of today’s demonstration:

Senator Mark Montigny of New Bedford, the original sponsor of the bill, and Representative Lori Ehrlich of Marblehead, spoke at the event alongside officials from the ARL, MSPCA, and HSUS. Local law enforcement, fire fighters, and animal control officers who respond to calls about animals in hot cars were also in attendance.

As the speakers delivered their remarks, the live hot car demonstration showed the thermometer inside a vehicle rise to well over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes.

On June 28, the Senate passed a bill (S 2369) that would set civil penalties for abandoning an animal in a hot car and would make clear that police officers, firefighters and animal control officers may enter a hot car for the sole purpose of releasing an animal believed to be in danger. The bill is now before the Committee on House Steering, Policy and Scheduling.

The ARL urges swift passage of S. 2369 An Act to Prevent Animal Suffering and Death… and YOU can help!

Please contact your Massachusetts State Representative and ask them to pass S. 2369 AN ACT TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING AND DEATHFind your representative.

More information on summer pet safety.

ARL Urges Passage of Animal Welfare Legislation

Take action to help pass S. 2369 An Act to Prevent Animal Suffering and Death

With summer temperatures on the rise it is imperative that Massachusetts State pass S. 2369 An Act to Prevent Animal Suffering and Death.

While it is crucial to educate pet owners about the real dangers of leaving their animals in vehicles, it is also important to have common sense laws on the books to help prevent the suffering of animals.

This bill would be the first law in Massachusetts that addresses the real dangers of leaving animals in vulnerable situations, and especially during extreme weather conditions. 

Too Hot for SpotARL’s Too Hot for Spot® educational campaign clearly shows the extremely short period of time it takes for a vehicle to heat up even with windows slightly open. Unfortunately, some pet owners still leave their animals in their vehicles.

S. 2369 An Act to Prevent Animal Suffering and Death will allow for earlier intervention by law enforcement and other governmental agencies as well as by individuals in extreme cases.

This law will not only prevent the death of animals but also protect owners from potential animal cruelty charges. It will also be a reminder to all that extreme temperatures are dangerous for animals.

S. 2369 empowers those that see dangerous situations for animals to intervene earlier to prevent suffering and even death.

In addition to removing animals from vehicles this bill also provides much needed clarity with respect to  tethering of  dogs.  These amendments will ensure that dogs do not end up living on chains and left outside for long periods of time, especially in extreme weather conditions.

The ARL urges swift passage of S. 2369 An Act to Prevent Animal Suffering and Death… and YOU can help!

Please contact your Massachusetts State Representative and ask them to pass S. 2369 An Act to Prevent Animal Suffering and Death.

Find your representative.

Over 170,000 Signatures Collected to STOP Farm Animal Cruelty

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) hosts rally to celebrate successful signature campaign

We’re thrilled to be a part of the Citizens for Farm Animal Protection campaign, where over 170,000 signatures have been collected to phase out the extreme confinement of animals at industrial-style factory farms, as well as the sale of products produced under those conditions. Last week, fifteen boxes containing the #StopCrueltyMA signatures made their way to the Secretary of the Commonwealth for certification and to secure a spot on the November ballot.

Interested in lending a hand? Learn how you can help.


Special thanks to all of the wonderful organizations involved including the HSUS, ASPCA, MSPCA Animal Action Team, Franklin Park Zoo, The Humane League – Boston, Mercy For Animals, Farm Forward, Compassion in World Farming (USA), Animal Equality, Farm Sanctuary, the Mass Sierra Club and all of the dedicated volunteers who collected signatures and to all those who supported this momentous effort to end the extreme confinement of farm animals!