Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence

Studies Show a Correlation Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence

In light of the recent Puppy Doe case, we’re discussing the link between animal abuse and domestic violence and why it’s important to say something if you see something.

When you report animal abuse, you are likely helping other members of the family in addition to the animal.

*For example, 71% of women seeking shelter at a safe house for battered partners who reported owning a pet reported that their partner had threatened and/or actually hurt or killed one or more of their pets, although it was not easy for them to discuss. In one study, 26 women who had been the subjects of domestic violence reported that their male partners had also verbally and/or physically abused the household pet(s), yet the majority of the women were unwilling to discuss it with their veterinarian.3

Other studies have shown that children who live in violent households are more likely to be cruel to animals. In a survey of 860 college students regarding family violence and animal abuse, 60% of students who reported witnessing or perpetrating animal cruelty as a child also reported experiences with child maltreatment or domestic violence.


Animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect are defined differently, according to the intent of the perpetrator. According to the AVMA

  • Animal cruelty is any deliberate act that, by intention or neglect, causes an animal unnecessary pain or suffering, including inflicting pain on an animal for the abuser’s enjoyment or amusement.
  • Animal abuse is the maltreatment of an animal regardless of the perpetrator’s intent, motivation, or mental condition. The perpetrator’s deliberate intent distinguishes cruelty from abuse.
  • Animal neglect is defined as the failure to provide an animal sufficient water, food, shelter, and/or veterinary care; lack of grooming; and lack of sanitation. These failures may be the result of ignorance, poverty, or other extenuating circumstances. This is the most commonly investigated situation.

*This blog post has been reposted from an article called How to Recognize Animal Abuse and What to do About it by the Veterinary Team Brief by Lisa Bourazak, DVM, MPT, Kate Creevy DVM, MS, DACVIM, and Karen Cornell DVM, PhD, DACVS.

Middleboro Puppies Update: Getting Stronger Every Day

They’re Playing Through the Day and Sleeping Through the Night

We’ve promised to give you regular updates on the Middleboro Puppies who were rescued during a drug and weapons raid on a home in Middleboro, MA back on October 3, so here’s a little something on how they’re doing. They’ve been in the care of ARL foster parents for almost a month now and are making enormous progress. One of our foster parents shared this little tidbit about her foster pups whom she has lovingly named Franny and Ollie.

Franny is much smaller than her brother…but she is very rambunctious and usually in charge.  She likes to chat (and has the cutest little bark) and she also likes to follow us everywhere and cuddle up on your lap the minute you sit down.  She loves food and she loves playing hard and napping hard with her brother.

Ollie is just the sweetest puppy.  His beautiful eyes just melt your heart.  He is very gentle and calm for a puppy (I don’t think that we have ever heard him bark) and he is SO interested in people…and cats.  He is also very smart…very good with the food puzzles.

They both sleep through the night very well.  They love to play with sticks and chase each other in circles in our backyard. It’s amazing in three weeks how much they have grown and thrived from the condition they were in when rescued. It really makes Jon and I grateful for all the components of the League that make outcomes like this possible. They are amazing little pups that are going to make wonderful companions and bring immense joy to their future adopters!” ~ Amelia Hughes

When the puppies arrived at the ARL they were in terrible condition. All the the puppies were emaciated and dehydrated, covered in feces and riddled with worms. You can imagine how grateful we are to have a network of foster parents who care for these little guys and gals until they are healthy and strong enough to be adopted. The puppies still have a way to go and are not yet available for adoption, but we’ll let you know as soon as they are! Read their story.

Franny and Ollie play outside in the leaves.

Franny and Ollie play outside in the leaves in their adorable sweaters. Photo Credit: Amelia Hughes

PUPPY DOE UPDATE: Suspect Faces 11 Counts of Animal Cruelty

ARL will continue to support what remains an active investigation

The Quincy Police Department announced an arrest in the Puppy Doe abuse case and today the suspect was charged with 11 counts of animal cruelty in Quincy District Court.

Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey, Quincy Chief of Police Paul Keenan, and ARL president Mary Nee joined together for a press conference immediately following today’s court proceedings.

PUPPY DOE UPDATE: Quincy Police Department Announces Arrest of Suspect

Police to Host Press Conference Following Suspect’s Arraignment Tuesday Morning

At a press briefing this afternoon, Quincy Police Chief Paul Keenan announced an arrest in the case of Puppy Doe, the young adult female dog found tortured, starved, and dumped near a park.

From the very beginning of the investigation into Puppy Doe’s abuse, we wanted the person responsible for this heinous crime to be found and brought to justice as quickly as possible.  The Quincy Police Department and the District Attorney shared our sense of urgency in identifying the perpetrator, and we want to thank both organizations for their diligence and continuous hard work in pursuit of justice for Puppy Doe.

For the safety of people and animals in our community, we feel a tremendous sense of relief that a suspect is now in custody.

The arrest comes after many weeks of dedicated and intensive investigation by the Quincy Police Department.  We look forward to attending the press conference tomorrow morning at Quincy Police Department headquarters following the arraignment of the suspect to share more details of the investigation.

UPDATE: Middleboro Puppies Getting Stronger in Foster Care

Puppies Are Receiving Lots of TLC in Foster Care

One of our foster parents sent this picture of her two foster pups! How adorable are they? Photo: Amelia Hughes

A foster parent sent this picture of her two foster pups! Aren’t they just the cutest?
Photo: Amelia Hughes

We are happy to report that the puppies seized during a drug and weapons raid in Middleboro, MA on October 2 are all making excellent progress!

In spite of their rough start on life, these little guys and gals are snugly, playful, and sweet-as-can-be. The thirteen puppies have been sent to all three of our adoption centers are currently living with foster families in an environment where they can socialize with people and other dogs and get the TLC they so desperately need.

We’d like to thank all of our foster parents who are taking such excellent care of the puppies until they are healthy and strong enough to be available for adoption!

Please note that the puppies are NOT yet available for adoption, but we’ll keep you poster on their story and let you know as soon as they’re at our shelters.

Watch the video below from the Cape Cod Times for more about the four puppies that are down on Cape Cod.

Puppy Doe Update 10/16

Puppy Doe Investigation Making Progress

Work continues to identify who severely abused Puppy Doe, a young adult female dog dumped in a quiet neighborhood in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Norfolk County District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey and the Quincy Police Department are the only organizations releasing official details on the investigation.  To update the public on the progress of the investigation , the District Attorney released the following statement last week:

On behalf of my office, the Quincy Police Department, and the Animal Rescue League of Boston, I am grateful for the hundreds of calls and tips that have been forthcoming in the criminal investigation into the torture of Puppy Doe. We have been inundated with tips, concerns and offers of assistance from around the world.

As Paul Keenan, Quincy Police Chief, has said, “Please be assured that we are following up with each tip received even those that have taken us out of state.”

Many calls have been received requesting updated information on the status and progress of the investigation. As with all criminal investigations, we are unable to discuss publically the specifics of this very active and ongoing investigation. To do so would not only compromise the investigation, but would also violate the ethical rules to which this office is bound. The information we have received to date from the public has been invaluable in guiding our actions through the course of the investigation.

10-16 Puppy Doe Update Photo rest in peacePlease be assured that these three agencies are working in concert to identify and hold accountable the person or persons responsible for the torture of Puppy Doe. It is highly unlikely that this level of sadistic cruelty could be shown to one animal and not be part of a pattern involving other animals or perhaps vulnerable people.

Anyone with information material to the criminal investigation regarding Puppy Doe is encouraged to contact the Animal Rescue League of Boston, Law Enforcement Department at 617-226-5610, email them at cruelty@arlboston.org, or call Quincy Police Detective Thomas Pepdjonovich at 617-745-5774.

We will continue to post updates on the Puppy Doe case as we receive them from the District Attorney.

BREAKING NEWS: 12 Puppies Seized in Middleboro SWAT Team Raid Come to ARL

Our focus: getting them healthy and ready for adoption

During a drug and weapons raid on a home in Middleboro, MA, on Wednesday morning, police found 17 pit bulls–4 adults and 13 puppies–jammed into a small crate.  All the dogs were emaciated and dehydrated; the puppies covered in feces and riddled with worms.

The local veterinarian who provided urgent care to the puppies described them as “little bone racks,” and believes at least one of the puppies wouldn’t have made it through another night if authorities hadn’t found him.

Middleboro Animal Control contacted the Animal Rescue League of Boston for help, and all but one of the rescued pups checked into the three ARL adoption centers in Boston, Dedham, and Brewster.  The one puppy too sick to travel remained under the care of the local vet. (UPDATE: Once this puppy was healthy enough she was brought to the ARL and placed in our foster program. We call her Baby Bell.)

As widely reported in the media, the puppies had clearly been living in cruel conditions.

Lt. Alan Borgal, director of the ARL’s Center for Animal Protection, suspects the dogs’ previous owner, now under arrest, had a side-business selling dogs: “I think this was a case of a ‘backyard breeder’–an individual who’s not professional breeder and just trying to make a quick buck.  They don’t put a lot of care into the animal.”

Over the next few weeks, care-givers at the ARL’s adoption centers will focus on getting the pups healthy and ready for adoption.   In spite of their rough start on life, these little guys and gals are snugly, playful, and sweet-as-can-be.

We will keep you posted on their progress and when they will be ready for adoption!


$5K Reward for Information Leading to Prosecution in Puppy Doe Case

(photo provided by Animal Rescue League of Boston)

Boston, MA–The Animal Rescue League of Boston will offer a $5,000 reward for information leading to the prosecution of the perpetrator in the “Puppy Doe” fatal dog torture case.

“We have been deeply moved by the outpouring of support from people all over the U.S. , looking to help us identify who inflicted such pain and suffering on Puppy Doe,” said Mary Nee, president of the ARL.

The ARL has established a dedicated website to take donations for the reward.

Yesterday, the ARL, Quincy Police Department, and Norfolk County District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey released a public appeal for help identifying who owned and abused “Puppy Doe,” a young adult female dog pictured in the photo above.

When she was found in Quincy, MA, she weighed less than half what a normal, healthy dog of her size should. Due to the extent of her injuries, she could not be saved by veterinarians.

The ARL has received hundreds of phone calls and has received a little over $2500 in donations to support law enforcement efforts on behalf of Puppy Doe and others like her.

In 2012, the ARL assisted in over 1500 cases of animal cruelty and neglect across Massachusetts.  Any funds donated in excess of the $5000 reward will go directly towards preventing future cases of animal suffering, cruelty, and neglect.

Anyone with information about Puppy Doe should contact:

The Animal Rescue League of Boston
Law Enforcement Services
(617) 226-5610



Who Did This To Puppy Doe?

Appeal for help in fatal “Puppy Doe” dog torture case

Boston, MA–The Animal Rescue League (ARL) of Boston, Quincy Police Department and Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey are asking the public’s help in identifying the person responsible for a horrific case of animal torture.

“Puppy Doe,” the young adult female dog pictured in the photo above was found alive August 31, 2013, in the vicinity of Carrolls Lane in Quincy, near the Whitwell Street playground and the campus of Quincy Medical Center.

She weighed less than half what a normal, healthy dog of her size should. Due to the extent of her injuries, she could not be saved by veterinarians.

“We need anyone who knows who owned and abused this dog to contact authorities,” District Attorney Morrissey said.

“The injuries cataloged in the post-mortem examination are grotesque and indicate consistent starvation and abuse over an extended period of time,” Morrissey said. “It is highly unlikely that this level of sadistic cruelty could be shown to one animal and not be part of a pattern involving other animals or perhaps vulnerable people. We need to find the person who did this and see what else they are doing.”

“Words cannot adequately describe the shocking suffering that Puppy Doe endured or capture the urgency in identifying who did this to her,” explains Mary Nee, president of the ARL.

According to Dr. Martha Smith-Blackmore, vice president of animal welfare at the ARL, who performed the necropsy, Puppy Doe was likely 1 to 2 years old. In addition to being starved and beaten on many occasions, causing fractures to the head and body, she appears to have undergone some kind of crude cutting to create a serpent-like split to her tongue. The dog had also been stabbed in the eye in the days prior to being found in Quincy.

“I spoke with Quincy Police Chief Paul Keenan and we share a sense of urgency here, as does the Animal Rescue League,” District Attorney Morrissey said, adding that he has assigned a prosecutor with experience and training in animal cruelty cases to assist in the investigation.

“We do not have reason to believe or disbelieve that the dog was originally from Quincy before being found near the park,” District Attorney Morrissey said. “We are asking anyone from eastern Massachusetts to contact us if they believe they recognize this dog.”

“It is prudent to proceed as if the perpetrator or perpetrators have moved on and are now aiming this cruelty and violence at another target and needs to be stopped.”

Anyone with information about Puppy Doe should contact:

The Animal Rescue League of Boston
Law Enforcement Services
(617) 226-5610

Quincy Police Department
Det. Thomas Pepdjonovich
(617) 745-5774


**UPDATE: We have been deeply moved by the outpouring of support for Puppy Doe and the knowledge that so many of you share our sense of shock at the pain purposely inflicted on this young dog.

The ARL relies solely on donor support to pursue cases of animal cruelty and neglect like hers.  From the law enforcement services to the veterinary forensics involved, it is highly resource-intensive work.

If you would like to help us  remain ever-ready to answer the next call to assist in a case like Puppy Doe’s, please donate now.**

Dragons at the League, Oh My!

A Stray Bearded Dragon Finds a Home

08-20 Roscoe & Lex

Roscoe with his foster, Lex.

We’ve been focusing a lot on cats and dogs this summer for the ASPCA Rachael Ray Challenge, but did you know that the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) takes in a variety of small animals including all sorts of reptiles? Thanks to our well-trained staff and volunteers we are able to care for animals that most shelters are not able to take in.

Roscoe came to our Boston Animal Care & Adoption Center a few weeks ago. A woman had found the stray bearded dragon out on the street and it was clear that he was in rough shape when he came in.

One of our animal care & adoption agents, who has a lot of experience with reptiles, knew exactly what to do. She prepared a warm habitat for him and “an epic chopped salad” to feed his appetite. She could tell that something was wrong with him and after bringing him to the vet she discovered that not only was Roscoe underweight, but he also had a serious problem with his right leg and was unable to use it. This is something that Roscoe would have to learn to live with.

Roscoe with his new family.

Roscoe with his new family.

Our animal care & adoption agent took him home for a week of foster care and much needed TLC. He didn’t have an appetite, so she had to force feed him food, water and medication. After a few days Roscoe’s condition improve significantly and he was soon available for adoption.

We luckily found him a wonderful home with a father-daughter duo who is well versed in sick and injured bearded dragons.  It is satisfying to know that another life was saved!

If you’re thinking about getting a reptile for your family, please call us first at 617-426-9170 or visit our adoptables page, we just might have the pet you’re looking for.