Category: Brewster
ARL Dedicates New State-of-the-Art Facility on Dedham Campus

Building to increase organizational efficiencies, impact for animals in need

Sunday, November 14, was a historical day, as the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) dedicated a new state-of-the-art facility on its Dedham campus, which will lay the foundation for the future of the 122-year-old non-profit organization.

A number of elected officials, including State Representative Paul McMurtry, State Senator Michael Rush, other special guests were in attendance for the special occasion.

The 22,500 square-foot multi-use building and 2,700 square-foot maintenance shed broke ground in late 2020 after several years of planning, and is the cornerstone of ARL’s 10-year facilities master plan for the organization’s Boston and Dedham campuses.

The cost of the project is $16.7 million, with Mass Development issuing a $12.5 million tax-exempt bond.

This new building will increase ARL’s ability to coordinate and dispatch services to meet the changing needs of animals through mobile medicine, education, and collaboration.

The facility will also allow ARL to realize immediate and significant cost and operational efficiencies.

The building has three main components:

Medical Mobile Outreach Center: The building includes a dedicated hub for ARL’s mobile medical clinics, the Spay Waggin’ and Wellness Waggin’. The location provides optimal access to most major highways, allowing ARL to reliably and consistently reach people and animals most in need. This space will be the heart of ARL’s community-based efforts and a critical asset that will support ARL’s unwavering commitment to bring accessible and affordable veterinary and wellness care directly to those who need it most, right in the communities where they live. The center will also be equipped with medical supplies and ample storage space for increased capacity in responding to animal emergencies.

Education & Training Center for Animal and People: A new multi-purpose training center provides a critically needed location for training local and state law enforcement officers, animal control officers, and animal caregivers, who play an important preventive role in keeping communities safe for animals and people. These training resources are critical to expanding the network of professionals who can aid ARL in confronting animal cruelty head-on.

Program Management & Administration: This project also provides a new home for programmatic and administrative offices, which were previously scattered across four locations, to create greater synergy and collaboration among ARL’s programs. This will allow for more innovations that drive positive outcomes for animals and the people who care for them.

For more information regarding ARL’s Dedham Campus Plan, visit www.arlboston.org/dedham-campus-plan

Paws to Celebrate

Following the ribbon cutting ceremony, ARL hosted its annual Dedham Paws to Celebrate, a celebration of ARL’s continued work to help animals in need, and those who make this important work possible.

Guests participated in tours of the new facility, and were shown just how their financial support was put to use to help animals and the communities ARL serves.

The Dedham celebration was the fourth in a series of Paws to Celebrate events, the previous three being held on Cape Cod and in Boston.

Thank you!

ARL graciously recognizes the 2020 Paws to Celebrate sponsors and event committee, listed below, for their shared passion for animals in need. Together with ARL’s donors, their generosity will ensure that the animals that ARL serves will continue to receive the loving care they deserve.

Paws to Celebrate 2021 sponsors


Event Committee

Barbara Burg, Richard Davey, Grace Fey, Richard Kelly & Carol Akerson, Walter Kenyon, Dr. Cynthia Kettyle, Elena Kirkiles, Renee Knilans, Rod Macdonald, Malcolm McDonald, Christina Nagler, Mary Nee, Tara Oliver, Nadine Pellegrini, Alisa Plazonja, Christopher Primiano, Heather & Park Ridill, José Rodriguez-Villalobos, Laura Tomasetti.

Foundation For the Future Steering Committee

Malcolm McDonald, Campaign Chair, Board Chair 2012-2019

Mary Nee, Campaign Vice Chair, ARL President 2012-2020

Walter Kenyon, Board Chair

Cynthia Kettyle, M.D., Leadership Circle Member

José Rodriguez-Villalobos, Board Member

Laura Tomasetti, Board Vice Chair

Edward Schettino, DVM, PhD, CAWA, ARL President & CEO


Thank you for your continued support and for being an unwavering champion for animals in need!

ARL Joins Mass Animal Fund for Special Spay/Neuter Clinic in Fall River

22 Animals received vital surgery

This week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Spay Waggin’ was once again in Fall River to spay/neuter nearly two dozen animals as part of an ongoing collaborative effort with ARL, the Massachusetts Animal Fund (MAF), and Fall River Animal Control.

It’s the third year in a row ARL has hosted the clinic in collaboration with MAF and Fall River Animal Control. The surgeries are under the MAF voucher program, which distributes vouchers to qualifying low-income pet owners to cover the cost of the important procedure.

Due to high demand and Covid-19-restrictions, many clients have been on a waiting list for a number of months to have their pets spayed or neutered, and ARL is pleased to once again be providing this vital service that’s greatly needed in the Fall River Community.

“Fall River is already a struggling community, but since the pandemic, it seems as if getting spay/neuter services has proven to be even more difficult,” said Cynthia Beard-Cadima, Fall River Animal Control Officer. “People contact us daily, asking for funds.  Many are out of work and our homeless community is growing.  We are stretching every dime and our veterinarians are donating time and services more than ever.”

ARL’s Spay Waggin’

ARL’s Spay Waggin’ provides high-quality, low-cost spay and neuter services to animals in need on the South Shore, South Coast, Cape Cod and the Islands, as well as select locations in Metro Boston.

Since 2000 the Spay Waggin’ has provided services for more than 60,000 animals.

The Spay Waggin’ is by appointment only, and to for more information and to book an appointment, call (877) 590-SPAY (7729), or email spaywaggin@arlboston.org.

ARL President Participates in National Animal Welfare Panel Discussion

This week, Dr. Edward Schettino, President and CEO of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), was part of a panel to discuss animal welfare and safety on a national platform.

The Nonprofit Report is a weekly webinar hosted by Mark Oppenheim, founder of m/Oppenheim.org, an educational nonprofit organization that reports on nonprofit organizations, issues, and leaders from a number of different nonprofit sectors.

Other panelists for the webinar included Liz Skrobisch, Executive Director of Animal Rescue League of Southern Rhode Island, and Kerri Burns, CEO of Santa Barbara Humane Society.

Adoptable Pig Overcoming Behavioral Hurdles

“Violet” adjusting to new outdoor surroundings

Over the past several months, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) has been diligently working with a four-year-old pig to help her overcome her anxiety and fear-based behavioral issues and is now looking to find her the perfect place to call home.

Four-year-old Violet was raised as a house pet, spending her days inside and constantly around people. Unfortunately, her family was no longer able to care for her, and she was surrendered to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Although set up comfortably in an outdoor paddock and enclosure, it was not what she was used to. Violet did not have the constant companionship and interaction with people she was used to, and out of frustration, she began acting out.

During feeding or enrichment time, Violet would charge, bark or nip at the ARL staff member of volunteer in the paddock, and not allow them to leave.

ARL consulted an outside pig expert to better understand the behaviors Violet was displaying and to formulate a plan to curb said behaviors.

It was surmised that Violet was exhibiting signs of depression, and was fearful about being alone. When she would charge or nip a staff member or volunteer, it was her way of expressing that she did not want the person to leave. To help Violet overcome her depression and anxiety, she was taught a “back-up” cue using positive reinforcement to teach her that she needs to give space to anyone interacting with her.

Pigs are incredibly intelligent, and learning this cue has positively altered Violet’s behavior and she is once again ready to find her new home.

**Update: Violet has been adopted!**

A Behavioral Resource

While every dog and cat available for adoption undergoes a behavioral evaluation, ARL also has resources available for owned pets as well.

Training is essential for our furry friends, and ARL offers dog training courses for all levels, from puppy socialization to advanced manners.

In-person, private, semi-private and even virtual courses are offered.

ARL also offers a FREE pet behavior helpline to assist pet owners with behavioral issues including excessive barking, crate training, house soiling, among others.

To access this free service, call (617) 226-5666 or email behaviorhelpline@arlboston.org, and and ARL representative will respond within 48 hours.

Press Release: ARL Law Enforcement Seeking Information in Trio of Abandonment Cases

ARL reminds pet owners that abandoning an animal is never an option

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department is currently investigating three separate cases involving abandoned animals initiated in just the past week alone, and is reaching out to the public to obtain information relating to where the animals may have come from.

The latest case involves four doves that were left in a cage in the parking lot of a shopping center in Chelsea.

Chelsea Animal Control contacted ARL in the late afternoon hours on Thursday, October 19 to assist with the birds located at 1083 Revere Beach Parkway.

Surveillance video in the area does show an adult male in a dark-colored Ford Explorer (2006-2010 model) pull into a parking space, place the cage on the ground and then drive away.

The suspect vehicle is also missing part of the roof rack on the passenger side, and has rear quarter-panel damage, also on the passenger side.

The birds were transferred to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center and are overall in good health.

Anyone with information pertaining to this ongoing investigation is urged to contact ARL Law Enforcement at 617-426-9170 x110 or cruelty@arlboston.org.

Additionally, this past week, two abandoned kittens were discovered in a box in an alley along the Fenway, and an owned cat was left in its carrier outside of ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center.

All animals involved have been medically checked by ARL shelter medicine staff, are doing well, and will soon be available to find new homes.

Abandoning an animal is a felony offense in Massachusetts, punishable by a $5,000 fine and up to 7 years in jail.

ARL is Here to Help

ARL’s focus is to keep pets and people together, but understands that circumstances may arise when pet ownership may no longer be feasible, and offers pet surrender services at its Boston, Dedham and Cape Cod locations to assist with this difficult decision.

If you are no longer able to care for your pet and need to surrender, please call 617-426-9170 (follow the prompts for the admissions office closest to you).

Halloween Pet Safety Tips for a Safe Holiday

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and Boston Veterinary Care (BVC) share important tips to keep your pets safe and happy this Halloween season.

Boston Terrier in Halloween costume

Tip: If it’s your pet’s first time wearing a costume this Halloween, spend a few days before the big holiday getting them acclimated to wearing it. Keep in mind, some pets are just not fans of wearing costumes and would much rather wear a festive collar or bandanna instead.

With the month of October almost half over, Halloween 2021 is right around the corner! You may be a fan of the spookiest time of year, but for your pet, this haunting holiday can be truly scary.

Not to worry though, enjoying the festivities and keeping your pets safe is easier than you think – Follow these 3 tips to ensure your pet has a safe Halloween this season:

1. Keep your pets inside. The Halloween season often brings out tricksters who might taunt or harm an animal left outdoors. It’s always a good idea to keep pets inside with proper, up-to-date identification. If your pet must be outdoors, be sure to keep them leashed and an eye on them at all times.

2. Stash the sweet treats. Chocolate, especially darker chocolates, are highly toxic to cats and dogs. Additionally, many candies and gums contain Xylitol. This sugarless sweetener is highly toxic to pets. Always keep chocolate and candies out of your pet’s reach.

3. Be careful with costumes. If you decide to dress your pet up for this festive holiday, costume safety is key. Keep these costume safety tips in mind:

  • Always supervise your pet while they’re wearing a costume.
  • Make sure your pet’s costume fits properly and does not restrict their movement.
  • Be cautious of loose or dangling pieces that pets could potentially choke on.
  • Ditch the masks or other accessories that could potentially make it difficult for your pet to breath or obstruct their vision.

No plans for Halloween? Spend the day getting to know some of our adoptable animals.


Press Release: Last Dog from Randolph Law Enforcement Case Still Seeking New Home

In early-August, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department collaborated with Randolph Police to rescue 24 dogs living in unsanitary conditions from a private residence.

The dogs were removed from the home, and the previous owner has been charged with two dozen counts of animal cruelty.

Of the 20 puppies and 4 adult dogs, all have found loving homes — with the exception of Benjamin, a 2-year-old male Pitbull-type dog.

When Benjamin arrived at ARL, staff noted that while extremely friendly, the young dog lacked socialization, focus, and basic manners.

He was excitable, jumpy/mouthy, and reactive to walking on a leash.

Over the past two months, ARL’s behavioral staff and volunteers have worked extensively with Benjamin, and he has made tremendous strides maintaining focus and working on his manners.

ARL is looking forward to finding Benjamin his new home and is committed to providing behavioral council and advice for his new family once he’s home.

Click here to see Benjamin’s online profile. 

Original Release:

RANDOLPH, MA — On Wednesday, Aug. 4 at approximately noon, Randolph Police officers responded to a home on Bossi Avenue after receiving a report that a male resident at the home had threatened a person who was doing work at the residence.

Upon arrival, officers spoke with the suspect, later identified as URIE LOUISSAINT, AGE 28, OF RANDOLPH, who consented to a search of his home. Officers entered the home and found its interior to be in a state of squalor with animal waste throughout.

Inside the home, officers located four adult dogs and 20 puppies allegedly living in unsanitary conditions without adequate access to food and water.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Law Enforcement Department was immediately contacted and responded to the scene, coordinating with ARL Field Services to remove the dogs and transport them to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

In all, one male and three female dogs that are approximately two to four years of age, and 20 puppies ranging from two to four months old — all believed to be Pitbull-type dogs — were removed from the home. ARL’s shelter medicine team has examined the dogs.

One puppy, a 4-month-old male, was determined to have a broken leg and will remain in ARL’s care until healed. Umbilical hernias have been detected in some of the dogs, which will require surgery before adoption and some of the animals have heart murmurs.

“The Animal Rescue of Boston cannot commend Randolph Police and Animal Control enough,” stated ARL Law Enforcement Senior Investigator Lt. Alan Borgal. “Everyone involved in this situation demonstrated a high level of professionalism, compassion and the steadfast commitment to removing these animals from the residence quickly and getting them the care they needed.”

Randolph Police Commander Robert Emerson said, “We are pleased to have been able to remove these animals from the poor conditions they were living in. I would like to thank the ARL Law Enforcement and Field Services teams for their quick response and assistance at the scene, as well as the shelter medicine teams and foster care network for their dedication to caring for the dogs. I would also like to praise our responding officers who were called to the house on an unrelated issue and noticed that the situation the animals were living in was not acceptable.”

LOUISSAINT was charged with 24 counts of Animal Cruelty and one count of Threats to Commit a Crime. He was issued a summons to appear in court and will be arraigned at a later date at Quincy District Court.

5 Facts About Pit Bull-type Dogs

As part of National Pit Bull Awareness Month, we wanted to share some important information about Pit Bulls, a “breed” that often gets a bad rap. Unfortunately, Pit Bull-type dogs often come to our Animal Care & Adoption Centers because their owners face housing and insurance restrictions prohibiting certain breeds of dogs.

Here are 5 facts that you need to know about Pit Bull-type dogs:

1. FACT: The “Pit Bull” is not an official breed.
“Pit Bull” is an umbrella term commonly reported to contain the following 3 registered breeds of dogs: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and American Pit Bull Terrier.

Many dogs that are classified as “pit bulls” are actually a combination of mixed breed dogs of unknown pedigree or other purebred dogs which bear some physical resemblance. It is not easy to identify a dog’s breed origin(s) from appearance alone, therefore many dogs who are labeled as Pit Bull-type dogs are actually not.

2. FACT: While some Pit Bull-type dogs were historically bred for the purposes of “blood sports”, the majority were bred to become family dogs and farm help.
In the 1970s, dog “blood sports” (i.e., dogfighting, street fighting) began to get more attention by law enforcement and, therefore, the media—making the public much more aware of these cruel practices. The hype drew people to the conclusion that the Pit Bull-type dog’s history of involvement in “blood sports” made them uniquely dangerous.

The truth is that one cannot predict a dog’s behavior based on what the ancestral breed was “historically bred for.”  Instead, each dog should be assessed as a unique individual based upon their overall temperament and upbringing.

3. FACT: Pit Bull-type dogs are not born aggressive
Ever heard the phrase “nature vs. nurture”? Well, that applies here too. Pit Bull-type dogs, just like any other type, follow “learned” behavior taught by the humans who raise them.

To put it simply: an attentive caring owner will raise a happy well-adjusted pet. A neglectful and abusive owner will raise an unhappy aggressive pet. More often than not, Pit Bull-type dogs who display aggressive behavior are often the victims of irresponsible ownership.

4. FACT: Pit Bull type dogs do not have “locking jaws”
No such “locking jaw” mechanism exists in a Pit Bull-type dog or any other dog type or breed. There is nothing uncommon about the size and functionality of a Pit Bull-type dog’s jaws or teeth. Additionally, there is no evidence which proves that one dog type or breed is uniquely capable of inflicting serious injury to humans or other animals.

5. FACT: You should consider adopting a Pit Bull-type dog from your local shelter
If you’re looking to add a new furry family member to your household, think about saving a life and adopting. When a Pit Bull-type dog is properly matched to your family and lifestyle, it is a success story in the making. Pit Bull-type dogs are loyal companions, quick learners, and make great exercise buddies.

If you are considering adopting, make sure you visit a shelter that offers behavioral assessments and enrichment programs for all adoptable animals.  At the ARL, for example, staff can that provide insight into a dog’s overall temperament, health, and upbringing. It is always a good idea to bring everyone in the household (including other dogs) to the shelter with you to ensure that your new addition is the right fit for your home and family.

If you’re looking to add a Pit Bull-type dog or another type of pet to your family, visit our adoptable pets at our Animal Care & Adoption Centers. 

ARL Hosts Cape Cod Supporter Events

ARL Volunteer presented with annual Champion for Animals Award

2021 has been exciting year for the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), especially on Cape Cod.

ARL is proud to mark a century of service to the Cape Cod region, and this past month ARL hosted two Paws to Celebrate events to bring Cape-based supporters together to mark this special milestone.

Two wonderful venues, the historic Chatham Orpheum Theatre and Truro Vineyards, hosted these events.

Along with words of thanks and appreciation from ARL President and CEO Dr. Edward Schettino, and ARL Board of Directors Chair Walter Kenyon, both events also featured an amazing documentary from photographer, documentarian, and ARL volunteer Kim Rodgriguez, along with cinematographer Geoffrey Bassett.

The Way Home: A Century of Finding Loving Companions for Shelter Animals, is a celebration of ARL’s century of service on Cape Cod, and highlights the human-animal bond through touching stories of animals and the families who adopted them from ARL.

“I have had a love affair with the Animal Rescue League of Boston since adopting our first family dog, Snubby, in 1975,” Roderiques said. “ARL has been a pillar in the Cape community finding homes for countless animals for one hundred years. Having the opportunity, thanks to a grant from Rockland Trust, to document their journey through the lens while sharing the most moving and riveting stories of animals surviving and thriving, along with acknowledging those who have been integral in making adoptions successful, is a dream come true.”

As a companion piece to the documentary, Kim published a photo book also titled, The Way Home, featuring a collection of images related to ARL’s rich history on the Cape, as well as photos of animals that have been adopted from the Brewster Animal Care & Adoption Center.  The book’s production has been graciously sponsored by Agway of Cape Cod, and is available at Agway’s three locations for a suggested donation amount of $25.

A Champion for Animals

The Cape event in Chatham also afforded the opportunity for Dr. Schettino to present Kim Roderiques with the Champion for Animals Award, given annually to a person who goes above and beyond to make meaningful impacts for animals in need.

Kim has volunteered at ARL for 10-plus years, being involved with numerous events and lending her photographic talents to make sure adoptable animals look their best!

“Kim is a remarkable person and her contributions to ARL over the years are truly incredible,” said Dr. Schettino. “Her compassion for animals is immeasurable, and ARL is proud to be able to honor her with the 2021 Champion for Animals Award.”

Thank you to our Paws to Celebrate host committee and sponsors:

Mary and Bob Bainbridge, Grace Fey, Tony Guthrie, Brian Hyde and Joe Fiorello,

Michael Kaplan and Matt Bell, Susan Kurtzman, Connie and Peter Lacaillade, Patti Lotane,

Sharon Mabile, Trish Regan, Heather and Park Ridill, José Rodriguez-Villalobos and

Christopher Lapan, Kim Roderiques, Carol Warshawsky, and Cape Cod 5 Foundation

It’s World Rabies Day!

Today marks World Rabies Day, a day to raise awareness about the public health impacts of human and animal rabies.

Rabies is a viral disease that can affect all mammals, including humans, and kills nearly 60,000 worldwide annually.

The virus attacks the central nervous system and can be secreted in saliva. Infected animals show no fear of humans, drool and act in an agitated fashion.

While we mostly associate rabies to wild animals – mainly skunks, raccoons, bats, coyotes, and foxes, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), cats have become the most common domestic animal infected with rabies.


Rabies vaccines are approved for dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, cattle, and sheep – and vaccination is the best measure to prevent rabies.

Every dog, cat, and ferret adopted from the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is vaccinated for rabies, however, it’s important to remember that after receiving an initial vaccination, your pet will need boosters.

Boosters are administered every year, or every 3 years, depending on which vaccine your pet receives.

It’s also important to remember that rabies vaccination in Massachusetts is the law!

To help ensure your pets are vaccinated, ARL’s Dedham and Brewster locations host rabies clinics annually, and for clients of either ARL’s Spay Waggin’ or Wellness Waggin’, rabies vaccines, if needed, are included for every pet seen.

ARL vaccinates thousands of animals annually!

Additional Prevention

Along with having your pet vaccinated, some other measures to prevent rabies exposure include:

  • Do not let your pets roam free. Keep cats indoors, and keep an eye on your pup when they are outside
  • Do not leave exposed garbage or pet food outside – it may attract wild or stray animals
  • Observe wild animals from a distance, and never handle unfamiliar animals, even if they appear friendly
  • If you see a wild animal acting strangely, contact your local animal control officer

Take a moment today to see if your pet’s rabies vaccine is up-to-date, and help us spread the word about World Rabies Day to ensure you, your family, and your pets stay safe from the rabies virus.