Category: News
ARL Takes in Over 360 Pet Rodents from a Massachusetts Pet Store

Pet rodents to be available at ARL’s Boston/Dedham locations  

This past week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) expedited a large surrender of more than 360 pet rodents from a Massachusetts pet store and will soon be seeking homes for hundreds of pet mice, rats, hamsters, as well as one chinchilla.

In recent years, ARL has seen a drastic increase in surrender requests for these types of pet rodents, known as pocket pets, a trend that has been echoed by other animal welfare organizations throughout Massachusetts.

Some of the small animals being brought to ARL were accidentally bred after being mis-sexed at pet stores.

Most small animals have large litters and short gestation periods, resulting in two pets becoming many more very quickly.

These types of animals make for wonderful and fun pets, and ARL encourages anyone interested in adding a new pocket pet to the family, to visit a local shelter rather than a pet store to see if they have the right pet for you.

At ARL, all animals receive a thorough veterinary exam, which includes identifying if they are male or female to ensure they will not reproduce in their new homes.

Anyone interested in adopting a new pocket pet can visit ARL’s Boston or Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Centers, or visit arlboston.org/adopt/adopt-a-pet/ for more information and to see who’s available.

Please note, given the large number of animals, not all of the rodents are available for adoption as of yet.

Pet Surrender

At the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), we know that circumstances can make caring for your pet difficult.

As part of our commitment to help animals and the people who care about them, ARL offers a variety of resources, including a FREE pet behavior helpline.

We understand that sometimes the difficult decision must be made to surrender your pet; rest assured that ARL is here to help you with the process.

To speak with an animal admission representative, please contact the ARL Admission Office in your area.

New England Revolution Teams Up with ARL

Pet food collected as part of New England Revolution’s Drive Series, players visit ARL’s Dedham location

This past week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) continued its partnership with the New England Revolution, with events taking place at Gillette Stadium and ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Before this past weekend’s match against FC Cincinnati, Revolution players arrived at Gillette Stadium wearing shirts with photos of adoptable dogs and cats to give attention to just a few of the animals ARL’s is working to find permanent homes for.

Additionally, as part of the Revolution’s Drive Series Presented by Dan O’Brien Automotive group, the team invited fans to donate dog and cat food for ARL’s Keep Pets S.A.F.E. program, which provides pet food and supplies to pet owners in need throughout Greater Boston.

More than 200 pounds of food was collected!

During this past week Revolution players delivered the supplies to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, and also enjoyed a tour of the facility and spent some quality time with a number of animals and even took part in a scavenger hunt with a pair of pigs currently looking for their new home!

Partnering for Animals in Need

ARL proudly began its partnership with the New England Revolution in 2022, with the Revs hosting ARL, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Massachusetts State Police at Gillette Stadium to promote ARL’s summer pet safety campaign, Too Hot for Spot®.

ARL thanks the New England Revolution’s players and staff for supporting ARL’s mission and is looking forward to continuing this blossoming partnership!

ARL Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week
This past week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) celebrated Volunteer Appreciation Week – a time when the organization can pause and say thank you to the hard work and dedication of these true champions for animals in need.

ARL held three in-person volunteer appreciation week events at ARL’s Boston, Dedham and Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Centers to celebrate and personally thank each and every volunteer at ARL.

In 2022, 1,100 volunteers dedicated over 117,000 hours to help animals in need, while ARL’s 504 foster families opened their hearts and homes to 771 animals!

Volunteers are at the heart of ARL’s mission and are the backbone to the organization’s day-to-day operations.

From feeding animals, cleaning kennels, walking dogs, working with behaviorally challenging animals, sorting through linens and donations, to many other duties, ARL volunteers all bring something unique to the organization, but all have one thing in common – the love and dedication to assisting the animals in ARL’s care in any way possible.

During each of this year’s Volunteer Appreciation Week events, ARL also continued the tradition of handing out a number of awards to volunteers and staff that consistently go above and beyond.

Without further ado, the winners!


  • Best of Boston: Stephanie Moura (Dorchester)
  • Dedham’s Most Dignified: Anna Holzhauer (Brighton)
  • Cape’d Crusader: Brianna Wall (Brewster)
  • ARL Unsung Hero: Lorna Keith (Waltham)
  • All Other Creatures: Pam Chatis (West Roxbury)
  • Admins Above and Beyond: Judy Mereschuk (Brewster)


  • Boston: Molly Montgomery (Cambridge)
  • Dedham: Ning Pan (Newton)
  • Brewster: Linda Heath (South Dennis)

Additionally, volunteers also voted for the following awards for ARL staff: 

  • Boston: Katie Bacall
  • Dedham: Susie McCormick
  • Brewster: Wendi Kelsey

Why Volunteer?

First and foremost, nonprofit organizations like ARL simply could not have such a wide reach to help animals in need without volunteers.

Volunteers are integral members of the ARL family.

But volunteering has benefits beyond caring and participating in such a worthwhile cause.

About 63 million people, or 25% of the U.S. population, donate their time and talents to worthy causes.

In addition to making a difference in the community, volunteering has been shown to improve a person’s health by increasing physical activity, enhancing your mood and decreasing stress.

Another bonus?  The majority of hiring managers nationally see volunteerism as an asset in candidates seeking employment.

Learn more about volunteering at ARL.

    ARL Receives Transport Puppies from Tornado-Ravaged Mississippi

    Transport puppies from areas hard-hit by late March tornadoes

    This past week the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) received nearly 30 transport puppies from overcrowded shelters in areas of Mississippi that were recently devastated by tornadoes.

    ARL’s Dedham, Boston, and Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Centers received the puppies, who will undergo thorough veterinary exams, and receive spay/neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchips, and behavioral evaluations before being made available for adoption.

    While overcrowded animal shelters are common in Mississippi, in the wake of the devastating storms, it was imperative for animal shelters in the impacted regions to clear as much kennel space as possible to accommodate displaced owned pets, and ARL was pleased to have the ability to step up and take a larger transport than usual.

    ARL receives regular transports of puppies and young adult dogs as part of a partnership with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Animal Relocation Program.

    This important program removes animals from areas of the country where overcrowded shelters are an issue and transports them to regions, including New England, where kennel space is ample and there is a high demand for adoptable pets.

    To see who is currently available for adoption, please visit ARL’s adoptable animal page!

    April is National Heartworm Awareness Month

    Did you know… it only takes one bite from an infected mosquito to spread Heartworm disease to your pet?

    Heartworm disease

    Source: www.heartwormsociety.org

    Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal illness for cats, dogs, and ferrets, as well as other mammals. It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of affected animals. Heartworm may result in lung disease, heart failure, or other organ damage.

    Although this sounds scary (it is!), Heartworm disease can be avoided altogether with the necessary preventative measures.

    Protect your pet by reading these 6 FAQs about Heartworm:

    1. How can Heartworm disease spread to my pet? Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes carrying the parasite Dirofilaria Immitis. When an infected mosquito bites a cat, dog, ferret, or other mammal, larvae are transmitted into the bloodstream and ultimately settle in the heart, arteries, blood vessels, and lungs after a period of months.
    2. Which pets are at risk? Any pet in an area with mosquitos is at risk for Heartworm disease.
    3. What symptoms should I look for? Signs of Heartworm disease can be very subtle or very severe depending on the case. Symptoms may include persistent cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, decreased appetite, vomiting, and weight loss. As the disease progresses, an animal may experience fainting, seizures, difficulty walking, or fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Kittens, puppies, and senior pets face the highest risk of developing the more severe symptoms.
    4. How is Heartworm disease diagnosed? It takes approximately 6 months after being bitten by an infected mosquito for your pet to test positive for Heartworm. A veterinarian can make a diagnosis by doing a physical examination and running blood tests.
    5. Is Heartworm disease treatable? For dogs in the US, there is treatment available. Unfortunately for cats in the US, there is currently no approved treatment. The good news, however, is that many Heartworm-infected cats are able to fight the infection themselves and can be monitored every few months, while waiting out the worms’ lifespan. Medications can also be given to help alleviate some symptoms, such as coughing and vomiting.
    6. How can I prevent my pet from contracting Heartworm disease? There are several FDA-approved medications* on the market available for both cats and dogs. Your pet should begin a heartworm preventative around 8 weeks of age, which should be taken year-round. Dogs should be tested for Heartworm every 12 months and regular check-ups for all pets are key to early detection.


    *Always consult with your veterinarian before administering any type of medication to your pet.

    ARL Caring for Likely Abandoned Dog on Cape Cod

    Likely abandoned dog found in Cotuit neighborhood

    The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Center is currently caring for a four-year-old dog that was likely abandoned and found in emaciated condition in a neighborhood on Cape Cod.

    The dog was initially taken in by Barnstable Animal Control before being transferred to ARL’s Brewster facility.

    Little Man.

    The pup, now named Little Man, was found by a resident along Mariner Circle in Cotuit, and told Barnstable Animal Control that the dog had been seen around the neighborhood but not owned by anyone.

    Little Man was not wearing a collar or ID tags and was not microchipped.

    Little Man was likely abandoned, and when he was found he was underweight to the point of emaciation, ravenously hungry, and had a very dirty and unkempt coat.

    During his seven-day stray wait period an owner of the dog did not come forward, and after spending a couple of weeks with Barnstable Animal Control, he was brought to ARL’s Brewster facility where he as undergone a veterinary exam and is scheduled to be neutered before being made available for adoption.

    The dog has put on about five pounds, is incredibly friendly, loves attention, and is well-mannered. ARL thanks Barnstable Animal Control for rescuing this animal in need and is looking forward to finding Little Man the home and family he truly deserves.

    How You Can Help

    ARL has the ability to quickly respond to animals in need, thanks to you and your support!

    By supporting ARL, you will help provide Little Man, and animals like him, with the care he desperately needs and allow ARL to ultimately find him the home and loving family he deserves.

    Thank you for your support, and for being a Champion for Animals in need!

    donate button


    A Moment of Paws: Ticks Remain Year-Round Concern for our Pets

    While many embrace the mild winter New England has experienced this year, one of the downsides to a winter filled with above-average temperatures is an explosion in the tick population in Massachusetts.

    With such a mild winter, tick-borne illnesses are no longer just a summer-time concern, and for pets who spend any time outdoors, pet owners should take steps now to better protect both themselves and their pets when venturing outside.

    With ticks seemingly everywhere outdoors, consider the following to help protect your pet: 

    1. Put your pet on a tick preventative. There are numerous to consider, so speak with your veterinarian to determine what’s best for your pet.
    2. Consider vaccination.  Speak with your veterinarian about the Lyme disease vaccine.
    3. Avoid outdoor areas where ticks are known to inhabit. After spending time outdoors, whether in the backyard or after a hike, check both yourself and your pet for ticks. For dogs, pay particular attention to their ears, eyelids, between toes, genital area, and around the collar.
    4. Maintain your yard. Keep the lawn mowed and shrubbery trimmed around your home.

    Tick preventatives can only go so far, the best way to protect your pet is to do a tick check as soon as returning from the outdoors. Start with your pet’s feet, paying special attention to areas between the toes. From there check the legs, then move onto the underbelly and finally check the head, neck, back, and tail.

    If your pet has been bitten by a tick, it needs to be removed immediately! Using tweezers, grasp the tick as close to your dog’s skin as possible. Remove the tick in a slow, steady, and straight motion – don’t jerk as anything left behind could cause an infection. Treat the bite wound with antiseptic and monitor the site over the next few days for localized skin infection.

    Some signs your dog has been infected by a tick-borne disease include fever, loss of appetite, acute lameness, and swelling in the joints, among others. A blood test can determine if your dog has been exposed to a tick-borne disease and follow up tests or an antibiotic may be recommended.

    Given that tick-borne diseases can trigger chronic health issues, it is also vital to follow recommendations for ongoing follow-up care after diagnosis and treatment. 

    Press Release: ARL Named a Finalist in the 2023 Classy Awards

    The Classy Awards honor the impact of innovative nonprofits

    Boston, MA — Classy, a giving platform that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with causes they care about, has named the Animal Rescue League of Boston as a finalist for the 2023 Classy Awards. Launched in 2009, The Classy Awards shine a spotlight on the innovative work nonprofits are implementing around the globe.

    Today, we’re proud to share that ARL’s Wellness Waggin’ has been recognized for its impact for providing low-cost, accessible, and high-quality animal wellness care for pet owners in the underserved areas of Greater Boston.

    Launched in 2019, and in partnership with Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), the Wellness Waggin’ has surpassed 11,000 appointments, serving pet owners in Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan, and East Boston.

    For $10, the Wellness Waggin’ offers pets a physical exam, rabies and distemper vaccines, flea treatment and microchip.

    ARL’s Wellness Waggin’ delivers these services directly where they’re needed most, helping pet owners overcome the hurdles of accessibility and cost, to ensure their pets are happy and healthy.

    This year, 11 Classy Awards will be distributed including the People’s Choice Award, which is determined by public vote.

    Supporters can vote here from April 6-April 25, 2023. Winners will be announced live on June 7 at the Collaborative by Classy conference in Philadelphia, PA.

    For more information on the Classy Awards, visit awards.classy.org.


    The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is an unwavering champion for animals in need, committed to keeping them safe and healthy in habitats and homes. Founded in 1899, ARL provides high-quality veterinary care, adoption, and rescue services; while also confronting the root causes of animal cruelty and neglect through innovative community programs, police investigations, and public advocacy. In 2022, ARL served 20,601 animals throughout Massachusetts. ARL is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. The Animal Rescue League of Boston does not receive government grants or public funding and relies on the generosity of our supporters to help animals in need. For more information please visit us online at arlboston.org; and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    About the Classy Awards
    Started in 2009, the Classy Awards recognize nonprofits for their unique approaches and impact on our world. Decided by a well-respected group of judges, the Classy Awards bring together groundbreaking nonprofits and impact leaders to honor the achievements driving lasting change around the globe.

    About Classy
    Classy, an affiliate of GoFundMe, is a Public Benefit Corporation and giving platform that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about. Classy’s platform provides powerful and intuitive fundraising tools to convert and retain donors. Since 2011, Classy has helped nonprofits mobilize and empower the world for good by helping them raise over $5 billion. For more information, visit www.classy.org.


    ARL Caring for Injured Stray Cat Likely Attacked by Wildlife

    Injured stray cat suffering from multitude of wounds

    The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is currently caring for an injured stray cat that used up one of his nine lives escaping a likely wildlife attack, suffering severe wounds in the process.

    The Good Samaritan who rescued the 2-year-old cat, now named Gummy Bear, stated the cat had been a regular in their West Yarmouth neighborhood for about a year, but when he showed up one day clearly in distress, the finder trapped the cat and brought him to ARL’s Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Center for the emergency care he desperately needed.

    Gummy Bear suffered from deep, raw wounds on both cheeks, hind limbs, as well as an injured toe.

    He also had scars on his body from previous encounters with unknown animals.

    ARL’s shelter medicine team proceeded to clean and debride the wounds, and he is currently residing at ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center to receive ongoing treatment.

    Because his wounds are of an unknown origin, he will be quarantined for four months, per state law.

    Despite his harrowing ordeal, Gummy Bear is settling into his new surroundings and is improving both physically and behaviorally.

    ARL staff and volunteers are spending ample time with the wounded cat, who has begun opening up and is constantly seeking pets, accepting treats, and purring to show his appreciation.

    Although he will be residing with ARL until the early summer, his finder, who likely saved his life, has expressed interest in adopting him when his quarantine period ends, which would make for the perfect beginning to the next chapter of his life.

    ARL would like to thank Gummy Bear’s finder for their act of kindness, and acknowledge all the Good Samaritans who take action when seeing an animal in distress and need of assistance.

    ARL Caring for Stray Cat Saved by Good Samaritan

    Senior stray cat with several medical issues found along VFW Parkway in Dedham

    A senior former stray cat is getting the second chance he deserves thanks to the actions of a Good Samaritan who was concerned after spotting the cat near a busy highway in Dedham, MA.

    The cat has been in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), and had he not been rescued, his medical issues would’ve certainly been exacerbated and possibly life-threatening.

    Mr. Belvedere, a 10-year-old male cat, was brought to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center in February after a person on their way to work noticed the cat on the side of the busy VFW Parkway in Dedham.

    The Good Samaritan took note of the stray cat, and when returning from work the same day, the person once again noticed the cat and decided to take action.

    Concerned for the animal’s welfare and believing he was either sick or injured, the Good Samaritan was able to gather up the friendly cat, and bring him to ARL.

    Upon his arrival, a thorough medical exam revealed some underlying medical concerns, including diabetes, muscle wasting on one of his hind limbs, and chronic dry eye.

    The cat was also suffering from advanced dental disease. Had Mr. Belvedere not been rescued, it’s likely his diabetes would have worsened over time and developed into a life-threatening condition.

    Over the past month, ARL’s shelter medicine has worked diligently to regulate the cat’s diabetes, and Mr. Belvedere is currently on a restricted diet, and also receives daily insulin injections.

    He also needs daily medication for his dry eye condition.

    Mr. Belvedere, a very friendly and outgoing cat, has enjoyed living in his foster home since his intake, and it’s likely his foster family will adopt him once he’s ready.

    ARL would like to thank the Good Samaritan for their act of kindness, and acknowledge everyone who takes action when seeing an animal in distress and need of assistance.