
Feb. 7, 2012 – Our 113th Anniversary

Feb.7, 1899 – On this day, one-hundred and thirteen years ago, the League was formed in downtown Boston’s Park Street Chapel. Founder Anna Harris Smith and a few close colleagues agreed on the need for an organization to care for homeless and abandoned animals, and decided to form an organization for that purpose.

It all began with just 110 supporters and $1,200. Today, there are over 400 volunteers and 92 employees. From the beginning, Anna Harris Smith commonly used the phrase“Kindness Uplifts the World” to describe the League’s overall philosophy, encapsulating her desire to care for both animals and their human companions.

Her philosophy still rings true as the ARL of Boston continues the work she began.

About Anna Harris Smith of Dorchester

League founder Anna Clapp Harris Smith – a descendant of the founders of Dorchester – was also a resident of the area, where her house still stands today. The house is believed to have been constructed circa 1635 based on the age of its stone foundation. The Clapp house is currently undergoing a restoration. The restored home will offer a glimpse into the city’s storied past but is also a reminder of the neighborhood’s – and the League’s – early history.

I played ball with Big Papi

Nana, a 10 month old spayed female pit mix is looking for a new home. She has been a shelter resident for a few months now and has won one of the staff’s ‘most improved’ awards.

She’s a friendly and loveable lady whose activities in the shelter include playing fetch with her human friends and romping around with her fellow shelter dogs in our play yard. In fact, Nana was able to combine her favorite activities during a visit from David ‘Big Papi’ Ortiz, a member of the Boston Red Sox. She was the star that day, she loved running to the fence to retrieve the ball and would immediately give it back to Ortiz. Nana was not phased by all the cameras, other dogs, or people, she just really loved having a chance to play ball in the yard.

Nana would love to go to a home where she can play fetch regularly and cozy up on a warm bed at the end of the day. Being a young lady, she’s still learning her manners and would benefit from continuous daily obedience training. Stop by South End shelter on 10 Chandler Street or call our Adoption Center at 617-226-5602 for more information about Nana.

David Ortiz Meets Young Donor

November 15, 2011: Red Sox star David Ortiz spends some time with Josselyn Siegel of Wilmington, a young philanthropist who donated $100 to the League by selling her handmade clay creations.

“We were so touched by her wonderful gift from the heart,” says Melanie Sheffield, director of the President’s Council at the Animal Rescue League of Boston. “It’s especially meaningful to see philanthropy begin at such an early age. It says a lot about the kind of person Josselyn is, and the adult she will someday become.”

Thank you Big Papi

Yesterday was a great day for the Animal Rescue League of Boston. Big Papi’s visit inspired and uplifted the League’s staff and garnered extensive coverage on the evening news. This event will attract many more adopters to our shelter and help find forever homes for needy animals.

Big Papi enjoyed a tour of the Boston Shelter where he met the cats, dogs and other animals that are available for adoption. Afterwards, he revealed his genuine care and concern for animals as he played ball with the dogs in the yard.

My special thanks go to Big Papi, event sponsor PopChips, to the staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make this event a success, and to the many League supporters who came to the shelter to meet Big Papi and bring attention to the needs of the animals in our care.

Jay Bowen

Our Shelter Tour with David ‘Big Papi’ Ortiz

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) had the pleasure of taking David ‘Big Papi’ Ortiz on a quick tour of the Boston Animal Care & Adoption Center yesterday.

He was greeted in the lobby, by long time resident, Sapphire and an ARL adoption agent “Oh you like me little girl” – Ortiz said to Sapphire, the two bonded quickly.

He also spent time with a kitten, named Francis, who was recently rescued from a drain pipe by the League. Francis, whose fur resembles a Lion’s main, impressed Ortiz, he told Veterinary Technician, Jessica Wright, that as a child he always wanted to adopt a Lion but now he is happy with his 3 year old Terrier, Foxy.

The tour was full of moments of laughter, Ortiz was down-to-earth, friendly and funny! When we took him to see the dogs, he took his time making sure each dog received a treat and some special attention. Ortiz immediately gravitated to our largest resident commenting on his size and how similar they were.

Photo courtesy of Boston.com, Kristi Palma

Photo courtesy of Boston.com, Kristi Palma

When we told Ortiz about our Field Services Department, he was impressed by the scope of our services. As an animal lover, he recognizes the importance of the work that the ARL does and told us how much he appreciated the opportunity to get to meet the animals and see behind the scenes. Everyone at ARL is so thankful for him taking the time out of his busy schedule to visit.

Big Papi announces winner

Posted on October 25, 2011 by guest blogger, David Ortiz (Courtesy of the Popchips Blog)


What’s up red sox nation, Big Papi checkin back in. Really wish we were playing in the world series, but it was an honor to be there to accept the roberto clemente award. roberto has always been a role model for me on & off the field, so it’s such an honor to play a small part in continuing his legacy. special shout out to everyone who has supported the David Ortiz children’s fund over the years.

Also a big thank you to everyone who submitted ideas & voted for different ways that i could give back for this contest with my people at popchips! They are all great causes, and i wish i could do them all, but i’ve selected an idea that’s very near to my heart. Congratulations to the winning submission from Jennifer W. of the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

Big Papi can help a little puppy: Big Papi can play ball with the dogs at the Animal Rescue League of Boston’s shelter in the south end! big papi would help us to find homes for animals in need, give love and care to our shelter dogs, and raise awareness of the importance of adopting shelter animals. big papi can hit a home run for Boston’s homeless animals by playing a ball game with our dogs as part of a special adoption day in honor of October’s national adopt-a-dog month. go red sox!–Jennifer W.

The Animal Rescue League of Boston has done great work over the years rescuing and finding homes for dogs in the boston area.  i’m honored to do what i can to help raise awareness for this great cause.  my family has a dog of our own, so i know the value that a pet can have on a family.  stay tuned for more details about the event!