Category: Rescue
Piper the Kitten Getting Special Care at the ARL

“She’s like our very own Tiny Tim”

kitten being examined by ARL vetThe Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) newest addition, little Piper the kitten, is recovering from delicate surgery performed on Monday to repair her broken back leg.

Just as the cold weather hit, kind Samaritans discovered the 6-8 week-old brown tabby all alone and struggling to walk near an ice cream shop in Orleans, MA. After police brought her to the ARL’s Brewster shelter, ARL veterinarian Dr. Kyle Quigley recommended bringing Piper up to Boston to explore all the options for repairing her leg.

“Piper was anemic, dehydrated, and clearly in some discomfort because of her broken leg,” Dr. Quigley explained. “Because she was so little, we wanted to make sure we helped her heal with minimal pain.”

An x-ray of Piper's leg with the pins and steel plate post surgery.

An x-ray of Piper’s leg with the pins and steel plate post surgery.

The ARL funded Piper’s surgery at Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment and Specialties in Walpole, MA, where veterinary surgeons inserted a steel plate and pins to repair the serious fracture in her thigh. The organization will continue to help Piper rehabilitate over the next 6-8 weeks and begin the process of finding her a permanent home.

“She’s like our very own Tiny Tim,” said Marianne Gasbarro, the ARL’s Boston shelter manager. “She got the treatment she needed just in time and will have a much better life in the new year ahead.”

The ARL expects Piper’s medical costs will top $2,000 with surgery and after care. The organization does not receive any government funding and relies solely on the generosity of supporters to help stray animals like Piper recover.

Make a donation to help Piper and other animals just like her.

small tabby kitten


Happy Tail Tuesday: Tuukka a Middleboro Puppy

1 Year Later, Tuukka’s One of the Kids

Tuukka today.

Tuukka today.

During a drug and weapons raid on a home in Middleboro in October of 2013, the police found 13 puppies in a small crate. The tiny puppies were rescued and brought to the Animal Rescue League.

After extensive time with our foster volunteers, where they grew strong enough to come to our adoption centers, the puppies were all adopted out to loving homes.

Their story touched the hearts of people across Eastern Massachusetts and their photos graced the cover of the Fall 2013 edition of the ARL’s magazine.

One year later, we are happy to report that the puppies are healthy and doing well. We have a very special update on one of the puppies named Tuukka (f.k.a Ollie).

Celebrating his 1st birthday.

Celebrating his 1st birthday.

According to his new family, Tuukaa is “the biggest love. He needs to be next to someone at all times.” Hi mom said, he “literally is our ‘baby’.”

It’s been an exciting year for Tuukka between fun with kids, vacations and his first birthday, he’s been a busy pup. He took his first vacations this summer to Newport, RI and New Hampshire and loved exploring the new places. On August 27 he turned one and his family celebrated in style by taking him to Petco and spoiling him with gourmet treats, new toys and a goofy birthday hat.

Tuukka absolutely loves children and is a big cuddle bug whenever someone comes over to pet him. According to his owners, “he is definitely the best dog ever.”

Not only does Tuukka have a great new family, but he actually gets to see his real dad. A relative of the family adopted Tuukka’s father, named Dante, also seized during the Middleboro raid.

Tuukka (L) with his father Dante (R)

Tuukka (L) with his father Dante (R)

Dante is doing great as well. He’s a big couch potato and loves lounging around. He and Tuukka are the best of friends and enjoy playing together. Tuukka loves to antagonize his dad, as all sons do, and Dante is so good with him, as if he knows that his son is just a baby and must be handled with patience and care.

Tuukka’s owners just had a baby and report that Tuukka has adjusted great around the newborn. He gets very concerned when he cries and tries comforting him by licking him. Congratulations, to Tuukka’s family on their newest addition! We’re so happy that Tuukka found such a loving family who clearly cares so much about him! Everyone at the ARL wishes you all the best.

Read more about the Middleboro puppies and view photos of Tuukka as a puppy.

Tuukka and the kids, including the family's new baby.

Tuukka and the kids, including the family’s new baby. Congrats!

Meet Rugby!

A real miracle puppy ready to find a new home

“Rugby’s story highlights all the wonderful people in the ARL network who are dedicated to helping neglected animals.”
– Dr. Edward Schettino, Director of Veterinary Medical Services, ARL

When we first met Rugby back in April, he could have been the poster child for our “See Something, Say Something: Report Animal Cruelty,” campaign running that month.

At the time, he was 4 1/2 months old and had been cruelly abandoned in the middle of the road in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. His front legs were severely twisted at the wrists, so Rugby could only get around by doing a haphazard crawl.  Thankfully, someone reported spotting Rugby inching his way along the road where he’d been left, and Lt. Alan Borgal, director of the ARL’s Center for Animal Protection, brought him to the ARL’s Boston Shelter.

When Dr. Edward Schettino, the ARL’s director of veterinary medical services, examined Rugby at the shelter, he observed the spirited young dog was very underweight. Dr. Schettino concluded the condition of Rugby’s front legs was probably due to poor nutrition and long-term confinement to a very small crate. After reviewing x-rays of Rugby’s front legs with his colleagues, Dr. Schettino preliminarily diagnosed Rugby with bilateral carpal laxity syndrome, a condition that could require surgery or could also respond to a diet of well-balanced adult dog-food and a program of rigorous exercise.

Rigorous exercise seemed to be the best course of treatment for Rugby!  A rambunctious dog, Rugby already had ARL behaviorists, staff,  and trained volunteers working with him to help him channel his energies into playing with other dogs and chew toys.

And getting him moving helped on the medical and behavioral front indeed!

Within a few weeks, Rugby’s front legs were improving. The ARL collaborated on his treatment with colleagues at the ARL and Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. To increase strength in his legs, Rugby began underwater treadmill therapy twice a week, under the supervision of the ARL’s Dr. Alett Mekler and the physical therapists at Animotion in Stoughton, Massachusetts, who donated their time and services.

In just under three months, Rugby has come incredibly far in his rehabilitation.  He is moving well on his front legs and his sweet, playful personality makes everyone at the shelter smile–even when he’s a bit of a handful (written with love and a smile, of course).

Thanks to the collaborative effort of our Center for Animal Protection, shelter veterinarians, dog behaviorists, shelter staff, volunteers, Tufts University Cummings School, and Animotion, this miracle puppy is now ready for a new home!

According to shelter staff, an experienced dog owner preferably with another dog would be the best situation for Rugby–the guy really needs a playmate to keep him on his toes and moving!  He’s still working on his jumpy/mouthy behavior, so an active household with older children would be more suited to his big personality and energy-level.

Baby Alert! Mini-Donkey Gives Birth to Healthy Baby

Mini-Donkey Rescued from Illegal Ludlow Petting Zoo Gives Birth in New Home

Baby Alice

Baby Alice

Yesterday morning Loretta, a mini-donkey who was adopted from our Dedham Animal Care & Adoption Center on March 24, gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The birth went perfectly and did not need any intervention. Both mom and baby, now named Alice, are doing well!

According to Alyssa Kane, one of our Dedham shelter agents, “this baby is quite possibly the cutest thing you’ll see in a long time!”

Congrats to the new mom and her adopters.

We are very excited to report that Loretta and Alice will be staying together! They live on a beautiful farm where mom and baby will get to foster their beautiful mother-daughter bond.

06-03-14 Loretta & Baby Donkey

Loretta is one of 35 animals that the ARL, together with MSPCA-Angell, rescued from an illegal traveling petting zoo in Ludlow, Massachusetts back in February.

Read the full story about the rescue.

Most of the animals found permanent homes, but we still have three animals at our Dedham barn from that rescue who are waiting patiently for someone to adopt them.

Ross – a pony, Phoebe – a pony, and Chandler – a goat, are all hopeful that someone will adopt them soon! You can learn more about all of them on our adoptable animals page.

Kittens Trapped in Chelsea Hair Salon, Saved!

Patience Pays Off in Kitten Rescue

Senior Rescue Technician, Bill Tanguay retrieving a kitten.

Senior Rescue Technician, Bill Tanguay retrieving a kitten.

About a month ago the ARL Boston Rescue Team received a call from a hair salon in Chelsea about some kittens that seemed to be stuck in their ceiling. The stylists could hear the sound of pitter-pattering above them as they worked.

Our rescue team went to the scene and from what they could see, it was clear that there were a lot of kittens stuck up there and this rescue would be no easy task. Rescue technicians were visiting the hair salon every few days to try to catch more kittens, this became a true team effort.

Brian O’Connor, Manager of Rescue Services at the ARL said “The most challenging part was that they were all stuck in a drop-ceiling in a business. so they were surrounded with wires.” The Chelsea fire department even came in with their infrared camera, but because of all the wires they couldn’t discern where the kittens actually were.

At one point it was clear that one of the kittens had actually ended up behind a wall and after receiving permission from the business owner, one of our rescue technicians cut a hole in the wall to retrieve the poor little guy.

The kitten who was rescued from inside the wall.

The kitten rescued from inside the wall.

One-by-one, all of the kittens were saved! Thank you to everyone at the hair salon for their patience as we helped get this little family out.

In total, seven kittens plus mom were rescued from the Chelsea hair salon. We’re happy to report that everyone is doing well. The kittens were brought to our Dedham shelter where they were placed in foster homes and the mom is currently in our Boston shelter undergoing evaluation.

Great work everyone!

Kitten number 6!

Kitten number 6!

Finally, kitten number 7!

Finally, kitten number 7! A little frightened and dirty, but okay!

Field Services Saves Juvenile Bald Eagle in Tyngsborough, MA

Eagle is Resting at Tufts

ARLhawkOn May 1, 2014, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) received a call from Tyngsborough animal control in regards to an injured juvenile bald eagle.

With the assistance of the animal control officer our rescue team was able to quickly set up their bow net which was recently donated by the Harmony Foundation, bait it with food and humanely catch the  injured bird in minutes.

The eagle was taken to The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts wildlife in Grafton for further care.

Watch the video of the remarkable rescue below:


Learn more about ARL’s Field Services team. 

Lt. Borgal on the Link Between Animal Cruelty and Community Violence [VIDEO]

As a reminder that April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals month, today we’re sharing a video featuring Lt. Alan Borgal, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Director of Law Enforcement. Lt. Borgal emphasizes the link between cruelty to animals and family and community violence and encourages you to contact local authorities if you suspect animal cruelty or neglect. Remember YOU can give a voice to the victims of animal cruelty, if when you see something, you say something!

A very special thanks to GreatGrandPaws for producing the video for us!

Not sure if it’s animal cruelty? Learn the 7 warning signs.

NEWS: 199 Animals Taken from Lynnfield Hoarding House

ARL helping rescued animals recover from neglect and find new homes

At the end of February, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) partnered with MSPCA-Angell to remove 199 animals from a home in Lynnfield, Massachusetts.

In one of the largest hoarding situations the ARL has responded to in recent years, a wide range of species including dogs, cats, birds, and reptiles lived in unsanitary conditions, stacked in cages and crates in different areas of the home.  All of the animals were voluntarily surrendered to the ARL and MSPCA-Angell.

After the ARL’s Rescue Services team removed animals from the home, the team brought 60 to our Boston shelter for emergency medical care.  According to Dr. Martha Smith-Blackmore, vice president of animal welfare at the ARL, many of the animals had serious health issues resulting from neglect.

“When people suffer from the complex psychological conditions that lead to animal hoarding, they become overwhelmed with caring for all the animals they accumulate,” explains Dr. Smith-Blackmore.

“In hoarding situations, both the owner and the animals need help.  If you see something that suggests an animal hoarding situation, say something to your local authorities.”

Working together, our veterinary and shelter staff mobilized a temporary isolation area for the cats requiring long-term medical treatment and found places for them at the Pat Brody Shelter for Cats in Lunenburg, where they will continue to receive rehabilitative care.  The ARL also asked Jabberwock Reptiles in Winchester, for assistance taking in the reptiles recovered from the home, including sickly blue-tongued skinks and snakes.

The 6 dogs and 13 birds remaining at the ARL’s shelters continue to make progress in their recovery.  Broadway Dog Spa in South Boston generously donated grooming services and the Boston shelter has already begun to identify potential adopters for the shy, but very sweet dogs.

All three of our shelters have taken in the birds.  Staff members are getting to know their unique personalities, while providing proper nutrition and care.

If you would like to help these animals and others like them recover from neglect, click the green button below to make a donation.

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03-6 Lynnfield Rescue Danielle & Dog

Danielle Genter, senior rescue technician at the ARL, comforts one of the dogs removed from a hoarding situation in Lynnfield, MA, at the end of February.

03-6 Lynnfield Rescue Dog Front

The coats of the dogs were so overgrown that most of them could barely see.

03-6 Lynnfield Rescue Dog Back

It appears that this dog, removed from the Lynnfield home, was living in very unsanitary conditions. His coat was filthy.



UPDATE: Animals Rescued from Unlicensed Traveling Petting Zoo

Animals Rescued on 2/7 in Ludlow Getting Ready to Go Home


Monica, available for adoption!

We have an exciting update on the animals taken in by the Animal Rescue League of Boston on February 7 from an unlicensed traveling petting zoo in Ludlow, Massachusetts!

Read the details of the Ludlow rescue.

In their prior circumstances, the animals did not have adequate shelter and their previous owner has been charged with 36 alleged counts of animal cruelty.  The ARL’s rescue services team assisted the MSPCA in providing emergency transport and care for 12 of the 35 animals involved in this case.

Since arriving at the barn at our Dedham shelter, the Ludlow 12 – including standard donkeys, miniature donkeys, goats, sheep, and Shetland ponies – received medical attention, proper nutrition, and a visit from the farrier, a specialist in equine hoof care.

All have made terrific progress in their recovery.  Those with overgrown hooves learned to walk properly again and all began going out into the livestock paddock on sunny days.

Thanks to special TLC from shelter staff, the personalities of these gentle creatures started to shine through as they relaxed in their new environment.  With their friendly and cuddly ways, the standard donkeys, FORREST (pictured below) and JENNY, in particular have endeared themselves to all their visitors!

Late last month, their previous owner officially surrendered them to the Animal Rescue League of Boston and potential adopters began asking about them almost immediately.

Ross, available for adoption!

Ross, available for adoption!

If you would like to contribute to the costs of medical care and food for these animals and others like them, please click the button below to make a contribution today!


03-3-14 Forrest

Forrest loves posing for the camera!

35 Farm Animals Rescued from Unlicensed Traveling Petting Zoo

Animal Rescue League of Boston and MSPCA-Angell Work Together to Rescue Sickly Animals from the Cold

MEDIA AVAIL: Tuesday, February 11,2014 from 11 am – 12: 30 pm, Animal Rescue League of Boston’s Dedham Animal Care & Adoption Center, 55 Anna’s Place, Dedham, MA.

Boston, MA – Over the weekend, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and MSPCA-Angell worked together to rescue 35 cold and emaciated animals from an unlicensed petting zoo in Ludlow, Massachusetts.

02-10-14 Ludlow Rescue Goat & Brian

ARL Rescue Services Manager Brian O’Connor carries one of 12 animals rescued from an unlicensed traveling petting zoo in Ludlow, MA, on Friday evening.

The ARL’s Rescue Services team brought 12 of the rescued animals, including mini-donkeys, donkeys, ponies, sheep, and goats, to the organization’s Dedham Animal Care & Adoption Center for immediate care. The MSPCA-Angell’s Law Enforcement department transported the more severely emaciated and sickly animals including pigs and alpacas to the organization’s Nevins Farm facility.

On Monday, the MSPCA-Angell’s Law Enforcement department charged the animal’s owner Dean Manual of Ludlow with multiple counts of animal cruelty. Manual, 43, faces up to 36 counts of animal cruelty with additional pending charges for assaulting a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest.

As the ARL and MSPCA-Angell tended to the animals on Friday evening in Ludlow, many neighbors expressed concern for the health of the animals and asked for information about contributing to their care.

Since their arrival, the animals at the ARL’s Dedham facility have received proper hydration, nutrition, and veterinary care. Animal care staff report all 12 continue to rest and recover from living in cruel conditions.

About the Animal Rescue League of Boston

Founded in 1899, the ARL is dedicated to rescuing domesticated animals and wildlife from suffering, cruelty, abandonment, and neglect. The ARL receives no government funding and relies solely on the generosity of supporters to help animals in need.

About the MSPCA-Angell

The MSPCA-Angell is a national and international leader in animal protection and veterinary medicine and provides direct hands-on care for thousands of animals each year. Founded in 1868, it is the second-oldest humane society in the United States. Services include animal protection and adoption, advocacy, humane education, law enforcement, and world-class veterinary care. The MSPCA-Angell is a private, non-profit organization. It does not receive any government funding nor is it funded or operated by any national humane organization. The MSPCA-Angell relies solely on the support and contributions from individuals who care about animals.

Media Avail
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
11 am – 12: 30 pm
Animal Rescue League of Boston
Dedham Animal Care & Adoption Center
55 Anna’s Place
Dedham, MA