It’s Hip to Snip – Spay or Neuter Your Pet

February is National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

It’s definitely hip to snip this February during National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month!

spay spokesdog Liam

It’s Hip to Snip campaign spokesdog Liam looking super cool in his shades during his photo shoot.

We’re spreading the word that one of the best ways to prevent pet overpopulation is to spay or neuter your pet.

Our “It’s Hip to Snip” spay/neuter awareness campaign will feature a spay/neuter fund drive, public service announcements, and an educational event to help more people learn about  the important benefits the low-risk surgery has for the community, people, and pets.

For more campaign event information and spay and neuter resources, visit arlboston.org/spay-neuter.

So, why is it so hip to snip? Consider these 5 reasons:

  1. You snip, you save. Particularly given the number of affordable options available in Massachusetts, the cost of caring for an unplanned litter far outweighs the cost of having a pet spayed or neutered.
  2. Snipping reduces spraying. Neutering resolves the vast majority of marking behaviors—even when a cat has a long-standing habit. Other nuisance behaviors such as howling in cats and excessive barking in dogs eases and even disappears after surgery.
  3. Snipping stops scuffles. According to the National Canine Research Foundation, approximately 92% of fatal dog attacks involved male dogs, 94% of which were not neutered. Neutering male dogs and cats reduces their urge to roam and fight with other males.
  4. Snipping lengthens life span. The USA Today reports neutered male dogs live 18% longer than un-neutered males, and spayed females live 23% longer than unspayed females.
  5. Snipping is a safeguard. Neutering male cats and dogs before six months of age prevents testicular cancer. Spaying female cats and dogs before their first heat offers protection from uterine infections and breast cancer.

So, pet owners, adjust those cool shades, and be part of the solution during National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month! Spay or neuter your furry friend and help spread the word that it’s hip to snip!

It’s Hip to Snip Fun Fact: At the end of every episode of the popular game show The Price is Right, hip host Bob Barker always reminded viewers, “Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered. Goodbye, everybody!”   If more people took Bob’s sage advice, there would be fewer homeless cats and dogs and pet overpopulation would be humanely reduced!

ARL Rescue Team Brings in Lowell Goat

“Caprine cavalier” headed to Dedham shelter

Earlier this morning, the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s rescue services team successfully captured the goat who had been wandering in the greater Lowell area since December.

lowell goat in crate

Lowell the goat, as the ARL’s rescue services team has taken to calling him, has been wandering in the greater Lowell area since before Christmas.

After the two-horned, shaggy rambler was spotted moving through the snow close to 495 yesterday, the ARL’s rescue team set a humane trap in the hopes of bringing him in to shelter ahead of the snowstorm.

The Lowell goat originally was spotted several weeks ago in Tewksbury, and also made cameo appearances in Chelmsford and Westford.  Because he didn’t seem to visit the same place in any predictable pattern, he proved more challenging to rescue.

Next stop for Lowell the goat, as our rescue team has taken to calling him, is the ARL’s Dedham shelter.  Lowell will join other livestock in the barn where he will spend the next several days getting proper food and water, and safely resting in a fresh bed of straw.

Thank you to Massachusetts State Police, Westford Animal Control, and all of Lowell’s loyal followers on social media for your support for the ARL’s rescue efforts!

Puppy Rescue, Thanks To Two Kind Boys

Jumping into action on a cold night

Thank you to the two boys who called the Animal Rescue League and Boston Animal Care (BAC) for help with a puppy rescue on a very cold night earlier this week.

puppy rescue in Boston

Two boys found the small puppy trapped between a fence and a wall in a local park.

After hearing whimpering noises coming from somewhere, the boys went outside to look around and try to find what was making them. They followed a trail of tiny footprints in the park across the street from their home and found the poor pup trapped between a metal fence and retaining wall!

Realizing the little dog was stuck and would not survive a night out in the freezing cold, the two rushed to get help.  The ARL and BAC arrived on the scene and worked together to pull the shivering and frightened puppy out from behind the fence.

Watch the short video of the gentle rescue below.

We’re happy to report the little guy is sweet as can be and recovering very well from his ordeal thanks to the two kind young men who helped an animal in need!



Exploring the Issue of Animal Cruelty with Phil Arkow

Focusing on the link between animal abuse and human violence

Making animal cruelty prevention a priority for the entire community is a major part of the community outreach work the ARL has done in 2014.  Our “See Something, Say Something – Report Animal Cruelty” campaign, for example, is all about getting the public’s help in reporting suspicions of abuse to local authorities.

We also recently hosted a lecture event for our President’s Council donor group and other special guests featuring guest presenter Phil Arkow, a noted speaker with the animal welfare field on the connection between animal abuse and human violence.  Arkow co-founded The National Link Coalition in an effort to bring attention to what many believe is a critical public safety issue.

Phil Arkow discussed the connection between cruelty to animals and other forms of human violence.

Phil Arkow discussed the connection between cruelty to animals and human violence.

“We can prevent animal abuse and other forms of family violence by paying more attention to animal abuse as a potential indicator and predictor of crime,” Arkow said in the opening minutes of his presentation.  “What we do to prevent, prosecute, and punish animal cruelty are just as beneficial to Man – and Woman – as they are to Man’s best friend.”

To download the slides or see more pictures of the event, visit:  arlboston.org/pc-14-lecture

Inspired by the many decades of research and examples of domestic violence awareness campaigns that include pets in the message, Dr. Martha Smith-Blackmore, vice president of animal welfare  at the ARL, conclude the event suggesting to the audience, “we all need to think about how to share the message that helping animals is really helping people and helping improve society.”

Thank you to the Susannah A. Knight Law Enforcement Fund for sponsoring the ARL’s Fall Lecture event.  Your generous support made an evening of meaningful and important discussion possible.

And of course, thank you to all of our President’s Council members who attended this event.

Website Susannah Thanks

Wally Says Look at Meow!

Home for the Holidays Happy Tail

Then: Wally needed over $3,000 in emergency surgery to repair wounds to his face, legs, and tail.

Then: Wally needed over $3,000 in emergency surgery to repair wounds to his face, legs, and tail.

Earlier this Fall, we shared the story of Wally.  The small grey and white cat had seriously injured himself after somehow scaling the 30-40 foot wall at Bridgewater State Prison and getting stuck in the razor wire.

Read Wally’s story

Soon after returning to the ARL’s Boston shelter to complete his recovery following surgery to repair his wounds, Wally found a wonderful new home.

Today, Wally is now known as Silvio (aka Mr. Sil).

His family reports that he continues to be a spunky little guy! He and his big sister Cleo, a Siamese mix and ARL Dedham alum (’09) became fast friends and are really enjoying having a kindred playful spirit around.

During the day, Silvio and Cleo love looking out windows together to watch the birds and squirrels. And at night, both cats snuggle up with their human companions after a long day of play.

Say Silvio’s parents, “We are so happy to have Silvio in our lives. Such a wonderful, resilient and loving animal!”

Stories like Silvio’s are truly like a holiday wish come true.  Thank you to our supporters who donated over $7,000 for medical assistance for Wally and other animals like him.


Piper the Kitten Getting Special Care at the ARL

“She’s like our very own Tiny Tim”

kitten being examined by ARL vetThe Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) newest addition, little Piper the kitten, is recovering from delicate surgery performed on Monday to repair her broken back leg.

Just as the cold weather hit, kind Samaritans discovered the 6-8 week-old brown tabby all alone and struggling to walk near an ice cream shop in Orleans, MA. After police brought her to the ARL’s Brewster shelter, ARL veterinarian Dr. Kyle Quigley recommended bringing Piper up to Boston to explore all the options for repairing her leg.

“Piper was anemic, dehydrated, and clearly in some discomfort because of her broken leg,” Dr. Quigley explained. “Because she was so little, we wanted to make sure we helped her heal with minimal pain.”

An x-ray of Piper's leg with the pins and steel plate post surgery.

An x-ray of Piper’s leg with the pins and steel plate post surgery.

The ARL funded Piper’s surgery at Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment and Specialties in Walpole, MA, where veterinary surgeons inserted a steel plate and pins to repair the serious fracture in her thigh. The organization will continue to help Piper rehabilitate over the next 6-8 weeks and begin the process of finding her a permanent home.

“She’s like our very own Tiny Tim,” said Marianne Gasbarro, the ARL’s Boston shelter manager. “She got the treatment she needed just in time and will have a much better life in the new year ahead.”

The ARL expects Piper’s medical costs will top $2,000 with surgery and after care. The organization does not receive any government funding and relies solely on the generosity of supporters to help stray animals like Piper recover.

Make a donation to help Piper and other animals just like her.

small tabby kitten


4 Years Lost and a Long Way from Home

Billy is Home for the Holidays After 4 Years Thanks to the ARL & His Microchip!

11-20-14 BillyPicWhen Billy first arrived at our Boston shelter from an animal control facility in Western Massachusetts, we could tell he was special. This handsome Bull Terrier was very friendly and seemed like he had an interesting story to tell.

After doing a quick scan, we discovered that he had a microchip… that traced back to Australia! Our intake liaison called several microchip companies, but none of them had a record for him. With only one more company on her list, were hopeful that this would be Billy’s chance for reconnecting with his family, and it was. The Canadian microchip company confirmed that Billy had been microchipped in Australia.

When Alana called his family they couldn’t believe that their Billy had been found and that he was all the way in Boston. He had been stolen from them fours years ago and they had searched for him far and near. His owner drove over from Western Massachusetts to our Boston shelter the following day and the connection was undeniable.

Billy was thrilled to see his dad! That day we learned a few things about Billy. He had been a show-dog since he was a puppy and now has 8 show-stopping grand kids who were waiting for him at home.

Watch the video of his happy reunion with his owner, below.

52% of dogs who enter a shelter with a microchip are successfully returned to their owners and Billy’s story serves as an important reminder to microchip your pets.

We’re so thrilled that Billy will be home for the holidays after all these years!

Your support makes stories like Billy’s possible.

Please help more animals find a home for the holidays this season by making your year-end donation today! Donate online.

Today! Senior Pet Health Twitter Chat

Dr. Schettino Answers Your Questions About Senior Pet Health

Senior pets require different care than young puppies and kittens. We recognize that knowing what to look for and how to respond as your pet ages can be challenging, that’s why we’re hosting a Twitter Chat this afternoon for anyone interested in learning more about caring for their aging pet. November is Senior Pet Month and ARL’s Director of Veterinary Medical Services, Dr. Edward Schettino, is here to answer your questions.

Here are a few of the many questions Dr. Schettino will be answering this afternoon.

1) When is a pet considered to be a senior?

2) What kinds of health problems can affect older pets?

3) How do you know if a senior dog needs hip and joint supplements? Will glucosamine help?

4) Is all the testing veterinarians recommend necessary? What tests should be done and how often?

5) Should senior pets see a veterinarian more often?

If you’re worried about your pet getting old, just keep this in mind: Due to improved veterinary care and dietary habits, pets are living longer now than they ever have before. We hope you’ll join us for the conversation!

What: Senior Pet Health Twitter Chat

When: Wednesday, November 12, noon – 1pm

Where: Twitter

To participate in the conversation, follow the ARL on Twitter and submit your questions using the hashtag #ARLAskaVet. Questions may be submitted on Twitter real time or in advance.

Thank You Thursday: After 6 Years at ARL, CSD Moves to Tufts

A New Direction for the Center for Shelter Dogs

After six years with the Animal Rescue League of Boston, the Center for Shelter Dogs (CSD) has transitioned to the Shelter Medicine Program and Center for Animals and Public Policy at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.

If you’re not familiar with the Center for Shelter Dogs, it started with a simple mission: to improve the welfare and successful placement of homeless dogs. By providing resources, training, and scientifically-validated behavior assessment and modification tools, CSD worked to ensure adoptable dogs found homes that matched the personalities and needs of both dog and owner.

10-16-14 CSD Thank You_Pic 2Thanks to generous funding from the Stanton Foundation, CSD built an impressive body of work, including:

    • An information-rich website viewed by over 49,000 visitors
    • Educational seminars and institutes reaching over 3,500 animal welfare practitioners
    • Behavioral assessments of over 15,000 dogs
    • Ground-breaking research on problem behavior, stress and enrichment, and canine personality

So, why the transition?

We recognized that to grow and sustain the program over the long term, it would require greater organizational capacity and reach. This new home for the Center will enrich both CSD and Cummings School programs by building on past research collaborations, and providing new educational platforms for addressing the welfare and adoptability of shelter dogs. It will also allow CSD to have greater impact across the country.

10-16-14 CSD Thank You_Pic 1Here at the Animal Rescue League we feel truly honored to have served as the incubating organization for such a tremendous asset to the field of animal welfare. Thank you to the Center for Shelter Dogs for 6 years of incredible work that has helped more homeless dogs get a chance at a better life. This work will not only continue, but will also have an even greater impact on the well-being of dogs in the future.


Happy Tail Tuesday: Tuukka a Middleboro Puppy

1 Year Later, Tuukka’s One of the Kids

Tuukka today.

Tuukka today.

During a drug and weapons raid on a home in Middleboro in October of 2013, the police found 13 puppies in a small crate. The tiny puppies were rescued and brought to the Animal Rescue League.

After extensive time with our foster volunteers, where they grew strong enough to come to our adoption centers, the puppies were all adopted out to loving homes.

Their story touched the hearts of people across Eastern Massachusetts and their photos graced the cover of the Fall 2013 edition of the ARL’s magazine.

One year later, we are happy to report that the puppies are healthy and doing well. We have a very special update on one of the puppies named Tuukka (f.k.a Ollie).

Celebrating his 1st birthday.

Celebrating his 1st birthday.

According to his new family, Tuukaa is “the biggest love. He needs to be next to someone at all times.” Hi mom said, he “literally is our ‘baby’.”

It’s been an exciting year for Tuukka between fun with kids, vacations and his first birthday, he’s been a busy pup. He took his first vacations this summer to Newport, RI and New Hampshire and loved exploring the new places. On August 27 he turned one and his family celebrated in style by taking him to Petco and spoiling him with gourmet treats, new toys and a goofy birthday hat.

Tuukka absolutely loves children and is a big cuddle bug whenever someone comes over to pet him. According to his owners, “he is definitely the best dog ever.”

Not only does Tuukka have a great new family, but he actually gets to see his real dad. A relative of the family adopted Tuukka’s father, named Dante, also seized during the Middleboro raid.

Tuukka (L) with his father Dante (R)

Tuukka (L) with his father Dante (R)

Dante is doing great as well. He’s a big couch potato and loves lounging around. He and Tuukka are the best of friends and enjoy playing together. Tuukka loves to antagonize his dad, as all sons do, and Dante is so good with him, as if he knows that his son is just a baby and must be handled with patience and care.

Tuukka’s owners just had a baby and report that Tuukka has adjusted great around the newborn. He gets very concerned when he cries and tries comforting him by licking him. Congratulations, to Tuukka’s family on their newest addition! We’re so happy that Tuukka found such a loving family who clearly cares so much about him! Everyone at the ARL wishes you all the best.

Read more about the Middleboro puppies and view photos of Tuukka as a puppy.

Tuukka and the kids, including the family's new baby.

Tuukka and the kids, including the family’s new baby. Congrats!