Category: Rescue
ARL Takes in Over 360 Pet Rodents from a Massachusetts Pet Store

Pet rodents to be available at ARL’s Boston/Dedham locations  

This past week, the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) expedited a large surrender of more than 360 pet rodents from a Massachusetts pet store and will soon be seeking homes for hundreds of pet mice, rats, hamsters, as well as one chinchilla.

In recent years, ARL has seen a drastic increase in surrender requests for these types of pet rodents, known as pocket pets, a trend that has been echoed by other animal welfare organizations throughout Massachusetts.

Some of the small animals being brought to ARL were accidentally bred after being mis-sexed at pet stores.

Most small animals have large litters and short gestation periods, resulting in two pets becoming many more very quickly.

These types of animals make for wonderful and fun pets, and ARL encourages anyone interested in adding a new pocket pet to the family, to visit a local shelter rather than a pet store to see if they have the right pet for you.

At ARL, all animals receive a thorough veterinary exam, which includes identifying if they are male or female to ensure they will not reproduce in their new homes.

Anyone interested in adopting a new pocket pet can visit ARL’s Boston or Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Centers, or visit arlboston.org/adopt/adopt-a-pet/ for more information and to see who’s available.

Please note, given the large number of animals, not all of the rodents are available for adoption as of yet.

Pet Surrender

At the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), we know that circumstances can make caring for your pet difficult.

As part of our commitment to help animals and the people who care about them, ARL offers a variety of resources, including a FREE pet behavior helpline.

We understand that sometimes the difficult decision must be made to surrender your pet; rest assured that ARL is here to help you with the process.

To speak with an animal admission representative, please contact the ARL Admission Office in your area.

ARL Caring for Likely Abandoned Dog on Cape Cod

Likely abandoned dog found in Cotuit neighborhood

The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Center is currently caring for a four-year-old dog that was likely abandoned and found in emaciated condition in a neighborhood on Cape Cod.

The dog was initially taken in by Barnstable Animal Control before being transferred to ARL’s Brewster facility.

Little Man.

The pup, now named Little Man, was found by a resident along Mariner Circle in Cotuit, and told Barnstable Animal Control that the dog had been seen around the neighborhood but not owned by anyone.

Little Man was not wearing a collar or ID tags and was not microchipped.

Little Man was likely abandoned, and when he was found he was underweight to the point of emaciation, ravenously hungry, and had a very dirty and unkempt coat.

During his seven-day stray wait period an owner of the dog did not come forward, and after spending a couple of weeks with Barnstable Animal Control, he was brought to ARL’s Brewster facility where he as undergone a veterinary exam and is scheduled to be neutered before being made available for adoption.

The dog has put on about five pounds, is incredibly friendly, loves attention, and is well-mannered. ARL thanks Barnstable Animal Control for rescuing this animal in need and is looking forward to finding Little Man the home and family he truly deserves.

How You Can Help

ARL has the ability to quickly respond to animals in need, thanks to you and your support!

By supporting ARL, you will help provide Little Man, and animals like him, with the care he desperately needs and allow ARL to ultimately find him the home and loving family he deserves.

Thank you for your support, and for being a Champion for Animals in need!

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ARL Caring for Injured Stray Cat Likely Attacked by Wildlife

Injured stray cat suffering from multitude of wounds

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is currently caring for an injured stray cat that used up one of his nine lives escaping a likely wildlife attack, suffering severe wounds in the process.

The Good Samaritan who rescued the 2-year-old cat, now named Gummy Bear, stated the cat had been a regular in their West Yarmouth neighborhood for about a year, but when he showed up one day clearly in distress, the finder trapped the cat and brought him to ARL’s Brewster Animal Care and Adoption Center for the emergency care he desperately needed.

Gummy Bear suffered from deep, raw wounds on both cheeks, hind limbs, as well as an injured toe.

He also had scars on his body from previous encounters with unknown animals.

ARL’s shelter medicine team proceeded to clean and debride the wounds, and he is currently residing at ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center to receive ongoing treatment.

Because his wounds are of an unknown origin, he will be quarantined for four months, per state law.

Despite his harrowing ordeal, Gummy Bear is settling into his new surroundings and is improving both physically and behaviorally.

ARL staff and volunteers are spending ample time with the wounded cat, who has begun opening up and is constantly seeking pets, accepting treats, and purring to show his appreciation.

Although he will be residing with ARL until the early summer, his finder, who likely saved his life, has expressed interest in adopting him when his quarantine period ends, which would make for the perfect beginning to the next chapter of his life.

ARL would like to thank Gummy Bear’s finder for their act of kindness, and acknowledge all the Good Samaritans who take action when seeing an animal in distress and need of assistance.

ARL Caring for Stray Cat Saved by Good Samaritan

Senior stray cat with several medical issues found along VFW Parkway in Dedham

A senior former stray cat is getting the second chance he deserves thanks to the actions of a Good Samaritan who was concerned after spotting the cat near a busy highway in Dedham, MA.

The cat has been in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), and had he not been rescued, his medical issues would’ve certainly been exacerbated and possibly life-threatening.

Mr. Belvedere, a 10-year-old male cat, was brought to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center in February after a person on their way to work noticed the cat on the side of the busy VFW Parkway in Dedham.

The Good Samaritan took note of the stray cat, and when returning from work the same day, the person once again noticed the cat and decided to take action.

Concerned for the animal’s welfare and believing he was either sick or injured, the Good Samaritan was able to gather up the friendly cat, and bring him to ARL.

Upon his arrival, a thorough medical exam revealed some underlying medical concerns, including diabetes, muscle wasting on one of his hind limbs, and chronic dry eye.

The cat was also suffering from advanced dental disease. Had Mr. Belvedere not been rescued, it’s likely his diabetes would have worsened over time and developed into a life-threatening condition.

Over the past month, ARL’s shelter medicine has worked diligently to regulate the cat’s diabetes, and Mr. Belvedere is currently on a restricted diet, and also receives daily insulin injections.

He also needs daily medication for his dry eye condition.

Mr. Belvedere, a very friendly and outgoing cat, has enjoyed living in his foster home since his intake, and it’s likely his foster family will adopt him once he’s ready.

ARL would like to thank the Good Samaritan for their act of kindness, and acknowledge everyone who takes action when seeing an animal in distress and need of assistance.

ARL Saves Life of Transport Kitten

Transport kitten required leg amputation due to unrepairable fracture

A seven-month-old transport kitten in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is getting a second chance thanks to both the transport, and the emergency surgical procedure performed by ARL’s shelter medicine team.

The kitten was part of a transport of cats through the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Relocation Program, and was suffering from a severely fractured leg.

Because the kitten, named Raquel, was found as a stray, it’s unknown how she suffered the injury.

Upon arrival at ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, Raquel’s leg was x-rayed and due to the extent and severity of the fracture, the leg was removed which will result in Raquel living a pain-free, and normal life.

Just one day after surgery, Raquel was playful, energetic and displayed no mobility issues.

Raquel is literally receiving a second chance – given the combination of shelter overcrowding and her medical issues, it’s very likely that the kitten would have been euthanized had she not been transported.

ARL is thrilled to have the opportunity to give Raquel and the 14 other cats that were part of the transport the chance to find permanent homes and have the fulfilling lives they deserve.

While ARL’s feline priorities remain focused on serving the countless homeless cats living in our local communities through the organization’s Community Cat Program, ARL is a proud partner with the ASPCA and regularly receives transports of both cats and dogs to lessen shelter overcrowding in other regions of the country and finding these animals homes.

The ASPCA Relocation Program removes cats and dogs from shelters in areas with high homeless animal populations and transports them to areas (like Massachusetts), where the demand for adoptable animals is high.

In 2021, the program relocated more than 34,000 animals to shelters across the country.

ARL Tops 100 for Overcrowding Cat Intake in 2023

Latest overcrowding cat situation involved two dozen cats removed from home in Bristol County

This past week the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) took in two dozen animals from a cat overcrowding situation in Bristol County, and already in 2023 ARL has taken in more than 100 cats from these types of situations in our local communities – nearly twice as many as the same time period in 2022.

ARL is the only large animal welfare organization in Massachusetts with a dedicated community cat agent working within our local communities to help these animals directly where they live.

The cats currently in ARL’s care came from an individual that previously reached out to ARL for assistance through the organization’s Community Cat Program to support care for outdoor cats in the area as well as owner surrender for cats the individual had taken into their care.

After providing refuge and shelter for so many outdoor cats, the situation had become too overwhelming and assistance was required to ensure the cats were provided with proper care and the opportunity to find loving homes through ARL’s adoption services.

Once removed from the home, the cats were transported to ARL’s Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center where they continue to receive ongoing medical and behavioral care.

Cats living in overcrowding situations tend to have chronic medical issues due to a lack of proper care and sanitation, and because they are more used to interacting with other animals rather than people, tend to have behavioral challenges to overcome before being placed in a permanent home.

The majority of the cats are doing remarkably well and while many are available for adoption, others will need ongoing care, but should be ready to find their new homes soon.

Taking in such a large and sudden influx of animals is a daunting task, however, ARL has the experience and expertise to provide the care these animals need, and reminds the public that If you or someone you know is overwhelmed by having too many animals in their home, there is help available.

You can contact local animal control, or ARL’s Field Services Department for assistance.

ARL approaches every overcrowding situation with respect, compassion, and a staunch commitment to ensuring the health and safety of the animals involved, as well as their caretakers.

Pair of Community Cats Forge Heart-Warming Bond at ARL

Community cats overcome social and medical hurdles

When community cats come into the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL), the road to finding a permanent and loving home is often paved with challenges, whether it be a medical condition or a need for socialization.

For six-year-old Jacob and eight-year-old Peanut Butter, they found more than shelter, medical treatment, and caring staff at ARL – they found each other.

Jacob was found as a stray in Fall River, and upon his arrival at ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center, it was clear he needed medical attention.

Although showing some social behavior, he had two ailments causing him discomfort and pain that needed to be addressed – severe dental disease, and an infection that had all but destroyed his right eye.

ARL’s shelter medicine team proceeded to remove the eye, and with the extent of the dental disease, performed a full-mouth extraction, removing all of his remaining teeth.

Jacob and Peanut Butter.

Jacob was placed in an office to recover, and there is where he found Peanut Butter.

Peanut Butter was also a stray and was living in Hyde Park.

She had a feeder to depend on, and her ear tip showed that she had been spayed and released at some point in her life.

Unfortunately, her feeder was moving, and could no longer monitor the aging cat.

When Peanut Butter was trapped and brought to ARL, she was found to be in good overall health, however, she was suffering from severe dental disease.

She was missing a handful of teeth, and 15 teeth that were causing her pain were removed.

With surgery complete, she was placed in the same office as Jacob to recover.

Over a short period of time, the two became fast friends, and soon were spotted together in a plush cat cubby and that is where you can find them curled up together for most of the day.

While the cats are still working on their social skills with humans, with their bond forged, they will find a new home together and will lean on one another to acclimate to their new surroundings.

*Update 3/14/23: Jacob and Peanut Butter have been adopted together!** 

ARL’s Community Cat Program

It is estimated that there are more than 700,000 community cats throughout Massachusetts, 70,000 in Boston alone.

Community cats face many challenges living outdoors. Without proper shelter and care, they are at risk of illness and injury.

Additionally, without spay/neuter surgery, these cats can produce many litters and continue the cycle of large colonies of unowned cats.

ARL’s Community Cat Program tackles this issue by working with individuals who take it upon themselves to feed and monitor these animals, as well as animal control officers to assess a colony and formulate a TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) plan.

Spay and neuter surgeries are low risk and proven to improve the safety and health of these cats as well as the community as a whole. The plan also includes vaccines, and whether each cat will be returned to the colony, returned to their owner if microchipped, or admitted to an ARL shelter to be put up for adoption if they are friendly, just like Jacob and Peanut Butter.

More information about ARL’s Community Cat Program.

Former Abandoned Dog Finds the Home He Deserves

Abandoned dog needed extensive grooming and a little TLC

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) recently took in a 9-year-old abandoned dog from an animal control officer in Worcester County, this after the Australian Shepherd mix was left tied to a large tire near a busy road.

The abandoned dog, named Charlie, realized that he had been left to fend for himself, and managed to chew through the rope and sought shelter at a nearby business where staff took him in and notified authorities.

Charlie’s owner was found rather quickly and formally surrendered the dog, but is facing charges for abandoning an animal.

Once he was surrendered, the local animal control officer contacted ARL and transported him to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Upon arrival, staff was notified that Charlie had not received veterinary care for some time, and given his extremely matted and unkempt coat, he was in desperate need of grooming.

ARL’s shelter medicine team gave Charlie a thorough exam, and due to the extent of the matting, Charlie needed to be sedated for his grooming and when staff was finished, he literally looked like a completely different dog!

With the uncomfortable mats removed, Charlie quickly settled into his new surroundings and became a favorite among staff and volunteers.

Charlie was friendly, well-mannered, and enjoyed being around people and taking advantage of Dedham’s outdoor paddocks to play and run around in.

Less than two weeks after arriving at ARL, Charlie was made available for adoption and quickly found his new home where he has settled in and thriving!

A Resource for Animals in Need

ARL is thrilled for the opportunity to provide Charlie with the resources he needed to overcome a difficult situation and to find him the loving home he deserves.

ARL routinely works with animal control officers from around the Commonwealth in a variety of ways, including taking in animals like Charlie.

From assisting on animal rescues, providing intake for overcrowding or other situations involving large numbers of animals, or taking in stray or lost animals, animal control officers know that ARL is always ready, willing, and able to help in any way possible and that the animals will receive high-quality care and the resources they need to thrive in the next chapters of their lives.

ARL Takes in Dogs Rescued from Alleged South Carolina Dog Fighting Operation

Alleged dog fighting operation housed approximately 275 dogs

Late last week the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) received a special transport of three dogs from the national organization the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) that were rescued from a large alleged dog fighting operation in South Carolina that was raided by federal officials in September of 2022.

ARL is privileged to welcome these dogs and give them the lives and homes they truly deserve.

The female dogs range from 2-3-years-old, and have received thorough medical examinations upon arrival at ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Aside from scars that are typical of dogs that have suffered in this type of situation, one dog did need a mass removed, one dog required the extraction of several teeth, and one dog will need ongoing medication for allergies that have caused skin irritation.

The dogs are friendly, but given the circumstances they came from, they are understandably nervous around new people, however, ARL staff and volunteers are continuously working with the animals to increase their confidence and comfort level around people.

With the trauma behind them, ARL is looking forward to finding these resilient dogs the homes they deserve, and encourage potential adopters to learn more about them.

ARL wishes to thank HSUS for their efforts in rescuing these dogs, and for collaborating with ARL to help these dogs into the next phase of their lives.

Case Background

On September 25, 2022, HSUS assisted the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Office of the Inspector General to seize approximately 275 from multiple properties in the Columbia, South Carolina area as part of an ongoing investigation by the USDA, OIG, and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.

The conditions these animals were living in were horrific, with many dogs living in pens or chained to trees with barrels or makeshift shelter serving as their only protection from the elements. The dogs were suffering from a variety of injuries typically found in dog fighting situations including severe scarring, festering open wounds, lacerations, abscesses, and broken bones consistent with multiple bite wounds.

Additionally, many of the dogs were found to be dehydrated, underweight or emaciated, and infested with fleas and other parasites.

Most of the dogs were adults, however, there were multiple nursing litters of puppies removed from the properties as well.

While a portion of the 275 dogs have been surrendered and can now be placed for adoption, many are still receiving care in confidential locations while the court process determines custody.

The Animal Welfare Act makes it a felony punishable by up to five years in federal prison to fight dogs or to possess, train, sell, buy, deliver, receive, or transport dogs intended for use in dogfighting.

ARL Seeking Special Home for Playful and Affectionate Abandoned Pig

Young pig surrendered after being abandoned at a Boston-area home

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is looking for a special home for a one-year-old female pig who has a sparkling personality and was illegally transported into the state and abandoned at a Boston-area home.

In late October 2022, Boston Animal Control contacted ARL regarding the pig, now named Clarendon.

It seems the relative of a Boston resident was visiting from Northern New England and had brought Clarendon along.

However, when the relative left, the pig was left behind.

Concerned for the sow’s welfare, the resident contacted Boston Animal Control, who then transported Clarendon to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center.

Because she was illegally transported from out-of-state, she has had to undergo a quarantine period, but has quickly settled into her new surroundings.

She is constantly showing her affectionate and playful side, welcoming anyone who comes to visit, and excitedly running around her pen to the delight of ARL staff and volunteers.

While adorable, Clarendon will need a special home, as she is not the typical kind of pig that ARL routinely finds homes for.

Clarendon is a breed of pig that is typically bred for meat production, meaning when she is full-grown, she will likely weigh several hundred pounds, therefore, her new home will have to be able to accommodate an animal of her size.

Interested adopters can contact ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center by calling (617) 426-9170 x605, or emailing dedham-adoption@arlboston.org.

Watch local news coverage of Clarendon.