Category: Blog
Rochester Farm Owner Arrested on 21 Counts of Animal Cruelty

ARL assists Rochester animal control and police department on the case

On Tuesday afternoon, Rochester Animal Control Officer Anne Estabrook uncovered a farm in Rochester, Massachusetts under deplorable conditions. She immediately contacted the Rochester Police Department to open a criminal investigation for animal cruelty.

ARL's director of law enforcement, Lt. Alan Borgal, was called in to help remove animals from a Rochester farm on Tuesday. The farm owner was arrested and arraigned on 21 counts of cruelty to animals.

ARL’s director of law enforcement, Lt. Alan Borgal, was called in to help remove animals from a Rochester farm on Tuesday. The farm owner was arrested and arraigned on 21 counts of cruelty to animals. Photo courtesy of Rochester Police Department.

When they arrived on the scene, investigators found 23 animals which included dogs, pigs, cows, goats, and rabbits who had been severely neglected.

Most of the animals were housed in pens filled with mud, garbage, and feces. All of the animal appeared to be malnourished; many were sick and suffering, and one baby calf was found deceased on the property. Two unlicensed dogs were also located on the premesis.

Lt. Alan Borgal, director of law enforcement at the Animal Rescue League of Boston was called in to help remove the deceased baby calf from the scene.

The property owner agreed to surrender all of his animals and was arrested and charged with 21 counts of cruelty to animals. A felony in Massachusetts, each count of animal cruelty carries a sentence of up to 7 years in state prison and a maximum fine of $5,000. The owner will also be facing action by the town of Rochester for various health and building code violations.

The investigation is still on-going.

TAKE ACTION! Report suspicions of animal cruelty to your local authorities. Learn more at arlboston.org/take-action.


ARL Recovers 18 Game Birds from Tewksbury Home

Suspects arraigned in connection with illegal animal fighting ring

Earlier this week, 24 suspects were arrested and arraigned for their suspected involvement in an illegal cockfighting ring in Tewksbury, Massachusetts.

ARL's manager of rescue services, Brian O'Connor, helped recover 18 modern game birds from the illegal cockfighting ring in Tewksbury, MA. Photo courtesy of the Tewksbury police department

Lt. Alan Borgal, director of law enforcement at the ARL, and Brian O’Connor (pictured), manager of rescue services at the ARL, helped recover 18 modern game birds from the illegal cockfighting ring in Tewksbury, MA. Photo courtesy of the Tewksbury police department.

The Tewksbury Police Department acted on a tip that multiple people were gambling on a “cock fight” at the residence of 969 Chandler Street.

When officials entered the home surrounded by surveillance equipment, they discovered 24 people participating in a “cock fight”. Several packages of spurs, kits with tape, and over $13,000 in cash, were also found on the scene.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), Tewksbury Animal Control, and the Massachusetts Environmental Police were called in for help.

“There were 18 modern game birds involved,” says Lt. Alan Borgal, director of law enforcement at the ARL. “Many of them had artificial plastic spurs attached to their legs to inflict more damage to one another during the fight.”

Sadly, 5 of the modern game birds were critically injured and did not survive. The remaining 13 birds are in the custody and control of the ARL’s law enforcement department.

On Monday, all 24 suspects were arraigned in Lowell District Court on charges of cruelty to animals and being present at an animal fight. The two organizers of the cockfighting ring were also charged with keeping or promoting an animal fight.

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING – We all have a role to play in prevention! Report suspicions of animal cruelty, abandonment, neglect to your local authorities. Learn more at arlboston.org/take-action

Thank You Thursday Salute to Boston City Council

ARL celebrating passage of “Puppy Mill Bill”

The Boston City Council yesterday approved the Puppy Mill Bill” which prohibits the sale of puppies, kittens and rabbits from Boston pet stores, as well as public parks and city streets.

City Councilor Matt O’Malley introduced the ordinance a week ago.  He was inspired by numerous stories of constituents who purchased animals at pet stores that later turned out to be sick, and who in some cases died.

Dubbed the “Puppy Mill Bill,” the ordinance received strong support from the Animal Rescue League of Boston and other local and national animal welfare organizations.

“We are grateful to the Boston City Council for taking action for animals,” said Mary Nee, President of the Animal Rescue League of Boston.  “The more we do to prevent inhumane breeders from growing their business in Massachusetts, the more we improve the safety and health of animals in our communities.”

Puppy Mill Ordinance

Yesterday the Boston City Council approved the “Puppy Mill Bill” which prohibits the sale of puppies, kittens and rabbits from Boston pet stores, as well as public parks and city streets!

In recent years, our law enforcement team has seen an increase in underage, unvaccinated puppies and kittens sold in parks and public places.  Concern about the treatment of animals in large-scale commercial breeding operations also inspired our support for legislative action.

Mayor Marty Walsh immediately signed the ordinance and the ban on sales in public parks and city streets took immediate effect.

The ban on sales of puppies, kittens and rabbits in pet stores in Boston will take effect on December 31, 2017.  No new sales of these animals will be permitted in pet stores now that the ordinance is signed.

Boston has joined more than 120 municipalities across the country that have banned the sale of commercially bred puppies and kittens from pet shops—the vast majority of whom are reared in large-scale breeding facilities, which have racked up numerous federal Animal Welfare Act violations.

Said O’Malley of the unanimous vote, “Today is an historic day for both animals and the City of Boston which proved once again that we can elevate the welfare of animals—as well as the constituents we serve—and demonstrate what a humane city Boston is.”

THANK YOU to the Boston City Council for supporting the “Puppy Mill Bill” and to all the Boston residents who contacted their district councilor to support animals in need in Massachusetts!

Boston Residents: Take Action for Animals TODAY!

Ask your district councilor to support the Puppy Mill Ordinance

Boston residents ONLY: Contact your district councilor TODAY and ask them to support the Puppy Mill Ordinance!

Boston residents ONLY: Contact your district councilor TODAY and ask them to support the Puppy Mill Ordinance!

City Councilor Matt O’Malley is pushing the Boston City Council to vote TODAY on THE PUPPY MILL ORDINANCE, prohibiting Boston’s pet shops from selling puppies, kittens and rabbits and the roadside sales of these animals.

If you live in the City of Boston, you can help!

Please contact your district councilor and all four at-large councilors NOW to ask them to support THE PUPPY MILL ORDINANCE.

IF YOU ARE A BOSTON RESIDENT ONLY, follow these 2 important steps:

  1. Contact your one district councilor (see list below). If you are not sure who your district councilor is, look him/her up here: http://www.cityofboston.gov/myneighborhood/ (click on “details” after putting in your address).
  2. AND contact Councilors Essaibi-George, Flaherty, Pressley and Wu (they all represent you as at-large councilors).

If Councilor O’Malley represents you, please thank him for his support for animals in need in Boston!

THANK YOU for taking action for animals in Massachusetts!

ARL’s Dr. Schettino answers FAQs about spay/neuter

ARL’s Dr. Schettino answers FAQs about spay/neuter

Let’s face it: there’s nothing cool about pet overpopulation.

Dr. Edward Schettino with Moose, an ARL alum from the Boston shelter.

Dr. Edward Schettino with Moose, an ARL alum from the Boston shelter.

According to Dr. Edward Schettino, ARL’s vice president of animal welfare, a large portion of the animals coming to ARL shelters every year are a result of unplanned or abandoned litters of puppies and kittens. “If we can increase spay and neuter rates then we can help prevent pet overpopulation in a very humane way.”

Despite all the health benefits of spaying and neutering pets, approximately one third of pet owners still have not brought their pet in to have the procedure.

Dr. Schettino believes that lack of affordable options and lingering myths and misconceptions about the low-risk surgery are two major barriers to increasing spay and neuter rates. In fact, the ARL frequently addresses these concerns with clients at our Boston Veterinary Care clinic and Spay Waggin’.

ARL Blog sat down with Dr. Schettino to find out the most FAQs about spay and neuter. Here’s what he had to say…

ARL Blog: What do you say to a pet owner who’s concerned that spay or neuter surgery is painful?

Dr. Schettino (DS): Pain is associated with every surgery. At the ARL, we use pain medication before, during, and after surgery to make the procedure as pain-free as possible. The majority of dogs and cats are acting 100% normal by the next morning. In fact, the challenging part to the surgery is trying to keep the dog or cat rested when they feel so good.

ARL Blog: Is spay or neuter surgery expensive? What are the local low-cost options/clinics in the area?

DS: Spay/neuter surgeries vary in price depending on location and provider – here’s a link with some great resources – massanimalcoalition.com/resources/spay-neuter. Our Spay Waggin’ also provides affordable spay and neuter services to animals in need on the South Shore and Cape Cod. You can also check with your local veterinarian.

ARL Blog: At what age should dogs/cats be spayed/neutered?

DS: Many veterinarians now spay and neuter dogs and cats as young as eight weeks of age. You should check with your veterinarian about the appropriate time for these procedures. And remember, it’s never too late to spay or neuter your pet!

ARL Blog: Should pet owners be concerned that their pet’s behaviors will change after the surgery? Will a male dog, for example, be less of a protector?

DS: Your pet’s behavior will not change. A dog’s personality is formed more by genetics and environment than by sex hormones. It is a dog’s natural instinct to protect the home and family.

ARL Blog: What can people to do help end animal overpopulation?

DS: Spay and neuter your pet! Always talk to family and friends and explain to them the benefits of spay/neuter–tell them it’s hip to snip! Help them understand that this will benefit their pet as well as help prevent animal overpopulation. Additionally, people can donate to their favorite animal welfare charity to help support  spay/neuter efforts.


For more spay and neuter resources, visit arlboston.org/spay-neuter.

The ARL Welcomes Nadine Pellegrini

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney to serve as ARL’s new director of advocacy

Please join us in welcoming aboard Nadine Pellegrini, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s very first director of advocacy! In her new role, Nadine will provide leadership and direction on our organization’s advocacy agenda.

A Natick-resident, Nadine is an animal lover who has two pet dogs and a horse. Her passion for animal welfare rounds out the many talents she brings to the ARL.

nadine pellegirini

“I’m honored to join an organization that does so much to support the health and safety of animals in our community,” says Nadine Pellegrini, ARL’s director of advocacy.

“I’m honored to join an organization that does so much to support the health and safety of animals in our community,” says Nadine. “The opportunity to help advance laws and programs that prevent cruelty, neglect, and abuse is especially meaningful to me professionally and personally.”

Nadine worked on a variety of cases during her 20 years with the U.S. Attorney’s office in Boston. Most recently, she was a member of the U.S. Attorney’s anti-terrorism unit and on the prosecution team for United States vs. Dzhokar Tsarnaev.

She also served as chief of the major crimes unit, prosecuting cases involving enforcement of the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and more.

After receiving her law degree from Albany Law School of Union University, a keen interest in animal protection led Nadine to pursue a master of science degree in animals and public policy from the Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy (CAPP) at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.

Nadine also taught animal law at Boston College Law School and given lectures on federal wildlife protection at CAPP.

Nadine’s extensive knowledge of law enforcement and experience prosecuting crimes will help immenselyas the ARL moves legislation and policy discussion forward to improve the protection and treatment of animals in Massachusetts,” explains Mary Nee, president of the ARL.

Please help us give a warm welcome to Nadine Pellegrini, ARL’s first director of advocacy!

Happening Now: ARL Hosts Free Spay-Neuter-A-Thon

ARL spays/neuters 52 Cape Cod animals in need on World Spay Day

Early this morning, ARL’s Spay Waggin’ pulled into Falmouth, MA to host it’s very first Free Hip to Snip Free Spay-Neuter-A-Thon on the 22nd annual World Spay Day.

The last Tuesday of every February, National World Spay Day shines a spotlight on the power of affordable, accessible spay/neuter to prevent pet overpopulation.

Thanks to a generous grant from Cold Noses Foundation, the ARL’s Spay Waggin’ is providing free spay and neuter services to animals in need on Cape Cod. The mobile surgical unit will be stationed outside of the Petco in Falmouth today and tomorrow.

Dr. Kyle Quigley, lead veterinarian at the ARL, helped spay and neuter over xxx animals on the Spay Waggin' in 2015!

DID YOU KNOW… that the ARL’s Spay Waggin’ provides high-quality, affordable spay and neuter services to cats and dogs on Cape Cod and the South Shore? Dr. Kyle Quigley, lead veterinarian at the ARL, spayed and neutered over 260 animals on the Cape in 2015!

During the event, Dr. Kyle Quigley, lead veterinarian for community veterinary services at the ARL, will welcome a total of 52 cat and dog patients aboard the Spay Waggin’.

“Spaying or neutering your cat or dog offers very important health benefits, yet finding affordable options can pose a challenge for many pet owners on Cape Cod,” says Dr. Quigley.

He explains that one of the ARL’s goals for the Hip to Snip Free Spay-Neuter-A-Thon is to help Cape Cod residents looking for an affordable option to learn more about the exceptional care pets receive on the Spay Waggin’.

In 2016, the Spay Waggin’ will visit Cape Cod on the third Tuesday of every month. Visits will rotate between Petco in Falmouth and The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) in Yarmouth. To view the schedule, visit arlboston.org/spay-waggin.


The Ellen B. Gray Memorial Fund has challenged us to turn a generous $5,000 donation into $20,000 before the end of February to bring spay and neuter services to more animals in need!

All funds donated during the It’s Hip to Snip Fund Drive now through February 29 will benefit the ARL’s community spay and neuter programs including the Spay Waggin’.

The ARL receives no government or public funding to provide spay and neuter services to animals in need  — ONLY YOU can make this important work possible!


VERY SPECIAL THANKS to our challenge donor, The Ellen B. Gray Memorial Fund; Da Vinci Ristorante; our media sponsors and partners Friends of Jake and Liam, WBZ, WEEI, WRKO, WZLX, 98.5 The Sports Hub, and WBOS; and everyone who made a donation to support ARL’s spay and neuter programs during the It’s Hip to Snip Fund Drive!

For more spay and neuter resources, visit arlboston.org/spay-neuter.

Debunked: Common Spay and Neuter Myths

ARL’s Dr. Schettino shares the awesome truth about spaying/neutering your pet

IT’S HIP TO SNIP! The ARL wants to break down barriers to getting pets spayed and neutered this February during National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month.

According to Dr. Schettino, vice president of animal welfare at the ARL, the cost of spay and neuter surgery is a major barrier for many pet owners. Spay and neuter surgery at a private veterinary clinic in Massachusetts can range up to several hundred dollars.

To bring affordable spay and neuter services to more animals in need, the Ellen B. Gray Memorial Fund has challenged us to raise $20,000 in just 14 days during the It’s Hip to Snip Fund Drive. All donations made during the fund drive will benefit the ARL’s community spay/neuter programs including the Spay Waggin,’ the ARL’s mobile surgical unit.

DONATE NOW to bring spay and neuter services to more animals in need.

Many misconceptions pet owners have about the low-risk surgery also stand in the way of increasing spay and neuter rates.

In a recent Twitter chat, Dr. Schettino debunked the 7 most common spay/neuter myths:

Myth #1: I don’t want my male dog or cat to feel like “less of a male.”
Fact: Pets don’t have any concept of sexual identity or ego. Neutering will not change a pet’s basic personality.

Myth #2: I want my children/family to see my pets experience the miracle of birth.
Fact: Complications can and do occur during the birthing process. Teach children/family members that all life is precious and by spaying and neutering your pet, he/she will lead a healthier, longer life.

Myth #3: It’s better to have one litter before spaying a female pet.
Fact: This is false. Females who are spayed before their first heat are typically healthier.

Myth #4: My pet is a purebred and I should breed him/her.
Fact: Your pet may be a purebred, but so is at least one out of every four pets brought to animal shelters throughout the country. Purebreds and their offspring are no exception and be spayed and neutered as well.

Myth #5: My pet will get fat and lazy.
Fact: Pets get fat and lazy because their owners overfeed them and don’t provide enough exercise, not because they are spayed or neutered.

Myth #6: My dog (or cat) is so special. I want a puppy/kitten just like her/him.
Fact: Your pet’s puppies or kittens will not be a carbon copy of your pet.

Myth #7: It’s expensive to have my pet spayed
Fact: Many affordable options exist. Check out the ARL’s spay/neuter resources to find one in your area.

Advocates Show Support at Farm Ballot Hearing Yesterday

ARL president Mary Nee joins other to push for House Bill 3930

Yesterday, more than 150 animal advocates and members of The Citizens for Farm Animal Protection Coalition gathered inside of the Massachusetts State House to attend a legislative hearing for House Bill 3930.

house bill 3930

More than 150 animal advocates and members of The Citizens for Farm Animal Protection Coalition gathered  inside the Massachusetts State House.

The bill would ensure that egg-laying hens, breeding pigs, and veal calves in Massachusetts would have enough room to turn around, lay down, and stretch their limbs. It would also ensure that shell eggs, and whole, uncooked cuts of pork and veal sold in our state are compliant with these modest standards.

At the February 11 hearing, ARL president Mary Nee joined other in voicing their support for HB 3930 in front of state officials and the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.

In her testimony, Mary urged committee members to take up the legislation because, “No animal should spend their entire life in distress without the basic freedoms to stand up, sit down and turn around.”

The Committee has until early May to make a decision on legislation.  We will provide updates to our supporters on the decision as we receive them!


Contact legislators on the committee and urge them to take action on House Bill 3930.

Extreme Cold Weather Warning In Effect

ARL and MEMA urge Massachusetts residents and their pets to stay indoors

Dangerously low temperatures are forecasted for this weekend!

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is urging residents to take precautions during this period of extreme cold weather and stay indoors. Prolonged exposure to the cold can lead to serious health issues including frostbite and hypothermia.

MEMA urges residents to minimize outside activities and to follow the same precautions for their furry companions. If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pets.

Though they may have furry coats, animals are by no means immune to dangerously cold temperatures. Even rabbits, cats, and dogs that typically live outdoors need extra assistance keeping warm as temperatures drop to alarming lows.

The ARL offers 6 steps to keep animals safe during this cold weather warning:

  1. If possible, bring pets or feral cats that you’re familiar with indoors to a garage or basement.  If it’s not possible, click here to watch the ARL’s video on making a DIY cat shelter.
    cold weather warning

    Keep community cats safe this winter by building your own DIY cat shelter in your yard. Click the photo for a basic how-to video.

  2. Bundle up your pup in a jacket or sweater during their walk, especially if their coat is made of hair (vs. fur). Take our quiz to determine if your pet needs a sweater.
  3. Before you start your engine, look under and pound on your vehicle’s hood to wake a napping cat trying to keep warm.
  4. Never leave your pet alone inside your vehicle, which won’t stay warm for long after your engine has turned off.
  5. Keep a winter pet emergency kit handy. Learn how to make your own simple and inexpensive DIY winter pet emergency kit.
  6. If your pet MUST remain outdoors, make sure that are in a winter-friendly shelter that has the following components: three-sided enclosure, stands off the ground, contains generous amounts of bedding, and plenty of (un-frozen!) drinking water. If possible, also make sure that the entrance faces away from heavy winds.

IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. If you’re concerned about a neighborhood animal outdoors in the cold this week, be sure to contact your local animal control office or authorities.

For more information about winter pet healthy and safety, visit arlboston.org/winter-pet-health.