Category: News
ARL Law Enforcement Participates in Important Training Sessions

ARL Law Enforcement offers vital training for local, state, and federal law enforcement

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department recently hosted and participated in two important training sessions involving animal control officers, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as the next generation of Massachusetts State Police Troopers.

ARL Hosts HSUS for Court Procedure Training

This past month, the Rabe Family Education and Training Center at ARL’s Dedham Campus hosted a special training in partnership with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), to educate animal control officers, veterinarians, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels.

The training focused on testifying about animal crimes in a courtroom setting, which can present a unique set of challenges for law enforcement.

The four-hour training session focused on special considerations for cases related to intimate partner violence, how to effectively work with witnesses and utilizing experts, and how to effectively navigate cross-examination.

The training session involved more than 100 participants, and organizers were thrilled with the turnout, highlighting that the training will result in future success in cases involving animal cruelty and related crimes.

“There’s a lot of cases that don’t necessarily get the full attention they deserve,” said HSUS Law Enforcement Trainer Erin Aiello. “By training ACO’s so they can take it all the way, having them understand what prosecutors are looking for, what’s important at trial, the importance of them to a judge and a jury, really can make sure these cases are being seen and being valued all the way through the process.”

ARL Law Enforcement and Advocacy Visit MSP Academy

For the past several years, ARL has had the privilege to present to State Trooper cadets at the Massachusetts State Police Academy, and representative from ARL’s Law Enforcement and Advocacy Departments were once again tabbed recently to address the 88th Recruit Training Troop.

During the training session, ARL addressed existing animal cruelty laws, recognizing signs of animal abuse, and how ARL can assist local and state law enforcement agencies in investigating cases of suspected animal cruelty.

ARL is honored to have had this incredible opportunity to instruct the next generation of Massachusetts State Troopers, and look forward to continuing this collaborative effort with the Massachusetts State Police.

Pitbull-Type Dogs Removed from Unsanitary Conditions Ready for Adoption

Unsanitary conditions led to varying medical needs for dogs

Six Pitbull-type dogs that were recently removed from a Malden home due to unsanitary conditions will soon be looking for new homes, this after the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) first removed the dogs, and then provided treatment for various medical needs.

Local news coverage.

ARL worked with Malden Animal Control to remove the dogs, then transferred the animals to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center where they immediately received thorough veterinary exams.

Upon arrival at ARL, several of the dogs were thin and borderline emaciated, one of the dogs required surgery for pyometra (a uterine infection that if left untreated could be life-threatening), and the majority of the animals had signs of living in unsanitary conditions including pressure sores, poor dental hygiene, and skin issues.

All of the dogs have been treated for their medical needs, and since being in the care of ARL have showcased their infectious personalities — they are incredibly friendly and will make great pets.

ARL hopes to find homes for these animals sooner rather than later to allow the organization to free up precious kennel space and increase ARL’s ability to take in more animals in need.

Lobby Day for Animals Returns to State House

ARL joins other animal welfare organizations, citizen advocates to lobby for animal protection law

For the first time since 2019, Lobby Day for Animals returned to the Massachusetts State House, with the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Advocacy Department joining other animal welfare organizations, citizen advocates and elected officials to lobby for proposed animal protection laws currently in front of the Massachusetts Legislature.

The event was once again held in the Great Hall at the State House, and focused on several bills currently being considered by the Massachusetts Legislature.

These bills included a cruelty omnibus bill, a housing and pets bill, the usage of animals in traveling exhibits, and a declaw bill.

Several speakers, including ARL Director of Advocacy Ally Blanck spoke on the aforementioned pieces of legislation, and following the event’s speaking program, organizers escorted citizen advocates to their respective elected officials to lobby on behalf of these important bills to further protect animals in Massachusetts.

ARL was thrilled for the return of Lobby Day for Animals, and will continue to advocate for these important measures, and invite anyone who cares for animals and wants animals throughout the state to be better protected, to join ARL’s fight and to reach out to your state representatives to encourage them to be a voice for animals by supporting the bills currently under consideration.

The event was also a resounding success, as a number of legislators have now added their names as co-sponsors for several pieces of animal-related legislation.

Looking to get involved?

Your voice matters, and ARL encourages you to become an animal advocate!

For animal-related bills that are currently part of the ongoing legislation session, please see ARL’s 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda, and join the fight to help animals in the Commonwealth!

ARL Spay Waggin’ Begins New Stop in Kingston

Spay Waggin’ provides low-cost spay and neuter for South Shore, South Coast, Cape, and the Islands

Looking for provide even more access to low-cost spay and neuter services, this week the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Spay Waggin’ announced that Kingston will now be a regular stop for the mobile veterinary unit.

In its first stop in Kingston, in front of the Kingston Animal Control Office, the Spay Waggin’ served 30 cats, providing the important surgery, along with other services including a brief veterinary exam, nail trim, rabies and distemper vaccines, microchip, and flea treatment.

The Spay Waggin’ serves the South Shore, South Coast, and Cape Cod and Islands, as well as East Boston, and since first hitting the road in 2000, the mobile clinic has provided spay/neuter surgeries for more than 72,000 animals.

In 2023 alone, more than 4,300 animals have been spayed/neutered on the Spay Waggin’.

Aside from Kingston, regular Spay Waggin’ stops include Brockton, East Boston, Falmouth, New Bedford, North Dartmouth, Taunton, and Wareham.

Appointments are necessary for ARL’s Spay Waggin’ and can be made online, or by calling 1-877-590-SPAY (7729), or email spaywaggin@arlboston.org.

ARL Provides Emergency Surgery for Injured Stray Kitten

Stray kitten suffered from severely fractured leg

A seven-month old stray kitten from Lowell, MA, is recovering after receiving an emergency amputation surgery at the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

The kitten, now named Baguette, was found on the streets of Lowell late last week, and while she did not have any external wounds, her hind leg was fractured beyond the point of repair, and needed urgent veterinary care.

Knowing the critical nature of the injury, Lowell Animal Control contacted ARL and transported the kitten to ARL’s Dedham facility.

ARL was able to take in the kitten and provide the life-saving surgery, which would have cost several thousand dollars at an emergency veterinary hospital.

ARL is a resource for animal control officers throughout Massachusetts by assisting when called upon and having the ability to take on complex cases and absorb the costs of procedures such as this surgery.

ARL’s shelter medicine staff amputated the limb, and for the past several days Baguette has shown remarkable progress.

She is unhindered by the missing leg, and now being pain-free, is happy, healthy, showing off her infectious personality, and is nearly ready to thrive in a forever home.

Please note, Baguette is still unavailable for adoption, however her status will likely change in the next week or so as she continues to make progress in her recovery.

Memorial Day Weekend Travel Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool and Calm

Things to keep in mind if you’re bringing your furry friend along for the ride

Memorial Day Weekend is here, and for many of us it means three things — Honoring our service men and women; spending time with friends and family and; travelling!

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and Boston Veterinary Care (BVC) want to remind you that busy holiday weekends can be stressful and dangerous for your pup.

While temperatures during Memorial Day Weekend are expected to be seasonal, even when the outside temperature is 70 degrees, the inside of a car can heat up to more than 100 degrees in a matter of minutes — even with the windows left partially opened! That’s why leaving your pet inside of a hot car is the most common cause of deadly heat stroke — it’s just TOO HOT FOR SPOT®! Remember, pets don’t sweat like humans do and cannot cool their bodies efficiently in hot temperatures.

If you plan on taking your best friend along for the ride this weekend, here are some tips to help keep your dog safe:

  1. Never leave your pup alone in a parked car if they must travel with you. Not only are hot cars the most common cause of heat stroke, but leaving an animal inside a parked car is ILLEGAL in Massachusetts.
  2. Just like us, dogs need bathroom breaks! When driving long distances, be sure to periodically find a safe area to pull over to allow your pup to do their business, and get a little fresh water and perhaps some food.
  3. Always keep your canine on a leash or in a carrier if they must be outside. Find a shady spot with plenty of airflow and lots of fresh water.
  4. Keep them away from dangerous objects. Secure your pet a good distance from sparklers, BBQs, and pools. Additionally, there are many plants and flowers that can be toxic to dogs, so make sure your pet is under constant supervision while outdoors.
  5. Loud noises can be spooky! Things like fireworks and other loud noises can make a dog “fearfully aggressive,” so monitor your dog and keep them calm, especially around children.
  6. Make sure your dog’s microchip and ID tag information is current. Many animal shelters report increases of “stray” animals during holidays due to the number of pets running away from the noise and excitement. Make sure your contact information is current and always on your dog’s collar to ensure an easy reunion should they be separated from you.

Prevention is responsible pet ownership. When in doubt, leave your pet at home in a quiet, cool room. Turn on a TV or radio to help distract from outside noises and leave them free to roam around so they don’t feel too confined.

ARL Law Enforcement Investigating Abandoned Cat Rescued on Fisher College Campus

ARL seeks public assistance as new image shows moment cat was abandoned on Beacon Street

 The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Law Enforcement Department is currently investigating after an abandoned cat was rescued by Fisher College police after someone took the animal out of a vehicle in its pet carrier and dumped it on college property, which is located along Beacon Street in Boston.

The incident is being investigated as a case of animal cruelty and the ARL is seeking the public’s help in identifying the person believed to be responsible.

Local news coverage of this incident.

The two-year-old male cat, now named Fish, received a thorough veterinary exam upon arrival at ARL, and was found to be in good health, with no obvious signs of abuse or neglect.

However, surveillance video of the incident demonstrates the willful abandonment of the animal, which is illegal under Massachusetts’ animal cruelty statute Ch. 272 S.77 and is punishable by up to seven years in jail and a $5,000 fine.

Fish has been neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and will soon be made available for adoption to start the next chapter of his life.

ARL wishes to thank Fisher College Police as well as the maintenance employee who found and reported the incident in an urgent manner.

Given the busy city surroundings, if Fish was not found in a timely fashion, he would have been at tremendous risk of injury or death.

Case Background

On April 4, 2023, a Fisher College Maintenance staff member notified Fisher College Police about the discovery of a box that contained one adult cat.

The box was identified as a cardboard cat carrier, and soon after Fisher College Police notified ARL Law Enforcement for assistance.

ARL Law Enforcement responded to the scene, and the cat was transported to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center for treatment and care.

Surveillance video shows what is believed to be a white male, wearing orange gloves, dark jacket, and a baseball hat park in front of the college campus on Beacon Street.

The suspect then removes the carrier from the back of the vehicle, throwing it on the ground before getting back in the vehicle and driving off towards the direction of Storrow Drive.

The vehicle is described as a grey or tan 4-door hatchback.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact ARL Law Enforcement at (617) 426-9170 x110, or by emailing cruelty@arlboston.org.

Ollie’s Law Coalition Rallies on State House Steps

Coalition urges Legislature to take action on Ollie’s Law to regulate Massachusetts boarding facilities

This week, the “Ollie’s Law Coalition”, which includes the Animal Rescue League of Boston, rallied on the steps of the Massachusetts State House, asking legislatures to step up and help protect pets throughout the Commonwealth while in the care of a boarding facility.

Currently there are no state regulations for these types of facilities, and during the rally, a number of Massachusetts residents relived their harrowing experiences while expressing how uniform regulations may have prevented the pain and suffering their animals endured while being boarded.

An Act to Increase Kennel Safety (H.2019; S.1309) aka Ollie’s Law, would establish standards regarding animal health and employee safety, allowing pet families to choose the best facility to suit their animal’s needs.

The coalition consists of a number of organizations including ARL, the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA), Dakin Humane Society, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Boston Dog Lawyers, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, JM Pet Resort, among others.

The Ollie’s Law proposed legislation was born out of tragedy.

In 2020, Amy Baxter brought her Labradoodle Ollie to a Western Massachusetts doggie daycare facility, only to receive a text shortly after saying Ollie had been attacked by other dogs.

He was severely injured, and sadly died of his injuries two months later.

While the facility was shuttered by town officials, Baxter was stunned to learn that there were no state regulations regarding boarding facilities, and soon took up the fight to help ensure tragedies like this never happen again.

ARL’s Board Safely™ Campaign

While there are currently no regulations for boarding facilities in Massachusetts, ARL’s Board Safely™ campaign helps guide pet owners when choosing a facility for their pets.

The campaign includes steps to take while researching boarding facilities, as well as what questions you should be asking.

How Can I Help?

ARL urges proponents of Ollie’s Law to contact their state elected officials, to urge the discussion and ultimate passage of this important piece of legislation.

ARL will continue to advocate not just for Ollie’s Law, but for other proposed bills to further protect animals throughout the Commonwealth.

Learn more about ARL’s Legislation Agenda, and how you can help advocate for animals in Massachusetts!

ARL Provides Life-Saving Surgery for Dog that Recently Gave Birth

ARL and MAF collaborate to help offset cost of life-saving $10,000 surgery

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and the Massachusetts Animal Fund (MAF) recently collaborated to help provide a life-saving procedure to a dog who had recently given birth and was suffering from a prolapsed uterus.

The owner’s efforts to seek emergency help for her beloved pet was harrowing, and if ARL and MAF were not contacted, it’s likely the 9-month-old Yorkshire Terrier would not have survived.

The caretaker had recently adopted Amora, a 9-month-old Yorkshire Terrier, from a family member, and was unaware the dog was pregnant.

When Amora gave birth to a single puppy, a complication arose, resulting in a prolapsed uterus (uterus outside the body).

The puppy did survive, but Amora’s prolapsed uterus was turning necrotic, and she needed emergency veterinary care in order to survive.

The owner brought the dog to a Boston-area veterinary hospital, and was told the procedure to remove the uterus would cost upwards of $10,000, which was financially out of reach for Amora’s family.

Amora’s owner reached out to several organizations looking for assistance, and when she contacted MAF, Program Coordinator Sheri Gustafson took action by reaching out to ARL.

ARL was able to accommodate Amora at Boston Veterinary Care, ARL’s public clinic located next to its Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Furthermore, the collaboration made it possible to offset the bulk of the cost of the procedure, allowing the dog’s life to be saved and giving her the second chance she deserves.

Amora is recovering well from her surgery, and her newborn puppy is also thriving.

ARL and MAF are thrilled to have been able to provide this critical surgery, and is a prime example of the close-knit animal welfare community coming together to care for an animal, and family, in need.

ARL Takes in Over 60 Cats From Overcrowding Situation

ARL program allows caretakers to keep a trio of cats from overcrowding situation

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) recently took in more than 60 cats from from an overcrowding situation in Norfolk County whose caretakers urgently needed to downsize the number of animals in their care.

This marks the fourth large-scale intake of cats from overcrowding situations in 2023 and ARL has cared for nearly 200 overcrowding cats so far this year.

The caretakers contacted ARL seeking assistance in downsizing the number of cats in the home.

While the initial thought was to surrender all the cats in the home, through a conversation with ARL staff, the caretakers learned about ARL’s Healthy Moms, Happy Litters program, making it possible to keep three cats that have special meaning for the family.

The Healthy Moms, Happy Litters program offers free spay/neuter surgery for mother/father cats and dogs, and once the surgery is performed the animals are returned to the owner.

Additionally, the offspring are surrendered to ARL and once spayed/neutered, the animals will be available for adoption.

The cats in the home were not spayed or neutered, and because cats can start breeding as young as four months of age and can have about three litters a year, a few cats turned into many in a very short period of time.

The majority of the cats from this situation are social and friendly, and have received thorough veterinary exams, vaccinations, microchip and spay/neuter surgeries.

A large number have been adopted already, but some remain in the care of ARL and are available at both ARL’s Boston and Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Centers.

ARL has cared for nearly 200 cats from overcrowding so far in 2023, and the organization regularly receives requests for assistance from caretakers with too many animals in the home. If you or someone you know is looking for support for spay/neuter services or to rehome cats, you can contact local animal control, or ARL’s Field Services Department for assistance.

ARL approaches every overcrowding situation with respect, compassion, and a staunch commitment to ensuring the health and safety of the animals involved, as well as their caretakers.