Category: Blog
ARL Hosting Small Animal Adopt-a-Thon

Small animal adoption fees to be waived during adoption event

Thinking of adding a small animal to your family?

Join the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) across the organization’s three Animal Care & Adoption Centers for a Small Animal Adopt-a-thon in honor of Clear The Shelters, a national pet adoption campaign.

From August 10 through August 13, from guinea pigs to rabbits, mice, rats, among others*, ARL’s adoption fees will be waived — they may be small, but they will hold a big place in your heart!

ARL’s Adoption Forward process will remain the same and our adoption team will require prospective adopters to bring a photo of the cage their pet will live in to ensure it meets our requirements.

Search small animals available for adoption.

ARL has seen a steady influx of these animals including guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, rats, hamsters, even sugar gliders and chinchillas over the past several years, and a large component to these surrenders are animals that are incorrectly sexed and wind up mating — leading to unexpected litters.

There are countless benefits to adopting a small animal.

Aside from off-the-chart cuteness, these animals are perfect for smaller living spaces and for living environment that may not allow a dog or cat. They are also social, loving, and make wonderful companion animals! Additionally, many smallies can be trained to use a litter box, among other cute and amazing skills!

Visit an ARL Animal Care & Adoption Center from August 10 through August 13 from 1:00pm-6:00pm:

Boston: 10 Chandler Street

Dedham: 55 Anna’s Place

Brewster (Cape Cod): 3981 Main Street
Note this location is open by appointment only on Sunday, 8/13. Please call (617) 426-9170 x305 to schedule an appointment.

*exclusions apply

ARL Staff and Volunteers Going Above and Beyond to Help Morbidly Obese Cats

Volunteers helping 30-pound obese cats groom, and exercise to promote weight loss

With several morbidly obese cats recently being brought to the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), the organization’s staff and volunteers have dedicated themselves to helping these 30-pound cats in any way possible to help them lose weight and find the forever homes they deserve.

Maleficent came to ARL weighing more than 30 pounds.

To put this into context, a typical healthy weight for a cat is approximately 10 pounds!

For Maleficent, a 3-year-old female cat, and King, a 7-year-old male cat, both exceeded 30 pounds upon arrival at ARL, and given their condition, they were unable to groom themselves, leading to painful mats in their fur, and were relatively immobile.

Following their initial veterinary exams, both cats needed a dietary plan to lessen their caloric intake, and as we all know, the key to weight loss is to get up and get moving.

ARL staff and volunteers have dedicated themselves to spending ample time with these cats during the day, helping them groom so they will remain comfortable, and getting them out of their kennels for playtime and exercise.

To date, the cats are both responding well, they have come out of their shells and are starting to show their sweet and playful sides, and have both lost several pounds over the past month or so.

King came into ARL weighing 33 pounds.

Despite the progress, both cats will need to be in homes with families that are committed to helping the cats continue their weight loss journey and help them in any way possible.

Like humans, excessive weight gain for animals can be extremely detrimental to their overall health and well-being.

Health risks for obese animals include diabetes, high blood pressure, renal disease, and respiratory disease, among others.

Both King and Maleficent are currently unavailable for adoption as ARL wants the animals to achieve a healthier weight before finding their forever homes.

Volunteering at ARL

ARL volunteers are the lifeblood of the organization, performing many tasks to help ARL achieve its mission to be an unwavering champion for animals every day of the year.

In 2022, 1,100 volunteers donated nearly 118,000 hours to help animals in need, the equivalent of 57 full-time staff members!

If you have a passion for animals, consider volunteering at ARL.

ARL Reminds Pet Owners to Keep Pets Safe During Heat Wave

Heat wave with high humidity poses threats to pet health

With an oppressive heat wave poised to settle into the area over the next few days, a wide swath of Massachusetts will be under a heat advisory, while the City of Boston has issued a heat emergency, and the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is reminding pet owners to take measures to keep pets comfortable and safe during this time.

Keep your pet safe and healthy by following these important basic guidelines:

  • Prevention is always your best bet. Whenever possible, leave your pet at home in a cool humidity and temperature-regulated room.
  • If your pet must be outdoors, find a shady spot with ample air flow to prevent overheating.
  • Hydration is key, so keep a bowl of cold water accessible at all times.
  • Limit exercise to the morning or evening hours when temperatures are at their coolest. Aside from the heat, the high humidity can cause respiratory issues for animals, particularly short-snouted animals (i.e. pugs).
  • Be mindful of surface temperatures. Asphalt, concrete, or brick surfaces absorb heat and surface temperatures can exceed 145 degrees can cause severe burns to your pet’s paws! Apply the 7-second rule – place the back of your hand on a surface and if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet.
  • When the temperatures rise, it’s Too Hot for Spot®! Never leave your pet alone in a parked car — even with the air conditioner on or the windows cracked.

It is illegal in Massachusetts to keep an animal confined in a vehicle during extreme hot or cold conditions, and when a weather advisory is issued, it is also illegal to keep dogs tethered for longer than five hours in a 24-hour period.

Dogs also cannot be tethered outdoors between 10 PM and 6 AM, unless for not more than 15 minutes and when the owner/keeper is present.

ARL Teams with NE Revolution, Mass State Police, MassDot, RMV for Too Hot for Spot® Demonstration

When the Temperature Rises – It’s Too Hot for Spot®!

As New England continues to see extremely hot summer conditions, this week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) teamed up with the New England Revolution, Massachusetts State Police (MSP), Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDot), and the Registry of Motor Vehicles, for ARL’s 10th annual summer safety campaign, Too Hot for Spot®, to remind pet owners about the dangers of leaving an animal in a hot car.

ARL hosted a press event at the organization’s Dedham Campus, which included a demonstration of how quickly the interior of a vehicle can heat up.

A large thermometer was placed in a vehicle by Slyde, the NE Revolution’s mascot, and with an outside temperature of 80 degrees, in less than 10 minutes the interior temperature of the vehicle soared to over 115 degrees!


Unlike humans, animals cannot efficiently cool their bodies.

And if you think that cracking the windows will help keep your pet cool – it won’t.

As demonstrated, the inside of a vehicle can heat up to well over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes, and the stifling heat inside a car makes animals susceptible to heat stroke, and the onset of symptoms is rapid.

Common symptoms of heat stroke in animals include lethargy or weakness, heavy panting, glazed eyes, profuse salivation, excessive thirst, lack of coordination, a deep red or purple tongue, vomiting – and it can even cause seizures, unconsciousness, or death.

With the onset of heat stroke, every second counts, so if your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is critical that you take them immediately to the closest veterinary hospital for treatment.

Health hazards aside, it is also against the law in Massachusetts to keep an animal confined in a vehicle when extreme heat or cold may threaten the animal’s health – and law enforcement throughout the Commonwealth will be on the lookout throughout the summer.

Please, when it is hot outside, leave your pet at home.

Set them up in a cool, humidity and temperature-controlled room, give them plenty of water, and make sure to limit their outdoor exercise to the morning or evening hours when it is coolest.

Learn more about summer pet safety tips.

Thank You

ARL would like to thank the New England Revolution, Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and Registry of Motor Vehicles for helping spread ARL’s Too Hot for Spot® summer safety campaign to the masses.

This campaign saves lives and ARL thanks you!

ARL Assists Boston Animal Control to Rescue Family of Ducks from Busy Boston Street

Ducks relocated to the Back Bay Fens

This past week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Field Services Department assisted Boston Animal Care and Control in the rescue of a family ducks from a patio along a busy Boston street, and moving them to a safer location.

The mama duck and her seven ducklings were on a patio along the 800 block of Boylston Street in Boston, creating a dangerous situation, particularly for the ducklings.

Ducklings safely netted along a busy Boston street.
Ducklings ready for transport.
Mama and ducklings relocated to their new surroundings in the Back Bay Fens.

Boston Animal Control contacted ARL for assistance and once on-scene, the ARL’s Field Services agents were able to safely corral and trap the ducklings with a net before placing them in a transport crate.

Once the ducklings and their mother were ready for transport, Boston Animal Control brought the family of ducks to a waterway along the Back Bay Fens, where the family quickly acclimated to their new surroundings away from the hustle and bustle of the busy Boston streets.

About ARL Field Services

ARL Field Services provides technical and non-technical rescue operations for injured or lost domestic animals, livestock, and raptors (turkey vultures, osprey, hawks, eagles, falcons, and owls).

ARL Field Services also assists governmental agencies with equipment and training; and plays an essential role in assisting ARL Law Enforcement in cases of animal cruelty, neglect, and abuse.

If you need assistance, call (617) 426-9170 to reach ARL Field Services dispatch, which operates from 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM Tuesday-Saturday.

Protecting Pets During the July 4 Holiday Weekend

Fireworks can trigger anxiety in pets

Fireworks and July 4th go hand-in-hand, however, this is also a time of great anxiety for our pets, and the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) reminds pet owners to take extra steps to ensure our pets are safe and calm during the upcoming holiday weekend.

While exciting for us, fireworks can cause behavioral issues in our pets that may last for a long time, and signs to watch out for include: shaking, drooling, howling or barking, pacing, trying to find a place to hide, and loss of bladder control, among others.

When stressed and exhibiting signs of fear, dogs may potentially redirect that fear into an aggressive behavior. Additionally, the loud noises and bright lights of fireworks may also cause a dog to run off. During this time of year, shelters around the nation typically see an increase in lost dog reports.

The first and easiest step to take is to make sure that your pet is wearing a collar with identification tags, and if they are microchipped, to be sure that the contact information is current and correct; as a precaution just in case they become lost.

You can also set them up in a quiet, temperature-controlled room with some of their favorite toys, turn on some soft music, a television, or a white noise machine to help drown out the noises caused by fireworks.
If you are concerned about the bright lights, you can also move your pet into a room with no windows, however, you may need to prepare for the chance they may run when the door is opened.

There are also medications to help reduce stress and anxiety, however, this is something that needs to be discussed with your veterinarian to determine which, if any, medication would be appropriate for your pet.

Additional Summer Safety Tips

Keep your pet safe and healthy by following these important basic guidelines:

  • Prevention is always your best bet. Whenever possible, leave your pet at home in a cool humidity and temperature-regulated room.
  • If your pet must be outdoors, find a shady spot with ample air flow to prevent overheating.
  • Hydration is key, so keep a bowl of cold water accessible at all times.
  • Limit exercise to the morning or evening hours when temperatures are at their coolest.
  • Never leave your pet alone in a parked car — even with the air conditioner on or the windows cracked. Remember, when the temperatures rise, it’s Too Hot for Spot®

More summer safety tips.

ARL Law Enforcement Participates in Important Training Sessions

ARL Law Enforcement offers vital training for local, state, and federal law enforcement

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department recently hosted and participated in two important training sessions involving animal control officers, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as the next generation of Massachusetts State Police Troopers.

ARL Hosts HSUS for Court Procedure Training

This past month, the Rabe Family Education and Training Center at ARL’s Dedham Campus hosted a special training in partnership with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), to educate animal control officers, veterinarians, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels.

The training focused on testifying about animal crimes in a courtroom setting, which can present a unique set of challenges for law enforcement.

ARL hosts HSUS for a training session.
ARL hosts HSUS for a training session.
ARL hosts HSUS for a training session.
ARL addressing the 88th Recruit Training Troop at the Massachusetts State Police Academy.
ARL addressing the 88th Recruit Training Troop at the Massachusetts State Police Academy.
ARL addressing the 88th Recruit Training Troop at the Massachusetts State Police Academy.

The four-hour training session focused on special considerations for cases related to intimate partner violence, how to effectively work with witnesses and utilizing experts, and how to effectively navigate cross-examination.

The training session involved more than 100 participants, and organizers were thrilled with the turnout, highlighting that the training will result in future success in cases involving animal cruelty and related crimes.

“There’s a lot of cases that don’t necessarily get the full attention they deserve,” said HSUS Law Enforcement Trainer Erin Aiello. “By training ACO’s so they can take it all the way, having them understand what prosecutors are looking for, what’s important at trial, the importance of them to a judge and a jury, really can make sure these cases are being seen and being valued all the way through the process.”

ARL Law Enforcement and Advocacy Visit MSP Academy

For the past several years, ARL has had the privilege to present to State Trooper cadets at the Massachusetts State Police Academy, and representative from ARL’s Law Enforcement and Advocacy Departments were once again tabbed recently to address the 88th Recruit Training Troop.

During the training session, ARL addressed existing animal cruelty laws, recognizing signs of animal abuse, and how ARL can assist local and state law enforcement agencies in investigating cases of suspected animal cruelty.

ARL is honored to have had this incredible opportunity to instruct the next generation of Massachusetts State Troopers, and look forward to continuing this collaborative effort with the Massachusetts State Police.

Pitbull-Type Dogs Removed from Unsanitary Conditions Ready for Adoption

Unsanitary conditions led to varying medical needs for dogs

Six Pitbull-type dogs that were recently removed from a Malden home due to unsanitary conditions will soon be looking for new homes, this after the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) first removed the dogs, and then provided treatment for various medical needs.

Local news coverage.

ARL worked with Malden Animal Control to remove the dogs, then transferred the animals to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center where they immediately received thorough veterinary exams.

June Bug

Upon arrival at ARL, several of the dogs were thin and borderline emaciated, one of the dogs required surgery for pyometra (a uterine infection that if left untreated could be life-threatening), and the majority of the animals had signs of living in unsanitary conditions including pressure sores, poor dental hygiene, and skin issues.

All of the dogs have been treated for their medical needs, and since being in the care of ARL have showcased their infectious personalities — they are incredibly friendly and will make great pets.

ARL hopes to find homes for these animals sooner rather than later to allow the organization to free up precious kennel space and increase ARL’s ability to take in more animals in need.

Lobby Day for Animals Returns to State House

ARL joins other animal welfare organizations, citizen advocates to lobby for animal protection law

For the first time since 2019, Lobby Day for Animals returned to the Massachusetts State House, with the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Advocacy Department joining other animal welfare organizations, citizen advocates and elected officials to lobby for proposed animal protection laws currently in front of the Massachusetts Legislature.

The event was once again held in the Great Hall at the State House, and focused on several bills currently being considered by the Massachusetts Legislature.


These bills included a cruelty omnibus bill, a housing and pets bill, the usage of animals in traveling exhibits, and a declaw bill.

Several speakers, including ARL Director of Advocacy Ally Blanck spoke on the aforementioned pieces of legislation, and following the event’s speaking program, organizers escorted citizen advocates to their respective elected officials to lobby on behalf of these important bills to further protect animals in Massachusetts.

ARL was thrilled for the return of Lobby Day for Animals, and will continue to advocate for these important measures, and invite anyone who cares for animals and wants animals throughout the state to be better protected, to join ARL’s fight and to reach out to your state representatives to encourage them to be a voice for animals by supporting the bills currently under consideration.

The event was also a resounding success, as a number of legislators have now added their names as co-sponsors for several pieces of animal-related legislation.

Looking to get involved?

Your voice matters, and ARL encourages you to become an animal advocate!

For animal-related bills that are currently part of the ongoing legislation session, please see ARL’s 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda, and join the fight to help animals in the Commonwealth!

ARL Spay Waggin’ Begins New Stop in Kingston

Spay Waggin’ provides low-cost spay and neuter for South Shore, South Coast, Cape, and the Islands

Looking for provide even more access to low-cost spay and neuter services, this week the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Spay Waggin’ announced that Kingston will now be a regular stop for the mobile veterinary unit.

In its first stop in Kingston, in front of the Kingston Animal Control Office, the Spay Waggin’ served 30 cats, providing the important surgery, along with other services including a brief veterinary exam, nail trim, rabies and distemper vaccines, microchip, and flea treatment.


The Spay Waggin’ serves the South Shore, South Coast, and Cape Cod and Islands, as well as East Boston, and since first hitting the road in 2000, the mobile clinic has provided spay/neuter surgeries for more than 72,000 animals.

In 2023 alone, more than 4,300 animals have been spayed/neutered on the Spay Waggin’.

Aside from Kingston, regular Spay Waggin’ stops include Brockton, East Boston, Falmouth, New Bedford, North Dartmouth, Taunton, and Wareham.

Appointments are necessary for ARL’s Spay Waggin’ and can be made online, or by calling 1-877-590-SPAY (7729), or email spaywaggin@arlboston.org.