Category: Dedham
Important Update from Mary Nee, ARL President

Dear friends,

I wanted to share some very sad news about Stitch, the young dog found starved and abandoned last week in Dedham.

As sometimes happens with cases of extreme malnutrition, Stitch was not responding well to re-feeding, a medically-guided process of providing nutrition after a period of deprivation.  To ensure he had no underlying conditions that might be interfering with re-feeding efforts, the ARL ordered extensive diagnostic tests.

dedham dog

“Stitch closed out his short life with dignity, respect, and love — the way a dog should be treated.” Lt. Alan Borgal, director, ARL law enforcement team.

Late on Friday evening, the tests revealed that Stitch had a muscular condition affecting his ability to digest food and water called megaesophagus.

Several diseases can result in megaesophagus.  An animal can also be born with a defect that produces it.

Unfortunately, the results of further testing ruled out the more treatable causes of this condition in Stitch.

When he was unable to take water on his own any longer on Saturday, Stitch’s weakened state and the severity of this condition brought us to the point where the most humane decision was to put him to sleep.

As Lt. Alan Borgal, director of the ARL’s law enforcement team said very eloquently, “Stitch closed out his short life with dignity, respect, and love — the way a dog should be treated.”

While we are heartbroken he came to us too late to save, we are grateful to have been there to surround him with kindness and caring in his final days.

Thank you to everyone who kept Stitch in their thoughts this past week and for your continued concern for animals in need.

— Mary


Stitch’s case is an on-going investigation. If you have any information, contact Dedham animal control at (781) 751-9106.

It’s Hip to Snip – Spay or Neuter Your Pet!

February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

During National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month this February, the ARL reminds the public that there’s nothing cool about pet overpopulation. So, pet owners, adjust those cool shades and help us spread the word that IT’S HIP TO SNIP!

it's hip to snip

Marty the cat may look super cool in his bow tie but there’s nothing cool about pet overpopulation. Click his photo to learn more about ARL’s “It’s Hip to Snip” Campaign.

“There are too many cat and dogs in our communities that don’t have homes,” explains Dr. Edward Schettino, vice president of animal welfare at the ARL. “Every year, animal shelters like the ARL are inundated with stray and surrendered puppies and kittens that are the result of unplanned litters.”

In fact, national studies have found that amongst pet owners who indicate that their pets had at least one litter, 59% of cat owners and 38% of dog owners described the litter as “unintentional” or “accidental.”

Dr. Schettino believes that one reason that pet owners choose not to spay or neuter their pet is misconceptions about the low-risk surgery. “If we can increase spay and neuter rates, we can help prevent pet overpopulation,”

In addition to the benefits to the community, here are 5 more reasons why it’s hip to snip:

1. You Snip, You Save. The cost of caring for an unplanned litter of puppies or kittens far outweighs the cost of having a pet spayed or neutered. The good news – there are many affordable and free options in Massachusetts!

2. Snipping Reduces Spraying. Neutering resolves the vast majority of marking behaviors—even when a cat has a long-standing habit. Other nuisance behaviors such as howling in cats and excessive barking in dogs eases and even disappears after surgery.


Sharing is caring! Click the photo to download our flyer to spread the word that “It’s Hip to Snip”.

3. Snipping Stops Scuffles. According to the National Canine Research Foundation, approximately 92% of fatal dog attacks involved male dogs, 94% of which were not neutered. Neutering male dogs and cats reduces their urge to roam and fight with other males.

4. Snipping Lengthens Life Span. The USA Today reports neutered male dogs live 18% longer than un-neutered males, and spayed females live 23% longer than unspayed females.

5. Snipping is a Safeguard. Neutering male cats and dogs before six months of age prevents testicular cancer. Spaying female cats and dogs before their first heat offers protection from uterine infections and breast cancer.

For more spay and neuter resources, visit arlboston.org/spay-neuter.

DID YOU KNOW… That more than a third of pet owners have not spayed or neutered their pet?

VERY SPECIAL THANKS to our It’s Hip to Snip media sponsors WBZ, WEEI, WRKO, WZLX, WBOS, and 98.5 The Sports Hub!

Update: Stitch Continues to Receive Intensive Care

ARL and the Dedham Police Department’s Animal Control Division thank public for support

HAVE TIPS AND INFORMATION? Contact Dedham Animal Control at (781) 751-9106.

Stitch, the dog abandoned in the cold earlier this week in Dedham, Massachusetts, continues to receive intensive care from the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL).

Dedham animal control officer Jayson Tracy discovered the extremely emaciated dog and immediately contacted the ARL for help.

“Stitch is getting extensive medical assistance,” explains Dr. Erin Doyle, the ARL’s lead veterinarian for shelter veterinary services. “He’s still very weak and we are monitoring his condition very closely.”

The ARL also continues to assist the Dedham Police Department’s Animal Control Division in following-up on information provided by the public.

Stitch is a dilute brindle pit-bull-type dog that had no collar on when he was found near the Bridge Street area of Dedham.  He is approximately 2 years of age.

We urge anyone with information about him to please contact Dedham animal control at (781) 751-9106.


Sadly, thousands of animals just like Stitch will suffer from abuse and neglect every year in Massachusetts. We all have a role to play in prevention and encourage urge the public to contact their local animal control officers anytime they suspect animal cruelty.

On behalf of everyone at the ARL, THANK YOU for the outpouring of support and information about Stitch.

DO YOU RECOGNIZE STITCH?  Please contact Dedham Animal Control at (781) 751-9106.

dedham dog

Breaking News: Starved Dog Abandoned in Cold

ARL and Dedham Animal Control Seeking Public’s Help with Information

DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS DOG? Contact Dedham Animal Control, (781) 751-9106


Stitch was found very weak with no body fat. If you have tips or recognize this dog, contact Dedham Animal Control at (781) 751-9106.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and the Dedham Police Department’s Animal Control Division need the public’s assistance with information about a starved dog abandoned in the cold earlier today in Dedham, Massachusetts.

Dedham animal control officer Jayson Tracy received a call about the dog just before noon this morning.

He discovered the dog suffering from extreme starvation and immediately contacted the ARL for assistance.

“This dog was cruelly abandoned,” explains Lt. Alan Borgal, director of the ARL’s law enforcement team.  “He has no body fat to speak of — he could have easily died of exposure in the cold today if he wasn’t found so quickly.”

Now known as Stitch, the dilute brindle pit-bull-type dog had no collar and is approximately 2 years of age.

Though he is clearly weak and sore, Stitch has greeted everyone he has met with a friendly tail wag.  He happily accepted pats, cheek scratches, and kind attention at the ARL’s Boston shelter.

“Anyone who might recognize this dog, please come forward,” urges Lt. Borgal. “We want to find the person who did this to Stitch and prevent cruelty against other animals in the future.”

Contact Dedham Animal Control at (781) 751-9106.

PLEASE NOTE, Stitch is currently not available for adoption. 




Cold Weather Warning: Bring Your Pets Indoors

The ARL asks pet owners to please bring their animals inside, when possible

Our local weathermen issued a cold weather warning: bundle up this week!

A wave of frigid air hit New England, causing temperatures to plummet 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit below normal around The Greater Boston Area. Overnight temps are expected to drop into the teens and single digits in some of the northern and western suburbs.

Just as you’ll protect yourself with a warm coat, hat, and gloves when you head outdoors, your pets will need the extra protection too! Though they may have furry coats, animals are by no means immune to dangerously cold temperatures. Even rabbits, cats, and dogs that typically live outdoors need extra assistance keeping warm as temperatures drop to alarming lows.

5 steps to keep animals safe during this cold weather warning:

  1. If possible, bring pets or feral cats that you’re familiar with indoors to a garage or basement.
    cold weather warning

    Keep community cats safe this winter by building your own DYI cat shelter in your yard. Click the photo for a basic how-to video.

  2. Bundle up your pup in a jacket or sweater during their walk, especially if their coat is made of hair (vs. fur)
  3. Before you start your engine, look under and pound on your vehicle’s hood to wake a napping cat trying to keep warm.
  4. Never leave your pet alone inside your vehicle, which won’t stay warm for long after your engine has turned off.
  5. If your pet MUST remain outdoors, make sure that are in a winter-friendly shelter that has the following components: three-sided enclosure, stands off the ground, contains generous amounts of bedding, and plenty of (un-frozen!) drinking water.

IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. If you’re concerned about a neighborhood animal outdoors in the cold this week, be sure to contact your local animal control office or authorities.

For more information about winter pet healthy and safety, visit arlboston.org/winter-pet-health.

The Clock is Ticking…Donate to Help Animals NOW!

For the next 12 hours, generous donor will match $12k of your donations

There are just 10 DAYS left to make a difference for animals in need in 2015.

Now’s the time to make a donation…

Moved by the compassionate care and chance at a better  life the ARL gave his rescue pets, the chairman of the ARL’s Board of Directors Malcolm McDonald will match up to $12,000 in donations to the ARL for the next 12 hours,TODAY ONLY.

Every day, Malcolm personally witnesses how critical the ARL’s important work is to animals in our community. He sees the impact not only as the chairman of the board, but also as a proud pet parent:

Over the years, Millie and Henry have become the best of friends.

Over the years, Millie and Henry became the best of friends.

All of my pets were saved from very difficult circumstances by the ARL…

My family’s cat Millie’s owner passed away, and she was surrendered multiple times for being too timid.

Our cat Henry was abandoned in a boarded up home after his owner had passed.

Our cat Max was a ward of the court after the Boston Police Department and the ARL’s law enforcement team saved him from an abusive home.

Our newest addition, Hazel, a Shar Pei mix, came from a hoarding situation.”

Large or small, your donation TODAY will make an even BIGGER difference for animals in need…

Recently adopted Hazel now has a home to call her own and a kitty brother named Max!

Recently adopted Hazel now has a home to call her own and a kitty brother named Max!

At the ARL, a love for animals inspires us to do more.

Whether you’re talking about our incredible volunteers, dedicated staff members, our dear friend and Board chair Malcolm, or generous supporters like you, everyone is committed to going the extra mile to give animals in need a chance at a better life.


The clock is ticking and the ARL still needs to raise $787,300 before the end of the year!

The ARL receives no government or public funding and relies entirely on the support of people like you to provide assistance when and where animals need help most.

If you love and care about animals, or if the ARL has made an impact on the special pets in your life, show  your support by making a donation today!

Visit arlboston.kintera.org/clockticking or click on the DONATE button below to make a donation to the Animal Rescue League of Boston!


A WARM AND FUZZY THANK YOU to Malcolm McDonald, chairman of the ARL’s Board of Directors, and to everyone who has already donated to the ARL in 2015 to help animals in need!

Hot Off The Press: Our Four-Footed Friends

Check out the Fall/Winter 2015 edition here!

our four-footed friends

Click on the image above to read the full Fall 2015 edition of Our Four-Footed Friends!

The latest edition of Our Four-Footed Friends, includes news and photos of all the critical work for animals you helped support.

Click here or the image at right to view the full Fall/Winter 2015 OFFF magazine

The important topic of animal hoarding is a major focus in this edition. A growing community problem, the ARL is frequently called in as an expert resource on hoarding cases.

What’s inside…

  • How your support positively impacted ARL shelter pets in 2015!
  • The story of Waggin’s maiden voyage to Martha’s Vineyard
  • A recap of the Adopt a Cat Month and Adopt a Dog Month campaigns
  • “Happy Tail” success stories
  • The success behind national Clear the Shelters Day
  • And much more!

Over 133,000 Massachusetts Voters Say “Yes” to STOP Farm Animal Cruelty

ARL hosts rally to celebrate successful signature campaign

Earlier today,  Citizens for Farm Animal Protection announced they had successfully gathered over 130,000 signatures as part of the effort to secure a 2016 ballot measure in Massachusetts to phase out the extreme confinement of animals at industrial-style factory farms, as well as the sale of products produced under those conditions.

The ARL joined the coalition this summer and worked alongside other animal welfare groups, veterinarians, farmers, local businesses, and individuals to collect signatures. Over the last 9 weeks, more than 1,000 volunteers across the state spent countless hours asking Massachusetts voters to sign the petition for farm animals.

Thanks to the hard work of dedicated volunteers and supporters who were passionate about this issue leaders, the number of signatures collected is double the number of signatures required to qualify for the Massachusetts ballot!

By signing the petition, voters were saying “yes” to allow veal calves, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens the basic right to stand up, lie down, turn around, and extend their limbs.

citizens for farm animal protection

Muneco, showed his support by giving everyone a high paw for their dedicated efforts!

“The outpouring of support from Massachusetts voters who signed the ballot petition clearly reflects the growing consensus that humane and safe food sources benefits animals and people alike,” explained Mary Nee, president of the ARL.

The rainy weather today didn’t stop dozens of local and national animal protection leaders, coalition leaders, and volunteers from gathering at the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s headquarters in South End, Boston for a celebratory rally to acknowledge this momentous achievement.

While enjoying well-deserved refreshments and hors d’oeuvres, rally attendees listened to remarks from animal welfare leaders including representatives from the Humane Society of the United States, the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Mary also offered remarks of gratitude and inspiration: “Thanks to the dedicated efforts of all the coalition members, volunteers, and supporters, we all moved one step closer to ending the cruel confinement of farm animals.”

After the rally concluded, volunteers delivered and formally filed the  petitions with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

citizens for farm animal protection

ARL’s president, Mary Nee, was thrilled to take the stage and speak about the campaign’s successes thus far.

In the coming weeks, the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office will review the coalition’s submission and verify that it will qualify as the first phase toward getting it onto the 2016 ballot.

The next step… Volunteers are needed to collect additional signatures in Spring 2016 to guarantee a spot on next year’s ballot.

A big THANK YOU to all of the dedicated volunteers who collected signatures for the farm ballot initiative and to all those who supported this momentous effort to end the extreme confinement of farm animals!

Nina is Home for the Holidays!

Give a shelter pet the perfect holiday gift, a home

At the ARL, our biggest holiday wish is for the animals in our care and the individuals willing to open their hearts to find one another! Every year, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) unites over 3,000 deserving animals with families and places another 850 with dedicated ARL foster volunteers.

home for the holidays nina

ARL shelter veterinarians discovered large mast cell tumors all over Nina’s body during a routine spay surgery. Thanks to their thorough medical attention, the tumors were removed and Nina was able to go home for the holidays!

Special animals like Nina will have a season that’s merry and bright now that she’s home for the holidays!

Nina, a gorgeous 3-year-old boxer mixer, came into ARL’s Boston shelter earlier this fall when her family was forced to give her up due to landlord restrictions. Up until that point, she had been living with her family, including one child, her entire life.

When Nina arrived at the ARL’s Boston shelter, she instantly became a staff favorite! Anyone who glanced into her big round chocolate brown eyes instantly fell in love and came in closer for a snuggle.

Nina couldn’t get enough attention from her human friends and was was always eager to show off her basic commands for some tasty treats and a generous scratch in her favorite spot- right behind her floppy ears!

It was clear that Nina was ready for a permanent home, but first she would need to be spayed in order to meet potential adopters.

Unfortunately for Nina, things took an unexpected turn. During the routine spay surgery, ARL shelter veterinarians Dr. Quigley and Dr. Doyle came across several large mast cell tumors that were unknowing growing inside of Nina’s legs, back, shoulders, and stomach.

ARL’s veterinarians carefully scanned her body to locate and remove all the tumors and immediately send them out to be biopsied. Several hours and $1,500 worth of procedures later, Nina was awoke from surgery.

home for the holidays nina

Nina happy and settling into her new waterfront home. Something tells us she’ll become a beach bunny in no time at all!

Tired and weak, Nina patiently waited for the results of her biopsy while resting alongside ARL’s wonderful volunteers and staff. Everyone knew that she was one tough cookie, so there was no doubt that Nina would be back on her feet in no time!

A couple of weeks later, Nina received the good news she’d be hoping for! Her tumors were benign and she was medically cleared for adoption!

Shortly thereafter, Nina got her holiday wish and went home with her forever family. By all accounts, she is doing great and hasn’t let her surgery hold her back one bit!

Nina’s new dad was happy to report that, “everything has been so much fun thus far! Nina is adjusting well and is already excited to go running on the beach!”

YOU can help deserving shelter pets like Nina find a home for the holidays by…

  1. ADOPTING from the ARL! Search adoptables
  2. Checking out the wishlists at our shelters in Boston, Brewster, and Dedham
  3. Using Amazon Smile when you shop and select the Animal Rescue League of Boston as the charity you support
  4. Giving a donation to the ARL in honor of an animal-friendly friend or family member.  With a donation of $25 or more, you can select a special card, too!

THANK YOU to Macy’s Boston for helping more ARL shelter animals find a Home for the Holidays!

4 Main Characteristics of Animal Hoarding


As National Animal Safety and Protection Month comes to an end, the ARL reminds our supporters how to identify animal hoarding and the steps you can take to help prevent animals from future harm.

Animal hoarding is a serious, yet under-recognized community problem in Massachusetts that is responsible for substantial animal suffering. Often associated with adult self-neglect and/or mental illness, animal hoarding can also place children, the elderly, dependent adults, property, and public health at risk.

While the 7 subtle warning signs of animal cruelty could indicate animal mistreatment, neglect, or abuse, animal hoarding is defined by these 4 main characteristics:

1. Failure to provide minimal standards of sanitation, space, nutrition, and veterinary care for animals.

According to Lt. Alan Borgal, director of law enforcement at the ARL, “animals suffer mostly from lack veterinary care, spay or neutering, poor nutrition, and no access to adequate clean water. As a result, they are often infested with external parasites like fleas while competing for food and attention.”

2. Inability to recognize the effects of this failure on the welfare of the animals, humans in the household, and environment.

Children, the elderly, and the handicapped are also subject to and unable to escape from these unsanitary and abusive conditions,” explains Dr. Gary Patronek, founder of the Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium. “The hoarder fails to see the harmful health effects that living in an ammonia-rich and parasite infested environment causes themselves and others.”

3. Obsessive attempts to accumulate/maintain a collection of animals in the face of progressively deteriorating conditions.

“We typically encounter cases where the hoarding involves more objects than animals. The result is cluttered and unsanitary living spaces; the kitchen and the bathroom are the first to go.,” describes Lt. Borgal.

4. Denial or minimization of problems and living conditions for people and animals.

“In many cases, the hoarder is completely unaware of the situation,” shares Dr. Gary Patronek, “which is why we believe that there is a strong link between psychological disorders and animal hoarding.”

animal hoarding

IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING… To your local authorities about concerns you have about animals in distress; to friends, families, and colleagues to raise awareness about the serious issue of animal hoarding; to Massachusetts elected officials to urge them to pay attention to this urgent community issue!

Only 2 days left to help prevent animals from future harm!

Although ARL’s law enforcement department is often called upon to assist local authorities and municipalities with a variety of animal protection issues, such as hoarding, it receives no government funding to provide this kind of assistance to animals in need. This important work is only made possible with YOUR support!

An anonymous donor who has a strong belief in caring for and protecting animals has challenged us to triple a $5,000 donation and raise $15,000 before the end of October to support the ARL’s law enforcement team. All donations to ARL’s Cruelty Prevention fund drive will help pay for the on-going efforts of our law enforcement team to provide animals in need with assistance.


As a SPECIAL THANK YOU from WBZ 1030 News Radio… Donate $100 or more by midnight TODAY, Friday, October 30 and you will automatically be entered to win a $50 gift card to The Outlook Restaurant & Lounge in Nashoba Valley, MA.!

Click here or on the DONATE button below to make a donation to the ARL’s Cruelty Prevention Fund Drive.


VERY SPECIAL THANKS to our anonymous challenge donor, WBZ 1030 News Radio, and everyone who has made a donation to support animals in need during the ARL’s Cruelty Prevention fund drive!