Category: Blog
It’s National Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Not that we need a reason to celebrate our amazing volunteers and foster families, but this week marks National Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Although ARL’s celebrations for the 800-plus volunteers will once again be virtual, it continues to be an honor to acknowledge those who make incredible contributions to help fulfill ARL’s mission.

The week will be broken up into several virtual events, highlighted by a kick-off celebration with ARL’s Boston, Dedham and Brewster volunteers, and of course ARL’s annual volunteer awards night.

A number of awards will be handed out to those who went above and beyond to help animals in need over the past year, and the ceremony, virtual or not, is an annual favorite for ARL volunteers and staff alike.

Volunteers are mission critical for ARL, whether serving as ambassadors for the organization, working with behaviorally-challenged animals, comforting a frightened cat or dog, changing litter boxes, or performing a myriad of other tasks – volunteers achieve countless selfless acts of kindness every day and ARL is grateful.

Compassion Cannot be Quarantined

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted day-to-day operations for ARL, which of course affected our volunteers.

Per safety protocols, just six volunteers were assigned to each shift during the past year, however, many volunteers who couldn’t come into the buildings decided to serve in another way – as foster parents.

When ARL suspended adoption services in March 2020, nearly 200 animals were placed into temporary foster care. Additionally, ARL began two Covid-19-related programs, both of which have fostering components.

So many volunteers graciously opened up their hearts and homes to these animals when they needed it most and ARL could not be more thankful.

Despite restrictions, ARL volunteers donated more than 63,000 hours of service – a 66 percent increase from 2019! This also is the equivalent to 30 full-time staff!

“I’m always proud of the incredible accomplishments of our volunteers, but 2020 offered such unprecedented circumstances and once again ARL volunteers, which of course includes our amazing foster families, stepped up and went above and beyond anything I could’ve imagined,” said Debby Chaplic, ARL Associate Director of Volunteer Engagement. “ARL’s volunteers are a shining light and true champions for animals in need.”

Stay tuned to see who our award winners are!

Why Volunteer?

First and foremost, nonprofit organizations like ARL simply could not have such a wide reach to help animals in need without volunteers. Volunteers are integral members of the ARL family.

But volunteering has benefits beyond caring and participating in such a worthwhile cause.

About 63 million people, or 25% of the U.S. population, donate their time and talents to worthy causes.

In addition to making a difference in the community, volunteering has been shown to improve a person’s health by increasing physical activity, enhancing your mood and decreasing stress.

Another bonus?  The majority of hiring managers nationally see volunteerism as an asset in candidates seeking employment.

Thank You

ARL is grateful to each and every volunteer who helps ARL fulfill its mission to be a Champion for Animals – we are all in this together and we cannot do it without you!

Learn more about volunteering at ARL.

ARL Partners with HSUS for Law Enforcement Training

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department recently completed the second of two training sessions for animal control, veterinarians, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The training was a collaboration between ARL and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

Topics included all aspects of equine investigation, and veterinary forensics in animal investigations.

“Properly collecting and documenting evidence is critical in any law enforcement investigation, and science and technology have come a long way in aiding investigative methods as well,” said Joe King, ARL Director of Law Enforcement. “There are so many tools we can use to help solve animal cruelty cases and these training courses will help shape investigations in Massachusetts going forward and we’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with a great organization like HSUS.”

Well over 100 animal control officers, veterinarians, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers attended the virtual sessions, which are the latest in a series of training that ARL has offered.

For ARL, training those on the front lines and often the first to respond is essential not only for rescuing animals suffering cruelty, neglect and abuse, but to also hold those responsible for harming animals to be held accountable.

Since 2019, ARL has conducted training sessions for more than 600 animal control officers and members of law enforcement.

About ARL Law Enforcement

As a leader in animal welfare, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is committed to preventing animal suffering, neglect, and abuse in Massachusetts.

Law Enforcement investigates crimes against animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect. ARL employs Special State Police Officers, with the authority to enforce animal cruelty and neglect laws. These officers work closely with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and animal control officers throughout the Commonwealth.

In 2020, ARL’s Law Enforcement department helped 2,030 animals.

Although we work closely with the state, as well as many cities and towns, ARL does not receive any government or public funding and relies solely on the support of compassionate individuals like you. Donate now to help us continue our important work to serve animals and communities in need!

It’s National Animal Control Appreciation Week!

This week marks National Animal Control Appreciation Week, and the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) would like to commend and thank Animal Control Officers (ACO) throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for their steadfast commitment to keeping animals in their respective communities safe.

ACO’s are on the front lines every day and are involved with a myriad of activities – from enforcing animal protection laws, caring for stray or injured animals, to simply giving advice to pet owners to improve the lives of animals.

ARL routinely collaborates with ACO’s from all over Massachusetts to assist in any way possible. Here are just a few recent examples of our collective efforts.

Abandoned Kittens in Bridgewater

Neonatal kitten.

When animal control in Bridgewater came across a triad of three-week-old kittens who had been abandoned after likely losing their mother, they reached out to ARL for assistance.

The neonatal kittens were taken to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center whey they were bottle-fed, and underwent veterinary examinations.

Kittens this age are unable to care for themselves and are also extremely delicate.  They need to be bottle-fed every few hours and require a ton of attention and care.

The kittens will remain in foster care until they are old enough to be made available for adoption.

Stray Roosters in Billerica

Albert Eggstein and Cocky Balboa.

ACOs commonly come across stray animals, and will often contact ARL to assist with shelter, transport, or medical treatment.

Such was the case for a pair of roosters recently found as strays in Billerica.

The roosters, named Albert Eggstein and Cocky Balboa, were wandering in the town north of Boston, and once the roosters were secure, they were transported to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care & Adoption Center and the roosters were soon right at home in the iconic red barn.

The pair were examined by ARL’s veterinary staff and are now currently available for adoption!

Providing Spay and Neuter in Fall River

Fall River ACO’s.

The importance of spay and neuter cannot be stressed enough. ARL is dedicated to helping pet owners break down the barriers that may prevent them from having their pets spayed or neutered.

The pricey surgery is a barrier for many, which is why, for more than 20 years, ARL’s Spay Waggin’ has provided high-quality, low-cost spay and neuter services for communities along the South Shore, South Coast, Cape Cod and the Islands, and the Metro Boston area.

This week, ARL collaborated with ACO’s in Fall River and the Massachusetts Animal Fund (MAF) to provide spay and neuter services for nearly two dozen pet owners – all at no cost.

This marks the third year that ARL and the MAF have hosted a spay/neuter clinic in Fall River, and we look forward to providing this important surgery for even more pets in this community in the future.

ARL is proud of its relationships with ACO’s throughout the Commonwealth and wants to thank everyone on the front lines for being a champion for animals!

ARL Expands Services to Fall River Community

Services include spay/neuter and community cats

For a third year in a row, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) has partnered with the Massachusetts Animal Fund (MAF) to bring vital spay and neuter services to the South Coast community of Fall River, this as ARL continues to expand services to the Fall River community.

ARL’s Spay Waggin’, a state-of-the-art mobile surgical unit, welcomed nearly two dozen animals for the surgeries, which were covered by the MAF’s voucher program, which distributes vouchers to qualifying low-income pet owners to cover the cost of the important procedure.

Due to high demand and Covid-19-restrictions, many clients had been on a waiting list for a number of months to have their pets spayed or neutered, and ARL is pleased to once again be able to provide this vital service.

Additionally, ARL’s Field Services Department was on-hand to distribute pet food to clients.

Community Cats

ARL has recently expanded its community cat initiative into the Fall River region as well.

There are approximately 700,000 community cats, which consist of stray, feral, and semi-feral cats, in Massachusetts.

Through the Community Cat Initiative, ARL will assess colonies, and formulate a trap-neuter-return (TNR) plan to provide spay/neuter, medical care, and also find homes for cats deemed suitable for adoption.

So far ARL has worked with more than dozen cats in the region, and as the weather warms, the number of cats in need of assistance is expected to drastically increase.

For residents concerned about community cats in their respective neighborhoods, they can reach ARL’s Field Services Department by calling 617-426-9170, then dial 1.

Spay Waggin’

ARL’s Spay Waggin’ provides high-quality, low-cost spay and neuter services to animals in need on the South Shore, South Coast, Cape Cod and the Islands, as well as select locations in Metro Boston.

Since 2000 the Spay Waggin’ has provided services for more than 60,000 animals.

The Spay Waggin’ is by appointment only, and to for more information and to book an appointment, call (877) 590-SPAY (7729), or email spaywaggin@arlboston.org.

Press Release: Deceased Dog in Plastic Bag Found Near Lawrence School

Necropsy reveals extensive abuse leading to death

In late March, a young female Jack Russell Terrier-type dog was found deceased near a Lawrence, MA, school.

A necropsy has revealed the dog’s death was the result of extensive abuse, and the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department, working in conjunction with the Lawrence Police Department, are urgently seeking information to determine who may have been responsible.

A Lawrence police officer discovered the approximately 1-year-old dog along a frequented walking trail behind South Lawrence East Middle School on March 17, at approximately 10:45 a.m.

The white and tan dog had been partially wrapped in a “pee pad” and placed in a black plastic bag. There was blood present inside the bag and on the dog’s body, as well as urine staining on the dog’s tail.

It is likely the dog had not been left in the area for very long.

It appears the animal suffered extreme cruelty and abuse, which led to the dog’s death.

A necropsy has determined the animal’s cause of death to be acute blood loss and multiple skull fractures. Extensive bruising on the body indicates the dog was also intermittently abused in the 36-hours leading up to its death.

Anyone with information pertaining to this ongoing investigation is urged to contact Lawrence Police Det. Carmen Poupora at (978) 794-5900 x625, or ARL Law Enforcement at (617) 426-9170 ext. 110 or cruelty@arlboston.org.

Non-Native Lizard Hitchhikes from Florida to Massachusetts

Finders brought lizard to ARL Brewster Facility

Recently, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Center took in a curious, non-native lizard that decided to hit the road and had hitchhiked its way from Florida to Massachusetts.

To see local media coverage of this story click here!

This curious lizard took a little road trip and wound up at ARL!

The person who brought the lizard to ARL stated that the reptile had somehow gotten into the interior of the vehicle when leaving Florida and was discovered upon arrival in Massachusetts.

The lizard, described as a Brown Anole, is native to Florida and abundant in the Sunshine State, but a non-native species to Massachusetts — the lizard was transported to a reptile rescue organization in Connecticut to receive care and be rehomed.

ARL commends the actions of the lizard’s finder and reminds the pubic that non-native species should never be released into the wild, as they can create vast ecological problems.

Any non-native species should be taken to a rescue organization like ARL where they will receive the care they need.

A Friendship Forged Under Quarantine

For Ollie and Holly, they came from different areas, different situations, but fate (and a four-month quarantine) brought these two kitty friends together, and now the pair are set to spend the rest of their lives in the same home.

Five-year-old Ollie came to the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) in November 2020 after he was stuck in a tree in Weymouth for five days.

When ARL’s Field Services Department went to rescue him, neighbors indicated he had been in the area for several months and that the neighborhood kids nicknamed him Oliver (Ollie) – the name stuck.

Ollie was transported to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, and because his veterinary exam revealed several puncture wounds of unknown origin, the former stray would need to undergo a state-mandated four-month-quarantine.

For Holly, she also came to ARL in November 2020 after being found as a stray in the North Dartmouth area. Along with being a little underweight, she had suffered wounds to her legs, and like Ollie, was required to spend the next four months in quarantine.

When Ollie Met Holly

Upon arrival at ARL, Holly was friendly but nervous, especially around new people – she did however enjoy being around other cats.

Ollie on the other hand was incredibly friendly upon arrival, saying hello to anyone who would pay him attention. When it came to other cats however, Ollie was not interested – until he met Holly.

The two were placed in an office so they could have more space to stretch out and interact with people during their quarantine period, and for Ollie, he quickly became interested in Holly.

The pair would play and were often seen napping together, and even eating together! With Ollie’s help, Holly slowly began to come out of her shell and be more social with people.

Going Home

Given the bond forged during their four-months in quarantine, it was decided that the former community cats should find their new home together.

It didn’t take long, just days after being made available for adoption they found their perfect match and are now enjoying their new surroundings – together.

ARL Community Cat Initiative

With approximately 700,000 community cats living throughout Massachusetts, ARL launched its Community Cat Initiative in 2018, and has already helped thousands of these animals in a variety of ways.

For more information about the initiative click here.

ARL Field Services

ARL Field Services provides technical and non-technical rescue operations for injured or lost domestic animals, livestock, and raptors (turkey vultures, osprey, hawks, eagles, falcons, and owls).

ARL Field Services also assists governmental agencies with equipment and training; and plays an essential role in assisting ARL Law Enforcement in cases of animal cruelty, neglect, and abuse.

If you need assistance, call (617) 426-9170 to reach ARL Field Services dispatch, which operates from 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM Tuesday-Saturday.

Stray Cat Found Under Porch Finds Perfect Match

Community Post Leads to Rescue

A home owner in Newton, MA, recently noticed a 13-week-old kitten seeking shelter under her house, and turned to a community forum website in an effort to find his owner.

The kitten was under the porch for seven days and when no one claimed ownership, an Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) volunteer reached out to help get him off the streets.

After privately messaging the home owner, the volunteer sprang into action by responding to the home and with the help of another dedicated volunteer, was able to trap the kitten within 10 minutes and transport him to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Newton was given a thorough veterinary examination when he arrived at ARL, and it was clear that he had been on his own for a little bit.

The kitten was malnourished and underweight, his abdomen was distended, and ARL’s shelter medicine staff also detected a heart murmur.

Following his examination he was placed into foster care to rest and recuperate in a quiet, stress-free environment.

Newton spent a week in foster care, and after being neutered and reexamined, he found his way into the perfect home!

Volunteer for Animals in Need

ARL volunteers are at the core of fulfilling the mission to be an unwavering champion for animals in need.

ARL’s 840+ dedicated volunteers donated more than 63,000 hours of their time in 2020!

Additionally, ARL’s 435 foster families took in nearly 850 animals in 2020, giving them the opportunity to spend time outside of the shelter environment, and in Newton’s case, recover from injury or illness in a quiet, loving space.

We are so grateful to all of our volunteers, and if you are interested in giving back for animals in need. View volunteer opportunities.

Benji’s Remarkable Transformation

ARL granted bond request in case

In 2017, legislation was enacted in an effort to strengthen financial protections for animal care facilities like the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), who provide long-term care for an animal who is the subject of an active animal cruelty investigation and prosecution.

The legislation allows the prosecuting agency to request a court order for the accused to post a security bond, which can be used to recuperate costs of shelter, food, medical care, behavioral training, and other related costs.

If granted, the accused would have to either cover the bond or forfeit the animal.

ARL staunchly advocated for this piece of legislation, and in early 2021 ARL was granted a bond in a case dating back to late 2019. It was the first time since the passage of the legislation that ARL was granted such a bond.

Benji’s Story

ARL’s Law Enforcement Department took custody of Benji, now a four-year-old pitbull-type dog in November 2019 – along with dehydration, skin issues, foreign material in his stomach and other medical concerns, he was severely emaciated, weighing just 30 pounds, about half of what he should’ve weighed at the time.

Animal cruelty charges were filed, and while the case made its way through the judicial system, the incredibly friendly and resilient dog began his long journey to recovery.

Given the level of his emaciation, he was put on a strict feeding program and placed into foster care.

With dozens of shelter medicine visits and plenty of love and care, over time Benji got back to a normal weight, and his persistent skin issues were treated.

Case Closed

In early 2021, ARL was granted the security bond, and the accused ultimately agreed to forfeit Benji.

Caring for Benji for well over a year, his foster family had formed an amazing, loving bond, and wound up adopting him!

Benji Adopted

Advocating for Animals

The 2021-2022 Massachusetts legislative has begun and ARL’s Advocacy Department will continue to push for statewide legislation on issues critical to animal welfare in the Commonwealth.

Click here to see ARL’s legislative agenda and for more information on how you can be a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves.

Spay Waggin’ Treats Ill Community Kitten

Kitten needed eye removed due to severe infection

During a recent scheduled stop along the South Coast for the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Spay Waggin’, an 11-month-old community kitten from Westport, MA, came in to be neutered and was slated to be returned to the field.

However, this kitten needed additional veterinary care due to a severe upper respiratory infection.

The infection had impacted one of his eyes to the point of rupture, meaning he would need the infected eye removed.

ARL agreed to take over his care and he was transferred to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption center where the neuter and enucleation surgeries were performed.

As with every community cat that comes into ARL, the kitten, now named Mike Wazowski in honor of a character from the Pixar movie Monsters Inc., was assessed behaviorally to determine if he was to be returned to the field or put up for adoption.

Mike was social almost immediately, and his playful personality quickly won over staff and volunteers alike.

The resilient 11-month-old kitten recovered quickly from his surgeries and less than two weeks after coming to the Spay Waggin’, Mike found his perfect match and is loving his new home!

Spread the Love to Help Animals Like Mike All Year Long!

During the month of February, as many celebrate love and affection, ARL is Spreading the Love to highlight the love we share for our furry and feathered friends!

Animals like Mike give us so much. They provide comfort, happiness, and, of course, love. And animals have been a huge support for so many during these difficult months.

Here are 3 way to join us and Spread the Love:

  1. Express your love for animals by making a gift 
  2. Make a gift in honor of a love one and send a special Valentine’s Day message with an eCard or a mailed card
  3. Become a Champions Circle member and help animals in need all year long

ARL’s Champions Circle is a special group of 800+ dedicated individuals who provide support in the form of recurring (usually monthly) donors. Their generosity provides the critical support to keep animals safe and healthy all year long.

If you’re interested in joining this select group, use our secure online form or call Derek at (617) 226-5662 to set up your gift over the phone.