Thank you for expressing your love, compassion, and kindness for animals on #GivingTuesday
Because of your compassion and generosity, animals in need can get the care they count on including food, sanctuary, medical care, love, and emergency rescue if they are in danger.
Thank you for making the most out of our matching challenge and doubling your impact for animals!
Special thanks to the donors listed below who made gifts of $100 or more.
Please note, honor wall names are listed in alphabetical order by first name.
Brian E. Boyle and Polly Marmaduke
Chava Abrams
Marilyn C. Ahrens
Susan L. Albrigo
Dylan and Leigh Ann Alexander
Joseph C. Alexander
Hollis M. Allen, Jr.
Susan Allen and Christopher Conlon
Sylvia A. Allen
Julia Allison in honor of Lillydog
Barbara H. Almy
Peter and Vicki Altroggen
Jeffrey and Katherine Altschuler
Nate and Sara Amory
Janice Anderson
Katrina Anderson and Michael Denomy
Jacqueline Annino
Roger and Beverly Arbo in memory of Mr. Pawsz
Rosemary Astheimer
Sandra Azzalina and David Querusio
Paul Bagnera
Kathleen Bailey
Regina Balch
Constance M. Balodimos
Kathryn A. Bard
Cheryl A. Barlow
Linda Barsch
Edward J. Barwicki
Donna Bata
Stephen Batty
Emma Baumgartner
Elizabeth Baxter
Elizabeth Baxter
Sister Cynthia Beaugh
Spring Beckhorn
Toni F. Beckwith
Nancy Z. Bender
Wendy and Joseph Bernasconi for Leo
Ernst and Joan Berndt
Michael and Mary Berne
John and Elizabeth Best
Cameron Bickel
Harvey Bidwell and Nancy Binner
James G. Biggar
David S. Bikofsky
Keith Bisset & Eric Hemmert in memory of Lucy & Barney
Lisa Blanck
Barbara H. Bliss
Kenneth Blumberg
Elizabeth H. Blythe
Linda Boardman
Wayne and Karen Boenig
Kristin and Drew Bourn in memory of Maisie
Elaine and Timothy Bowe
Barbara D. Bower
Paula Bramwell
Lawrence F. Brandon
Caroline Breen
Charlene Briggs
Susan J. Britt
Peter C. Britton
Deborah A. Broderick
Bruce E. Brolsma
Rebecca Brooks
Gary and Michele Brown
Jean M. Brown
Claudia and Tom Buckholts
Mary and Shaun Buckley
Joanna Buffington
Lynne G. Bumpus
Cynthia W. Cadwalader
Cynthia L. Cajka
Bridget Callahan
Gary and Lynne Callahan in honor of Duncan
Mary Callahan
Nancy C. Camara
Janet Campbell in honor of Sophie
Meredith and Karen Campbell
Alan M. Canino
Valerie M. Carbone
Sandra Cary
Gia Casale
Ms. Judith E. Cassano
Carole A. Cassidy
Eric Cataldo
Louise H. Cay
Cheryl Champagne
Cathy Chan
Christopher and Stephanie Chapman
Dennis and Ann Charette
Dr. Pamela A. Chatis
Dr. Pamela A. Chatis in honor of Angela Chatis
Kathryn Chelini
James and Dorre Cherry
Lawrence and Frances Chirillo
John A. Christians
Ruth and Timothy Churchill
Sarah and Michael Ciampa
Patrick Ciano
Candace Clampitt
Joyce Clapp
Diane and George Clark in honor of Sam, Elmer and Daisy
Lorraine Clarke
Victoria Coburn
Nicole Codispoti
Barrie and Mark Coffin in honor of June Morse
Linda Cohen
Richard Cole
Anne Coleman
Elizabeth W. Colley
Nancy M. Collins
Edward D. Conway in memory of Barney and Holly
Donna R. Cooper
Margaret Coppola in honor of Coppola Candles
Richard A. Corey
Joanne Corrigan
Peter Cosgrove
Sylvia M. Cotter
Brenda L. Crawford
Gordon C. Crighton
Eli Criss
Helen D. Cuddy
James Cullen
Diane Cummings
Colleen Cunningham
Cynthia Curtis
David and Elizabeth Curtis
Jean D’Addieco
Gina Dailey and Mark Greeley
Edward P. Dalton
Judith E. Dancik
Helena D’Angelo
Bert and Toby Davidson
Dianne P. Davis
Judith R. Davis
Ms. Mary M. Dawley
Cheryl DeLuca
Lori J. DeMont
Donelle and Wesley Denery
Jane Derman in honor of Sandy Beach, Spooner, and Lexy
Donna DeSantis
Margaret Devlin
Roslyn Diamond and Mike Harnett
Barbara DiAngelis
William Dion in memory of Liliana and Holden
Shelly and Anthony DiPaola
Stephen and Nancy DiTullio
Robert A. Dixon
Bonnie L. Docherty
Anne N. Dodge
Olga M. Donohue
Martha A. Donovan
William and Ruth Donovan in honor of Louise
Michele and Mark Dougherty
Thomas and Alice Dowd
Tiffany and Joseph Dowd
Susan Doyle
David Dubois
Herbert Ducey
Ms. Dian E. Dulberger and Mr. Evan Wells
Barbara J. Dunay
Lisa Dunfey
William R. Eddows
Patricia Edraos
Laurie Edson
Susan Edwards and Skip Alvisy in honor of Bones & Deuce
Joan M. Elkin
Karin Elliott
Monica Elliott
Leila English
Cheryl L. Erickson
Robert Estepe
Rebecca W. Fagone
Phyllis C. Fairchild
Arleen Fallon
Martha J. Farquhar
Linda Farrell
Tim Farrell
Ashley Fawkes
Charles and Katherine Feininger
Joanne Ferguson
Karen Field
David Fike
Karen Finch
Marissa Fiorucci in honor of Obi Fiorucci
Ms. Tracy K. Firth in memory of Bridget
Ruth E. Fitch
Joan Fitzsimmons
Holly Flaherty in honor of Nicky and Leelee
Maggie Flatley
Patricia Flatley
Emily Flax & Susan Davis
Glenn Flierl
Isabelle M. Florek
Dr. Edith E. Flynn
Caitlin Forbes
Linda S. Forbes
Bruce H. Fortin
Mary Jo Foti
Andrea and Steven Frank
Susan Fraprie
Elizabeth Fraser
Alan E. Freedman
Paula S. Freiburger
Lisa and Will Freudenheim
Cynthia M. Frude
Kathleen Gabriel
Bridget Gallagher
Susan Galvin
Ute D. Gannett
Margaret W. Garrison
Marie Geissler
William Gillis in honor of Petey
Cathi and Maurice Gilmore
Mr. Michael J. Godek
Jennifer and Joseph Godlewski
Leonard and Marjorie Gold
Karen and Nicholas Gondoly
Steven C. Goodwin
Sally S. Gould
Annie L. Grear
Kelly and Lincoln Greenhill
Elizabeth J. Grillo in honor of Tina Grillo
Dr. Yvette S. Groszmann
Amanda Groves
Thomas J. Gunerman
Mary Jo Haggerty
John and Amy Haley
Kevin and Elaine Hallisey
Stuart and Betty Hamilton
Patricia Hanley in memory of Baby Girl
Carlo M. Hansen
Ross Hanson
Christine Hardy
Kara and Nicholas Hargadon
Marie Harrington
Aaron A. Harsh
Maureen Harvey-Cullen
David Hatten & Laura Zacchigna
Alison Hebert
Winifred Hentschel
Rachel E. Hershfang
Sue L. Hickey
William and Barbara Hill
William and Barbara Hill
Jennifer P. Holmberg
Gerald and Donna Hough
Nancy and Charlie Hovey
Carl and Carolyn Howe
Nancy Howes
Andrea Howlett in memory of Zelia and George
Andrea Howley
Elisabeth D. Hulihan
Agnes D. Huot
Agnes D. Huot
Elaine Inker
Josiah Irvin Iglesias and Diana Iglesias in honor of Gizmo
Morton S. Isaacson
Anita L. Jansky
Jeannine L. Jarvis
James and Kimberly Jessee
Mary T. Johnston
John and Alison Kaar
David and Gail Kahn
Seta Kalaijian in honor of Taliah Kalaijian Stone
Billie J. Kanavich
Paula A. Kandarian
Charles and Phyllis Kaplan
Vicki and Jeffrey Kaufman
Ann Keene
Meghan Kelleher and Kerry Herzig
Mary Kelly and Robert Lexander
Evelyn Kimber
Martha D. King
Richard King
Kunie Kinniery
Joan M. Kirchner
Sydney B. Kirwan
Patricia Klarfeld
Dr. Trude Kleinschmidt
Ruth A. Knopf
James T. Knowles
Grace Geller and Zachary Koenig
Virginia A. Kosmo
Raymond K. Kurpeski
Christine LaFLeur in memory of Churchie & Sammy
Brian and Sue Lamont
Kristi Lanier in memory of Kelly
Tal Laor and Stephen Zucker
Karen Lattin
Erica Lee
Jonathan R. Leehey
Shirley Ann LeFever
Patricia A. Leighfield
Kathleen H. Lennon
James Leon
Debra Leonard in memory of Melanie
Joanne Lerette
Jeanne Leszczynski and Diane DiCarlo
Jeanne Leszczynski and Diane DiCarlo
Jaye E. Lewis in memory of Layla, Sheena, and Hayley
Anne R. Lindsay and Dr. David J. Schwarz
James and Maureen Loible
Darlene L. Lopez
Joseph Lopez
Nancy Loughridge
Michelle Lucas
Linda C. Lufkin
Xuan Luo
Nancy and Holger Luther
Kevin and Maryellen Luttrell
Anthony MacAluso and Kate Kelly in honor of Tangerine
Julianna J. Mackie
Heather S. Mackler
Monique and John MacLellan
John and Sheila Magovern in memory of Fiona
Paul Maher
Wendy Mailot
Joseph Majike
Karen Malagrifa
Mal Malme and Meg Stone
Clare P. Malone
Marie Manis
Linda L. Mann in memory of Midnight
Richard and Vonda Mann
Susan Marceau
Christine Marholin
Gail Marlowe
Ellen M. Marshall
Gilbert Martin
Barbara Matteson & Steve Clayton in honor of Anne-Marie Litchfield
Michael and Debra McAleer
Barbara McAllister in honor of Alex Turchette
Mary A. McCarthy
Laura McCord
Kristin McFarland in memory of THE No Tooth & Marlow
Edward M. McGehee
Thomas P. McIntyre
Daniel McLaughlin
Sheila A. McLellan
Jennifer Mehigan
Walter E. Meier
Marie K. Melaragni
Jeffrey and Jean Merra
Robyn and John Meyn
Ms. Elinor Milder in honor of Jacoby Milder
Mary-Alice Miller
James J. Milton
Beth and Larry Minear
Robert B. Minturn
Richard Minutillo and Dorothy Nestor
Carmel Mitchell
Dr. Susan L. Mitchell
Constance Y. Moore
Deborah and Timothy Moore
Janet E. Morehouse
Mark Morelli
Barbara A. Moreton
Carolyn S. Morrill
Alison Morse
Katherine Morse in memory of Ellen Meskell
Carol A. Mosca
James Mullahy
Dr. Ellen Wojdak Munley in honor of Bodi
Kevin and Marie Munnelly
Christine M. Murphy
William E. Murphy
Dwight and Martha Myers
Kristine P. Nagle
Michael Narracci
Barrie and Kimberly Nash
John and Barbara Natarelli
Kathleen and Ralph Needleman
Avi Nelson
Roberta L. Nelson
Lisa Neubauer-Wong and Robert Wong
Janis and David Newcomb
Kirsten Newcomer
Jeanellen Newell
Ms. Charlotte Prescott Newton
Linh Nguyen on behalf of @knitsuneco
Dr. Elizabeth Nichols in honor of Cindy Kettyle
Elizabeth Nicholson
Rae Nickel
Nathan Nickerson
Mary Jane Niemann in honor of Teddy Bear
Mary Noble
Joshua Norloff
Cheryl L. Noroian
Jane Norton
Daniel and Linda Oates
David F. O’Brien
Stephen and Regina O’Brien in honor of Trevor & Maxx
John O’Connor and Rita Amoroso
Patricia A. O’Flaherty
Paula J. O’Keeffe
Steve O’Neil
Tracey E. Oringer
Katia Orth
Deborah F. Owen
Justine Pallatroni
Deborah S. Palmer
Kristin M. Palmer
Josephine Paolucci
Adam Parker and Lee Ketelsen
Joanne Parker
Faith and Arnold Paul
Ellen and Mark Pawlik
Erika D. Penney
Virginia Pepe
Linda and Winfield Perry
Suzanne Persky Tompkins
Eleanor Peters in honor of Anna Chaletzky
Annie and Alexander Petersen
Susan Phillips-Gray in memory Howard Gray
Barbara E. Plumeri
Robin F. Polomarenko
Julie and Laura Polvinen in memory of Eino E. Polvinen Sr.
Benjamin Pomicter
Stuart Porell in honor of Jack K. Jarvis
Donald F. Port
Roderick and Julia Powell
Elizabeth and Robert Pozen
William and Nancy Pratt
Colleen Publicover
Jeanette Quinlan
Michelle Quinn
Leah Rabin in honor of Duncan Gallenstein
Brittney and Jake Rahn
Kelly Raiche in honor of Mookie and MacGyver
Ms. R. Elna Rapp
Patricia Regan and Dan Cibotti
Paula A. Regan
Sally Reinfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Reiser
Kim Reynolds in memory of Mick
Michael and Joan Reynolds
Gretchen S. Richards
Patricia Richards
Lindsey Richardson
Karl D. Riemer
Jacqueline Rigolio
Blair Rinne
Michael P. Ritz, Jr.
Mary E. Roach
Mary Ann S. Robbins
Rhonda E. Robicheau
Michelle Rock
Catherine Roe
Ellinor Rogers
Constance M. Roman
Judith Rosen and Chuck Dresner
Sydney B. Rosen
David Rossow
Martina and John Roth
Rosanne and Christopher Roth
Sarah A. Rothermel
Piotr Rotkiewicz in honor of Lila Wroblewska
Mary E. Royce
Paul Roycraft
Martha Rullman
Travis Russell Metz and Jennifer Metz
Ralph Ryall
Scott Rynd
Rosetta and Daniel Sabbag
James Safko
Mallory Sain
William J. Salem
William J. Salem
John P. Salerno
Denise Saltojanes and Dr. Stephen Spiegelberg in honor of Tucker, Fig, Stanley & Henry
Dineli Samaraweera
Randall J. Samost
Michael and Sean Samuelian
Rebecca Sander
Brooke Sandford In honor of Jasmine, in memory of Starr
Philip Saul
Peter and Cynthia Schliemann
Bibi Schmid
Jean L. Schmidt
Kate Schmidt
Arlene Schuler
Cheryl Sexton
Amalia S. Sgourakes in honor of Moses, Derby, Shadow, Sweetpea, and Hermes
Alicia Shaheen
Alexandra Shalom
Pamela N. Shanley Daube
Brian Sharkey
Jennifer Shea
Judith S. Shea
Marisa A. Shea
Sunglim Shin
Michelle Shuster
Suzanne M. Siccone
Helen L. Sicotte
Mary Clare Siegel
Adam Silverleib
Adam Silverleib
Jim Silverman
Clea Simon and Jon Garelick
Vivian J. Simonelli
Michael A. Simpson
David and Elise Sirman
Susan Skelly
Nancy A. Skowyra
Susan S. Slade
William and Katherine Slocum in honor of the Lancaster Family
Nancy and Ted Smethurst
Jane E. Smiley
Donald W. Smith
Jane and Wayne Smith
Joanne and Phil Smith
Robin G. Smith
Sean and Jeanne Smith
Thomas and Elaine Smith
Jane and Peter Sollogub
Beverly Sotiropoulos
Thomas Speranza
Adrienne St. John
Heidi and William Stamp
Alexandra Stanton
Walter Stewart and Ann Sherpick
Andrew and Harriet Stich
Patricia Stiles
Janice E. Stoddard in memory of Abby/Libby/Sam/Noah
Mary L. Stone in honor of Christine Wennersten
William Strauss
Bryan Subsick in honor of Shelby Bascom
Megan Subsick in honor of Alex Subsick
Catherine and Tom Svrcek
Ann Swanborg
Joyce Tallent-Klock and Brian Klock
Sharon Tan
Rudolph and Dora Tanzi
Roberta M. Taylor
Richard E. Tedoldi
Merna A. Therieau
Shirley Thumith
Joan Tighe
Audrey and Orlando Tomlinson
Hilary Tooley
Dvora C. Toren in memory of Sammy
Diane Torres
Cheryl Traversi
Karen and Kevin Trudeau
Harold and Mildred Tubman
Patricia and Carlos Tun
James Turner
Leah Umanskiy
Vivian Unterweger
Randall and Kay Upham
Fredericka T. Veikley
Angela M. Ventola
Amanda Verbit
Katherine A. Viator
Gary Videlock and Holly Prentice
Normand Viens and Linda Govone
Robert L. Vitale
Thomas Vittorioso
Lisa Volkening
James and Wesley Voris
Patricia L. Walch
Mrs. Janet A. Waldron from the Envigo beagles Mary and Ice (now Phoebe and Shady)
Edward and Frank Walker
Kristin Kelly Walton
Suzanne E. Walton
Jane H. Wang
Pamela W. Ward
James and Ellen Weinberg
Brian Weiner
Martha J. Wellington
Natalie Wells
McKenzie Whelan
Nancy and John Whelan
Christopher White and Angela Wehr
Mary M. White
Elizabeth W. Whitin
Amy and William Whitsett
John Wiber
Ms. Regina B. Wiedenski
Nancy J. Willets
Timothy C. Williams
James R. Willing
Gerrie Wilson
Angela L. Winandy
Teresa L. Wing
Wendy and Dan Winn
William G. Winterer
Mary L. Wlodyka
Michael Wong in memory of Hana
Steven Wood
Andrea H. Woods
James Woodworth
Jennifer Worhach
Richard W. Woznac
Carolyn H. Wright
Ryan Wynne in memory of Maverick
Mamie Wytrwal and David J. Caponera
Alicia E. Yamin
Judith Yarow
Richard and Stephanie Yirikian
Margaret Yoh
Isabel and Allen Young
Patricia L. Young
Patricia L. Young
Susan Yurkus
Margaret Ywoskus
Teresa M. Zabik
Antonia F. Zaccaria
Nancy and Peter Zawistowski
Douglas Zeghibe
Joseph and Julia Miglin Charitable Scholarship Trust
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