Thank you for expressing your love, compassion, and kindness for animals on #GivingTuesday
Our impact is greatest when we work together. Because of this amazing generosity, animals in need can get the care they count on including food, sanctuary, medical care, love, and emergency rescue if they are in danger.
Thank you for making the most out of our matching challenge and doubling your impact for animals!
Chava Abrams
Albert T. Aladjem
Beverly A. Alba
Cathy L. Albanese
Susan Albert
Dylan and Leigh Ann Alexander
Danah Al-Husaini
Susan Allen and Christopher Conlon
Sylvia A. Allen
Elisabeth Allison
Peter and Vicki Altroggen
Janice Anderson
Katrina Anderson and Michael Denomy in memory of of Dapper and Fiona
Tom Anderson
Loretta Andres
Ronald and Norma Andrew
Jacqueline Annino
Gregory D. Ansin
Ken Archie
William and Denise Arsenault
Charlene Arzigian
Sarah E. Ashby
Rosemary Astheimer
Myriam Ayad
Carol Ayres Wright
Sandra Azzalina and David Querusio
Eileen H. Backus
Paul Bagnera
Patricia Baker
Judith Ballantine and Kevin Luey
Constance M. Balodimos
Kathryn A. Bard
Eva S. Barrett
Kevin and Kim Barry
James and Lynn Bartlett
Catherine and Elaine Bazarian
- A. Bean
Joy Beane
Kathleen and Kevin Beatty
Rebecca Behizadeh
Eric Belson
Nancy Z. Bender
Brenda A. Bennett
Consie and Ted Berghausen
Ernst and Joan Berndt
Cameron Bickel
Harvey Bidwell and Nancy Binner
James G. Biggar
Marcia and David Binney in memory of Daisy
Priscilla A. Biondi
Phyllis Birnbaum
Susan Bitetti in memory of Duke Lundy
Jeanne Blanchard
Nicole M. Blanchard
Lisa Blanck
Zachary Blume
Taylor Boas
Norma C. Bohrer
Elin Boman in honor of Mabel
Stacy Boss
Brian E. Boyle and Polly Marmaduke
David Brahm and Karen Hunold
Anne L. Brav
Amy Breckenridge in memory of of Phoebe and Winston
Jeffrey Breed
Marilyn S. Bregoli
Katie Brennan Kane and Dan Kane in honor of Ryder and Bogey
Geraldine Brennan Prato and Barbara Prato
Jill L. Bresky
Patricia Brewer in memory of Cruiser
Susan J. Britt
Peter C. Britton
Sharon J. Bromberg-Lim
Susan Brown in honor of Johnny Wick
Pamela S. Bryson
Claudia and Tom Buckholts
Mary and Shaun Buckley
Lynne G. Bumpus
Francisco J. Buot
Samantha Burgess
Cynthia L. Cajka
Bridget Callahan
Gary and Lynne Callahan
Meredith Campbell
Mary Jane Caranci
Diana J. Cares
Lisa Carlivati
Joanne and Tom Carlson in memory of Frisky, Bridget, Princess, Tina, Maggie and Henry
Robert Carpenter and Karen Maloney
Anthony Carrancho
Nancy Carroll
Laurence Carson in memory of Minnie
Martin Carter
Elizabeth Carvelli
Elizabeth Casey in memory of Kay’C
Judith E. Cassano
Lisa Cassidy
Paul Cavanaugh
Janice and Karl Cederholm
Donna Celentano
Cathy Chan
Christopher and Stephanie Chapman
Janice Charlton
Shirley G. Chicione
Mary E. Chin
Robin Chirillo
Beverly B. Christians
Apisada and Ju Chulakadabba in honor of Metta
Michael Chun
Ruth and Timothy Churchill
Joyce Clapp
Darby H. Clark
David N. Clinton
Victoria Coburn
Nicole Codispoti
Elizabeth W. Colley
Stephen Cook
Donna R. Cooper
Janine L. Coppola
Margaret Coppola
Joanne Corrigan
Lidia Cossi
Lynsey Cozens
Scott Cranton
Brenda L. Crawford
Ann Crompton
Jill A. Crouch
Joan H. Crowell
Helen D. Cuddy
Carl and Gabrielle Cunningham
Colleen Cunningham
Cynthia Curtis in memory of Bosch and Coco
David and Elizabeth Curtis
Jamie and Joanne Czeremcha
Gina Dailey and Mark Greeley
Judith E. Dancik
Judith R. Davis
Susan G. Davis
Tammy Dayton
Erica De Zitter
Walter Dearing
Joseph S. Deitch
Cheryl DeLuca
Donelle and Wesley Denery
Donna DeSantis
Dan Desmarais
Andrea Desrosiers
Roslyn Diamond and Mike Harnett
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger
Paul and Liz DiMaria
Tammy Diorio
Joseph J. Donnelly
Olga M. Donohue
Piers K. Dooley
Tom and Alice Dowd
Lorna Doyle
Ann Draper
David L. Driscoll
Herbert Ducey in memory of Sadie
Bahar Edrissi
Chelsey Edwards
Cheryl L. Erickson
Peter Evans
Patti Faff
Arleen Fallon
Mary K. Fallon
Elise Farrell
Cynthia Fawcett and Joseph Webb
Ashley Fawkes
Maria T. Feicht
Sarah Feldman
- Ferrari
Sylvia M. Fiore in honor of Ginger Rogers
Kathryn Firth
Sandra A. Fischer
Margaret Flatley
Emily Flax and Susan Davis
Glenn Flierl
Kimberly and Scott Fluhrer
Dr. Edith E. Flynn
James Flynn
Leah Fogel
Carolee Fogg
Kimberly Foley
Linda S. Forbes
Anne Foresman
Bruce H. Fortin
Brad Foster in memory of Albert A. and Esther C. Pannal
Mary Jo Foti
Katharine E. Fountain in honor of Diva
Andrea and Steven Frank
Susan Fraprie
Maria E. Frayler
Alan E. Freedman
Bruce Friedman
Kathleen Gabriel
Hugh W. Gabrielson
Mila Gaddy
Theresa Gaglio Tripp in memory of Ollie
Gail and Louis Gallerani
Janice and Richard Gallivan
Ute D. Gannett
Rhys Gardiner
Randolph and Judith Gardner
Alan V. Garofalo
Karen L. Garvin
William Gasson
Margaret and Bruce Gelin
Kim Giampietro
Marianne Gianfrancesco
Judith A. Giarrusso
Cathi and Maurice Gilmore
Sandra Giovannucci in honor of Jasper Giovannucci
Michael J. Godek
Jennifer and Joseph Godlewski
Leonard and Marjorie Gold
Jeffrey Goldberg
Miriam M. Goldman
Nancy Goodale in honor of Mario
Steven C. Goodwin
Elizabeth Grasso
Amy Graves and Anne Cowie in memory of Alfie
Carmine A. Greco
Kelly and Lincoln Greenhill
Nancy Greenwald
Linda Greenwood
Kyra Gregerson
Judith F. Gregg
Scott and Heather Grenon
Carol A. Griffin
Elizabeth J. Grillo in honor of Christine Grillo
Dr. Yvette S. Groszmann in honor of Luca Groszmann
Noelle Guerin in honor of Aleigh Beard
Thomas J. Gunerman
Atul Gupta
Renee M. Gurry
Douglas and Cathy Gustafson
Robert and Helen Haas
Mary Jo Haggerty
John and Amy Haley
Donna and Michael Hall
Elizabeth B. Hall
Kevin and Elaine Hallisey
David H. Halpert
Stuart and Betty Hamilton
Virginia and William Hardy
Constance Hart Walkingshaw
Alexander Hartnett
Maureen Harvey-Cullen
Marie Heath
William and Barbara Hefler
Eric Hemmert and Keith Bisset in memory of Barney and Lucy
John Henry
Jennifer Hermann
James and Robeson Herrnstein
Marilyn Higgins
William and Barbara Hill
Linda Hirsch
Lisa Holt and Michael Brown in memory of Max, Panda, Harry, Truman, Stinky, Morris, Kitty
Nancy and Charlie Hovey
Theodor J. Huber
Elisabeth D. Hulihan
John and Lynne Iberg
Kenneth Isaacs
Morton S. Isaacson
Mary Janeway
Anita L. Jansky
Jeannine L. Jarvis in memory of Gail Koch
Catherine Jeremko
Ellen Johnson in memory of Moosie, Mongo, and Mr. Fang
Sandra K. Johnston
John and Alison Kaar
David and Gail Kahn
John Kahwaty
Billie J. Kanavich
Paula A. Kandarian
Marguerite and William Kane
Charles and Phyllis Kaplan
Carolyn M. Kasdon
Joseph Kashanek
Vicki and Jeffrey Kaufman
Meghan Kelleher and Kerry Herzig
Anne Kelly
Stephen and Joan Kelly
Bryan and Bridget Kendall
Ellen Kenney
Stephen M. Kenney
Drs. Cynthia and William Kettyle in honor of Corinne, Moose and Kirby Forman
Joan M. Kirchner
Janice Kirshenbaum
Donald P. Klaskin
Robert Klein
Ruth Knopf
Grace Geller and Zachary Koenig
Zeynep Koller
Jeffrey S. Kopf
Phyllis and Martin Kornguth
Steven L. Kornstein
Christina Kowalewski
Benjamin Koza
Arthur and Adele Kress
Anna Krohn
Geoffrey Kronik and I-Min Lee
Christine Kurpeski in memory of Ann Kurpeski
Susan G. Lachevre
Brian and Sue Lamont
Maureen Lane
Andrew Laney
Gabriel R. Langfur
Amy Lantinga
Tal Laor and Stephen Zucker
Sharman Lappin
Charles Lark
Brond Larson
Karen Lattin
Heidi Lawlor
Laurie Leahy
Judith LeBlanc
Kristina LeBlanc
Ernest and Frieda LeClair
Erica Lee
Jonathan R. Leehey
Shirley Ann LeFever
Susan C. Lemont
Elizabeth and Christopher Lennox
Joanne Lerette
Bethany Lessard
Doug Lester and John Mandeville
Jeanne Leszczynski and Diane DiCarlo
Michael Levin
Jackie Lewis
Anne R. Lindsay and Dr. David J. Schwarz
Robert Lingeman and Jane Howe
Arthur and Janice Lisi
Deborah L. Loesel
Nancy and Mark Logan
Wendi Lohmar
Judith and Edward Long
Susan D. Lookner
Joseph Lopez
Geoff Lordi and Margaret Fu
Suzanne K. Lorimer
Patricia and Michael Lotane
William and Norma Lucey
Lynn A. Luongo
Nancy and Holger Luther
Kevin and Maryellen Luttrell
Erin V. MacKesey-Topp
Tracey Maclin and Karen Tosh
Kathleen H. MacWilliams
Clare P. Malone
Marie Manis
Barbara B. Mann
Susan Marceau
Chantrey Marchand
Nancy C. Mario
Gail Marlowe
Marc P. Marsan
Susan M. Masterson
Barbara Matteson and Steve Clayton in honor of Erica DeZitter
Rosemary H. Matthews
Kerry and Jonathan May
Doreen A. Mayhew
Quinn W. Maynard
Robert and Sandra Mazaika
Catherine Mazza and Joseph Provo
Andrea and Read McCaffrey
Bethany McCloy
Margo McCool and David Widing
James and Ruth McGraw
Megan McIntyre
Tom McIntyre in memory of JadaBird and Josie
Meryl McLellan
Kathleen McQuiggan
David and Lori McWeeney
Denise McWilliams and Lee Swislow
Julie M. Mead
Kate Merritt in memory of Lucy
Jordan Meyers
Robyn and John Meyn
Charles and Rosemary Michaud
Peter and Marisa Michelson
Lauren Mifflin
Joseph and Julia Miglin Charitable Scholarship Trust
Andrew and Marilyn Mikita
Elinor Milder in memory of Jacoby
Brian Milligan
James J. Milton
Richard Minutillo and Dorothy Nestor
Susan J. Miskelly
Carmel Mitchell
Katherine Moloney in memory of Geraldine J Moloney
Constance Y. Moore
Deborah and Timothy Moore
Janet E. Morehouse
Mark Morelli
Marilyn Morgan Westner
Michael Morganto
Elizabeth Moroney
Carolyn S. Morrill
Mary L. Mottolo
Cathy and Alvaro Moura
James Mullahy
Kevin and Marie Munnelly
Patricia R. Murphy
William E. Murphy
Joan E. Murtaugh
Suzanne E. Nagle
Barrie and Kimberly Nash
Jennifer Nassour
Nancy Nelson
Lisa Neubauer-Wong and Robert Wong
Janis and David Newcomb
Sarah R. Newcomb
Lisa A. Nichols in memory of Akira and Willow
Elizabeth Nicholson
Angela Noble-Grange in honor of Cathy and Jamie
Joshua Norloff
William A. Nourse
Jeanne Nutt
Rosanne O’Brien
John O’Connor and Rita Amoroso
Peter Ogozalek
Carolyn Oldenburg
Andrew G. Oltsch
Karen O’Toole and Robert Reetz
Deborah F. Owen
Kristin M. Palmer
Dana Paradis
Richard Parker
Theodore M. Pass
Richard A. Patukonis
Faith and Arnold Paul
Suzanne T. Pedersen
Stephen Pell
Virginia Pepe
Marianne Perlak and Rob Paarlberg
Linda and Winfield Perry
Robin Perry
Susan Petrozzi
Susan Phillips-Gray in memory of Howard Gray
Estella Phipps
James and Deborah Pollard
Benjamin Pomicter
Roderick and Julia Powell
Robin Prouty
Brian Pupel
Yuxin Qin
Paula Quan
Susan and William Quigley
Michelle Quinn
Rose Rabuffetti
Brittney and Jake Rahn
The Rancourt Giving Fund
Ms. R. Elna Rapp
Edwina Rasmussen
Robert Rasmussen
Patricia Regan and Dan Cibotti in memory of Mattie
Sally Reinfeld
Ellin Reisner
Mary M. Remien
Emily Renshaw
Michael and Joan Reynolds
Jody W. Rice-Hines
Gretchen S. Richards in honor of Fiona and Zach
Julian Richards
Patricia Richards in honor of Zoe and Taffy Richards
Lindsey Richardson
Nancy E. Ridill
Jacqueline Rigolio
Dianne E. Riley Klavins
Mary E. Roach
Peter and Beverley Robbins
Lisa Rockett in honor of Jack Cahill
Judith Rosen and Chuck Dresner
Kenneth Rosen
Linda Rosen and Kevin Breunig
Amy Rosenfeld and Lisa Walsh
Bernard H. Rosman
Sonya M. Ross
Martina and John Roth
Rosanne and Christopher Roth
Paul Roycraft
Ellen F. Ruland
Martha Rullman
Lorna S. Russell
Ralph and Deborah Ryall
Rosetta and Daniel Sabbag
William J. Salem
John P. Salerno
Michael Samuelian and Sean Murray
Jason Saucedo
Michael Schlafman in memory of Dr. Saul H. Cohen
Steven C. Schland
Jean L. Schmidt
Arlene Schuler
Gerie Schumann
Sharon Scioli in memory of Mickey and Bonita
Janet M. Scognamiglio
Patricia Scully
Cheryl M. Sexton
Amalia S. Sgourakes in honor of Hermes, Sweetpea, Shadow, Moses and Derby
Brian Sharkey
Geetika Sharma
Robert and Patricia Sharp
Jennifer Shea
Arline Sherman
Ellen and Joel Shoner
David Shuckra
Ruth E. Shurrocks
Suzanne Siccone and Mark Kinsman
Adam Silverleib
Vivian J. Simonelli
Michelle Skarbek
Nancy A. Skowyra
James and Saundra Slater
Kelly L. Slocum in honor of Katherine and Marshall Slocum
William and Katherine Slocum
Lisa M. Small
Donald W. Smith
Elizabeth D. Smith
Ingrid Smith
Jane and Wayne Smith
Jeanne Smith
Joanne and Phil Smith in memory of Molly
Julie A. Smith
Melissa A. Smith
Sean and Jeanne Smith
Thomas and Elaine Smith
Joyce Spencer and Ginny Adams
Patricia and Peter Spencer
Thomas Speranza
Harmony Spongberg
Dawn Spunzo
Nina Stagakis
Sarah Stanlick Kimball and Michael Kimball
Alexandra Stanton
Martha Steeves
David and Athena Stetson
Ellen Stewart in memory of Nika Bear
Andrew and Harriet Stich
Diane Stokes
Margaret Sutherland
James and Marie Sutton
Ann Swanborg
Emily Swanson
Patricia Sylvia
Stephen Syta and Joerg Dressler
Paige Szymanowski
Martha Taft
Joyce Tallent-Klock and Brian Klock
Elaine Tam
Patricia N. Taylor
Henry and Wendy Terk
Martin Theobald in memory of Claire Theobald
Merna A. Therieau
Lorraine Theroux and Christopher Jones
Gary and Linda Therrien
Heather Thompson
James Tilley
Adelaide M. Tingley
Audrey and Orlando Tomlinson
Jay T. Tracy
Jessica Tubman
Aurelie Tye
Margaret and Dennis Vargo
Ava Vatsky
Donna J. Venegas
Nancy J. Vetock
Katherine A. Viator
Gary Videlock and Holly Prentice
Normand Viens and Linda Govone
Dorothy A. Vitagliano in memory of Cali Savino
Robert L. Vitale
James and Wesley Voris
Janet A. Waldron
Michael and Bert Walsh in memory of Paula Wilfert
Suzanne E. Walton
Pamela W. Ward
Judi and Bill Weil
Brenda Weinstein and Dorothy Strauss
Marcia and Rosalyn Weisman in honor of Fernando
Ray Wellbaum and Karen Campbell
Evelyn P. White
Dr. Priscilla L. White
Mary Ellen Whitehead
Janet C. Wigren
Nahomy Williams
James R. Willing
Gerrie Wilson
Teresa L. Wing
William G. Winterer
Sally G. Withington in honor of Ruth B. Knopf
Mary L. Wlodyka
Jennie Wood
Michael A. Woodhouse
Jennifer Worhach
Amelia Wren
Valerie Wriede
Alicia and Jeremy Yamin
Richard and Stephanie Yirikian in memory of Mickey and Sophie
Margaret Yoh in honor of Daisy, Aboo, and Fudge Bunnies
Patricia L. Young
Susan Yurkus
Antonia F. Zaccaria
Debrah A. True