Halloween Pet Safety Tips for a Safe Holiday
The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) and Boston Veterinary Care (BVC) share important tips to keep your pets safe and happy this Halloween season.

Tip: If it’s your pet’s first time wearing a costume this Halloween, spend a few days before the big holiday getting them acclimated to wearing it. Keep in mind, some pets are just not fans of wearing costumes and would much rather wear a festive collar or bandanna instead.
With the month of October almost half over, Halloween 2021 is right around the corner! You may be a fan of the spookiest time of year, but for your pet, this haunting holiday can be truly scary.
Not to worry though, enjoying the festivities and keeping your pets safe is easier than you think – Follow these 3 tips to ensure your pet has a safe Halloween this season:
1. Keep your pets inside. The Halloween season often brings out tricksters who might taunt or harm an animal left outdoors. It’s always a good idea to keep pets inside with proper, up-to-date identification. If your pet must be outdoors, be sure to keep them leashed and an eye on them at all times.
2. Stash the sweet treats. Chocolate, especially darker chocolates, are highly toxic to cats and dogs. Additionally, many candies and gums contain Xylitol. This sugarless sweetener is highly toxic to pets. Always keep chocolate and candies out of your pet’s reach.
3. Be careful with costumes. If you decide to dress your pet up for this festive holiday, costume safety is key. Keep these costume safety tips in mind:
- Always supervise your pet while they’re wearing a costume.
- Make sure your pet’s costume fits properly and does not restrict their movement.
- Be cautious of loose or dangling pieces that pets could potentially choke on.
- Ditch the masks or other accessories that could potentially make it difficult for your pet to breath or obstruct their vision.
No plans for Halloween? Spend the day getting to know some of our adoptable animals.