Category: Law Enforcement
Press Release: ARL Law Enforcement Removes 18 Dogs from Unsanitary Conditions

Majority of the dogs living in unsanitary conditions emaciated, animal cruelty charges filed

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department, with assistance from Malden Police and Animal Control recently executed a search warrant at a Malden residence to remove 18 dogs, a number of which are emaciated, that were living in unsanitary conditions.

The operation to remove the animals from the home in Malden took place on Friday, December 2, and involved ARL Law Enforcement, Malden Police and Animal Control; the Malden Fire Department was also on-scene for a brief time.

Once removed from the home, the majority of the dogs were transported to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center, while several needed additional care and were taken to an emergency animal facility to receive 24-hour care.

Those dogs have since been transported to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center and are receiving ongoing treatment.

Along with living in unsanitary conditions, nearly half the animals are considered emaciated, and the majority of the dogs are extremely undergroomed, with overgrown nails, matted fur, fur loss, and moderate to severe dental disease.

The underweight animals are now on refeeding plans to ensure they gain weight slowly and safely.

While recovering, the majority of the animals will spend time in foster care where they will have a quiet and comforting environment to recover.

ARL Law Enforcement has filed 18 counts of animal cruelty (M.G.L. ch.272, s.77), along with 18 counts of violation of the state’s tethering and confinement statute (M.G.L. ch.140, s.174E) against Jennifer Ahn, of Malden.

ARL wishes to thank Malden Police and Animal Control, along with the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office for their assistance with this situation.

This work cannot be done alone and animals urgently need your help now.

Your emergency gift today can support:

  • Veterinary care and rehabilitation for the sudden influx of animals that have suffered the trauma of neglect
  • Ongoing investigations of cruelty to pursue justice for animals
  • Emergency response when crisis strikes and animals are in dire need

Make a donation today.

Dog Who Suffered Severe Burns Overcomes Trauma to Find Her Home for the Holidays

“Annie” still recovering from severe burns, adopted by her foster family

You may remember the story of Annie, a one-year-old mixed-breed dog that was found abandoned in Norwood, MA, in late August and had suffered second-degree burns to 20 percent of her body.

In the past four months, she has redefined perseverance.

In Need of Help

Annie was discovered along Route 1 in Norwood, wearing a collar and leash, but with no identification, and was not microchipped.

She was taken to the Norwood Police Department, and the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department was contacted. She was then transferred to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

The burns covering her head, neck, shoulders, abdomen, and front limbs were extremely painful, and the ARL shelter medicine team’s first priority was to help manage her pain and provide treatment for the wounds.

Initially Annie’s situation was critical and given the severity of the burns and the pain level, she was transferred to Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties (Tufts VETS) in Walpole, MA, for several days to receive intensive 24-hour care and pain management.

Ongoing Care and Foster

Once the young dog was stabilized, she began the next phase of her recovery and over the next two months she would undergo comprehensive and sometimes painful procedures to aid in the healing process of the burns.

Over time her pain was greatly reduced, and her fur also began to grow back, however, the physical scars of the trauma she suffered will likely be noticeable for the rest of her life.

Annie was also placed into foster care to give her a quiet and comfortable environment to heal.

Finding Her Home for the Holidays

Annie’s foster home was the perfect environment for her.

Her foster family offered the support and love she needed during her recovery, and in the process became bonded with the young dog.

In the fall the family decided that Annie had found her family and her new home, and officially adopted her!

While she continues to heal from her ordeal, she is ready to begin the next chapter of her life.

She is thriving and is overjoyed to be spending the holidays with her new family and ARL could not be happier for this outcome!

How You Can Help Animals Like Annie

For all of us, and especially for animals in need, this has been a trying time. Soaring inflation has made our work much more difficult and strained our limited resources.

ARL cannot respond in times of crisis without you – and the need has never been greater.

Your generous year-end gift will ensure that animals in need can get the care they count on including, food, sanctuary, medical care, love, and emergency rescue if they are in danger.


ARL Updates Condition of Severely Burned Dog Found in Norwood in August

Burned dog found as stray, suffered severe burns to 20 percent of its body

This week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) was pleased to be able to provide an update to members of the Boston media about a severely burned one-year-old mixed-breed dog who was found as a stray in Norwood in late August, and is continuing on her path to recovery.

ARL’s Law Enforcement Department and Norwood Police continue to jointly investigate the incident as a case of animal cruelty and abandonment and once again is asking the public for any assistance in the investigation.

Watch local media coverage.

While her condition is still guarded, over the past two months, Annie has shown tremendous perseverance, undergoing comprehensive and sometimes painful procedures to aid in the healing process of the burns covering her head, neck, shoulders, front limbs, and abdomen.

The pain for Annie has been greatly reduced, her fur is beginning to grow back, and she is thriving in the care of a loving foster home.

Annie continues to require frequent follow-ups with ARL’s shelter medicine staff to ensure her recovery is steadily progressing, and given the trauma she has suffered, being in a foster home has helped her build confidence and be comfortable in a home.

“Her care involved a lot of pain control, it was very difficult in the beginning,” ARL Veterinarian Dr. Hannah Donnelly said. “Her hair started growing back probably a month ago, you can see she’s really come a long way and she’s completely off of all her medications. Her behavior, her attitude, everything is so much better, she’s a lot more comfortable just around people and she’s doing real dog things [like] playing with toys, playing with people, and figuring out life again.”

Despite her progress, Annie still has a way to go in the recovery process, and she remains unavailable for adoption.

This is an ongoing investigation, and anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact ARL’s Law Enforcement Department at 617-426-9170 x110 or email cruelty@arlboston.org; or Norwood Police at 781-440-5100.

ARL Hosts Important Training Sessions

ARL Dedham Campus to continue offering space for animal-related training sessions

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Dedham campus recently hosted two training sessions to better equip those on the front lines of animal protection in Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts Animal Fund (MAF) utilized ARL’s Rabe Family Education and Training Center to conduct a core competencies course for 45 animal and law enforcement officers representing municipalities throughout the Commonwealth, and is a vital part of officers having the tools and training to safely work with animals on a day-to-day basis.

The all-day training session covered a variety of topics including animal law, emergency preparedness, report writing and record keeping, responding to wildlife, among others.

While MAF collaborates with ARL for a number of subsidized spay/neuter clinics annually, ARL was thrilled to be able to host the organization for this important training session, and looks forward to hosting again in the future!

“The Mass Animal Fund is grateful to ARL Boston for allowing us to utilize their new state-of-art new training room in their Dedham branch,” stated MAF Program Coordinator, Sheri Gustafson. “The training room provided a comfortable, spacious, and convenient venue for 45 municipal officers to attend the 2022 Animal Control Officers Core Competencies Training for no cost. The room was the perfect backdrop for this important training that covered Massachusetts animal laws, wildlife response, report writing/record keeping, officer safety, and emergency preparedness.  We look forward to visiting the facility again soon!”

ASPCA Training Session on Combating Animal Blood Sports

Animal blood sports, including dog fighting, is a reprehensible practice that, while illegal in all 50 states including Massachusetts, still exists.

ARL recently hosted Terry Mills, Director of Blood Sports Investigations with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), and a nationally renowned expert on the subject to conduct a training session on the subject.

Those in attendance included law enforcement officers, prosecutors, veterinarians, among others, and the course covered a variety of subjects including an overview of the subculture of animal fighting, case histories, and tools to combat animal fighting on a local level.

While the subject matter is not for the faint of heart, the tools offered in the training session are vital for the collaborative disruption of the practice and the welfare for the animals involved.

ARL Law Enforcement and Advocacy Speak to State Trooper Cadets

Additionally, ARL’s Law Enforcement and Advocacy Departments recently spoke to the 87th Recruit Training Troop at the Massachusetts State Police Academy in the western part of the state.

ARL has spoken to cadets for the past several years, and during the training session, ARL addressed existing animal cruelty laws, recognizing signs of animal abuse, and how ARL can assist local and state law enforcement agencies in investigating cases of suspected animal cruelty.

ARL is honored to have had this incredible opportunity to instruct the next generation of Massachusetts State Police Troopers, and look forward to continuing this collaborative effort with the Massachusetts State Police.

Abandoned Dog on the Mend Reunites with Rescuers

Abandoned and emaciated  dog discovered near Malden Police Department in July making remarkable recovery

This week, a dog who was found abandoned and in terrible condition in late July near the Malden Police Department returned to visit with the officers who took immediate action upon his arrival.

Bailey, a one-year-old Chihuahua named after a Malden Police Lieutenant who was on-duty when he arrived in July and took an immediate interest in the dog, has been recovering with the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), who was thrilled to be able to make this reunion happen.

Watch local news coverage of Bailey’s reunion.

Bailey Discovered

On Monday, July 25, Bailey was discovered huddling in some bushes along the East Coast Greenway bike trail in the area of Dell and Branch Streets.

The finder carefully wrapped the animal in a blanket and brought him to the nearby Malden Police Department where on-duty officers immediately took action to put Bailey on the road to recovery.

The dog was initially treated at an animal hospital in Charlestown and then transferred to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Bailey was emaciated, weighing just two pounds and scoring a 2 out of 9 on the body condition score index, meaning he was emaciated.

He also suffered severe fur loss and his body is covered in scabs, and additionally, he tested positive and is being treated for Giardia, a parasitic illness that may be a further indicator that Bailey was previously living in unsanitary conditions — when presented for medical treatment, the animal was described as “malodorous” (filthy).


Once in the care of ARL, Bailey was treated for his skin issues, and was put on a refeeding program to ensure he would gain weight slowly and safely.

He was also placed into foster care, allowing him the quiet environment he needed to heal, and to receive the ongoing care necessary for his recovery.

Although still on the mend, Bailey has gained more than a pound, his skin is healing, and his fur is starting to regrow.

Over the past two months, Bailey has also come out of his shell in his foster home, loves being around people, and has grained a tremendous amount of confidence.

This remains an ongoing investigation by ARL’s Law Enforcement Department and Malden Police. Anyone with information pertaining to the case is urged to contact ARL at (617) 426-9170 x110, or email cruelty@arlboston.org. You can also contact Malden Police at (781) 397-7171 with any pertinent information.

Please note: Bailey is not currently available for adoption.

While it’s expected for his status to change soon, there remains no timeline for when this may happen.

ARL Caring for Severely Burned Dog, ARL Law Enforcement and Norwood Police Investigating

Dog reportedly found as stray, suffered burns to 20 percent of its body

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is currently caring for a one-year-old mixed-breed dog who was reportedly found as a stray in Norwood, MA, and suffering from severe burns. ARL Law Enforcement is jointly investigating the incident with the Norwood Police Department as a case of animal cruelty and abandonment and is asking the public for any assistance in the investigation.

The case unfolded this past week when the dog, now named “Annie”, was brought to the Norwood Police Station after reportedly being found along Route 1 in the area of Ellis Avenue.

She was wearing a leash and collar, but did not have any tags or a microchip.

Annie shortly after arriving at ARL.

Concerned for her welfare, Norwood Animal Control Officer Henry Cerqueira contacted ARL Law Enforcement and Annie was then transported to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Annie’s second-degree burns cover her head, neck, shoulders, front limbs and abdomen.

ARL’s shelter medicine team’s first priority was to help manage her pain and provide treatment for the wounds. Given the severity of the burns and pain level, Annie was transferred to Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties (Tufts VETS) in Walpole, MA, for several days to receive intensive 24-hour care and pain management.

Annie has returned to ARL’s care but has a long road, perhaps months, of recovery ahead of her.

ARL and its partners in this matter are committed to providing this dog with the treatment she desperately needs and vigilance to investigate and determine who may have been responsible for this act of cruelty.

Anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact ARL’s Law Enforcement Department at 617-426-9170 x110 or email cruelty@arlboston.org; or Norwood Police at 781-440-5100.

ARL wishes to thank Tufts VETS and Norwood Police and Animal Control for their ongoing assistance in caring for Annie.

How You Can Help

While Annie is on her way to recovery, her road to get there will be long and will require ongoing treatment — ARL’s work to get Annie well is far from over.

ARL relies solely on the generosity of individuals to fulfill its mission, and your donation to ARL today ensures that Annie and other animals like her receive the care they need.

Make a difference for Annie and thank you for being a Champion for Animals!

Press Release: ARL Law Enforcement, Malden Police Jointly Investigating Abandoned Dog Case

Two-pound, emaciated and ill Chihuahua abandoned near Malden Police Department

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department is jointly investigating a disturbing case of animal cruelty and abandonment with the Malden Police Department, after an abandoned dog was discovered in terrible condition in a popular recreation area in Malden.

On Monday, July 25, the one-year-old Chihuahua, named Bailey by his Good Samaritan finder, was discovered huddling in some bushes along the East Coast Greenway bike trail in the area of Dell and Branch Streets.

The finder carefully wrapped the animal in a blanket and brought him to the nearby Malden Police Department.

The dog was initially treated at an animal hospital in Charlestown and then transferred to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Bailey is emaciated, weighing just 2.7 pounds and scoring a 2 out of 9 on the body condition score index.

He also suffered severe fur loss and his body is covered in scabs.

Additionally, he tested positive and is being treated for Giardia, a parasitic illness that may be a further indicator that Bailey was previously living in unsanitary conditions — when presented for medical treatment, the animal was described as “malodorous” (filthy).

Bailey is receiving ongoing veterinary care including medicated baths and a refeeding plan to ensure he gains weight slowly and safely.

Update December 2022: Bailey has been adopted!

How You Can Help

Bailey still has a long road to health and our work is far from over.

We need you now to help him heal and find those responsible for his neglect.

Here are two ways you can help Bailey and animals like him:

  1. Make a life-saving donation in Bailey’s honor
    Your emergency gift today can support:

      • Veterinary care and rehabilitation for animals that have suffered the trauma of neglect
      • On-going investigations of cruelty to pursue justice for animals
      • Emergency response when crisis strikes and animals like Bailey are in dire need

Report Animal Cruelty
Too often, animal cruelty is not identified. By many estimates, 4 out of 5 cases remain hidden, leaving animals to suffer.

If you suspect animal cruelty, please call your local authorities or ARL’s confidential Law Enforcement line at (617) 426-9170 X110, or email cruelty@arlboston.org so we can investigate.

Press Release: ARL Law Enforcement, Dedham PD Investigating Deceased Dog Left on ARL Dedham Campus

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department and Dedham Police Department are jointly investigating a case of animal cruelty and abandonment, after an emaciated deceased dog was found on ARL’s Dedham campus.

The animal was discovered in late October, and while a number of leads have been followed, and numerous investigative tactics have been deployed, law enforcement is now asking for the public’s assistance to determine who may have left the dog and circumstances surrounding the incident.

The young adult Pitbull-type male dog was discovered by an ARL employee on October 25, 2021, with ARL Law Enforcement taking immediate action. A necropsy on the dog was performed on October 26, 2021, and concluded the animal suffered from severe malnutrition.

ARL Law Enforcement reached out to Dedham Police shortly thereafter, and the two agencies have since been jointly investigating the incident. Surveillance footage revealed that on October 23, 2021 at approximately 11:17 p.m., an SUV-type vehicle with two unidentified people inside entered ARL property and proceeded to leave the animal on a walkway before exiting the property.

Analysis of the video revealed that the suspect vehicle is likely a Nissan Rogue.

Anyone with information can contact ARL Law Enforcement at (617) 470-4266 x110 or email cruelty@arlboston.org, or Dedham Police Detective Kevin Mahoney at (781) 751-9301 or email kmahoney@police.dedham-ma.gov.

ARL Law Enforcement would like to thank the Dedham Police Department, the Massachusetts State Police Crime Lab, and the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office for their ongoing assistance in investigating this matter.

2021 Flashback: 24 Dogs Rescued from Randolph Home

In early August, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department collaborated with the Randolph Police Department to remove 24 dogs, mostly puppies, from a home in Randolph, MA.

The Pitbull-type dogs were removed due to unsanitary conditions and inadequate access to food and water.

Randolph Police responded to the home for an unrelated matter, but when the four adult dogs and 20 puppies were discovered, the responding officers realized the animals were in need and immediately took action.

ARL Law Enforcement was contacted and responded to the scene, coordinating with ARL Field Services to safely remove the dogs and transport them to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

ARL’s shelter medicine team provided vaccinations, thorough exams, and medical care for the animals; one puppy did have a fractured leg, several others had umbilical hernias which required surgery, and heart murmurs were detected in a few of the dogs as well.

The dogs were placed into foster care and many found their perfect matches quickly.

“The Animal Rescue of Boston cannot commend Randolph Police and Animal Control enough,” stated ARL Law Enforcement Senior Investigator Lt. Alan Borgal. “Everyone involved in this situation demonstrated a high level of professionalism, compassion and the steadfast commitment to removing these animals from the residence quickly and getting them the care they needed.”

Randolph Police Commander Robert Emerson said, “We are pleased to have been able to remove these animals from the poor conditions they were living in. I would like to thank the ARL Law Enforcement and Field Services teams for their quick response and assistance at the scene, as well as the shelter medicine teams and foster care network for their dedication to caring for the dogs. I would also like to praise our responding officers who were called to the house on an unrelated issue and noticed that the situation the animals were living in was not acceptable.”

The rescue of these animals is a shining example of ARL’s work in action. Through ARL Law Enforcement, Field Services, Shelter Medicine, Shelter staff and volunteers, these wonderful dogs received the love, care and support they needed to get well and find their perfect homes to spend the holidays in!

There’s still time to make a difference for animals this year!

Your generous year-end gift will ensure that animals in need like all 24 of these pups can get the care they count on including, food, sanctuary, medical care, love, and emergency rescue if they are in danger.

We hope we can count on your support by making a gift today, as we continue to work to keep pets in homes and out of shelters.

Home for the Holidays: Abandoned Doves Land a Loving Home

In late October, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) assisted Chelsea Animal Control with four doves who were abandoned at a busy shopping plaza along the Revere Beach Parkway.

ARL Field Services transported the doves to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, while ARL Law Enforcement launched an investigation to ascertain who may have left the birds.

The doves were left in a remote area of the shopping plaza in a cage, and while the birds were in overall good health, the question remains: who would simply leave these defenseless animals?

Whether furry or feathered, ARL is committed to helping animals in need, and these doves soon made themselves at home in ARL’s iconic Dedham barn, received veterinary care, and awaited the day where they could find a loving family.

ARL Law Enforcement continues to investigate this case of animal abandonment, and asks anyone with information regarding these animals to contact ARL Law Enforcement at (617) 426-9170 x110, or email cruelty@arlboston.org.

Going Home

That day came in early December, when the doves were adopted by a bird enthusiast.

The doves, now named Ghandi, Lennon, King, and Mandela, have overcome their ordeal and are now thriving in their new home.

There’s still time to make a difference for animals this year!

Your generous year-end gift will ensure that animals in need like Ghandi, Lennon, King, and Mandela, can get the care they count on including, food, sanctuary, medical care, love, and emergency rescue if they are in danger.

We hope we can count on your support by making a gift today, as we continue to work to keep pets in homes and out of shelters.