
2025-2026 Legislative Agenda

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) monitors and advocates for statewide legislation on issues critical to animal welfare in the Commonwealth. Our legislative agenda highlights our priorities for the two year session. Contact advocacy@arlboston.org for more information.

Learn how a bill becomes a law in Massachusetts.

2023-2024 legislative successes
Bills ARL Actively Supports
Bills ARL Opposes

LEGISLATIVE SUCCESSES: ARL was able to win several legislative victories from our 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda. These laws reflect the hard work and dedication of animal advocates and legislators who helped improve the lives of animals in Massachusetts.

An Act to increase kennel safety, aka Ollie’s Law

Sponsors: Sen. Mark Montigny, Rep. Brian Ashe

Signed into law September 2024

Creates statewide standards for boarding kennels and daycare facilities through the regulatory process.

An Act regulating the use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes and bears in traveling exhibits and shows

Sponsors: Rep. Carole Fiola, Rep. Brad Jones, Sen. Bruce Tarr, Sen. Adam Gomez

Signed into law August 2024

Prohibits traveling acts from using exotic animals in exhibits and shows in Massachusetts.

An Act prohibiting inhumane feline declawing

Sponsor: Sen. Mark Montigny

Signed into law January 2025

Prohibits the declawing of cats unless it is for the health of the animal.

An Act providing for the humane protection of animals

Sponsors: Rep. Ted Philips, Rep. Jessica Giannino, Sen. John Velis

Signed into law January 2025

Bans the sale of puppies and kittens under 8 weeks, bans roadside sales of puppies and kittens.

An Act promoting animal welfare and further regulating the reporting of animal cruelty, abuse or neglect

Sponsors: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis, Sen. Adam Gomez

Signed into law October 2024

Prohibits Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) from considering dog breed in assessing foster homes, allows for additional reporting of animal cruelty by DCF employees and contractors.

ACTIVE SUPPORT: These bills are closely related to our current work and will be the focus of our advocacy efforts. This will include meeting with legislators, sharing information through emails and social media, and participating in hearings.


An Act relative to the humane protection of animals (SD.1108); An Act preventing animal cruelty (HD.2591)

Sponsors: Senator John Velis; Representative Edward Philips

Status: Filed

Currently, the only way to obtain custody of an animal is in conjunction with felony animal cruelty charges. This bill would increase protections for animals by establishing a non-criminal process to order care for and seizure of neglected animals.

Non-Criminal Options

An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals (SD.1398; HD.810)

Sponsors: Senator Mark Montigny, Representative Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.

Status: Filed

Inspired by the 2016 Westport case, this proposed bill would expand civil citation authority for cruel conditions to include all animals. Would define cruel conditions and appropriate shelter, expanding on protections in the law for dogs.

Related bills: An Act relative to improving enforcement for tethering violations (SD.2290, Senator Mark Montigny)

Protecting Animals after an Animal Cruelty Conviction

An Act relative to a temporary possession ban of animals for animal abusers (HD.336); An Act relative to the ownership of pets by convicted animal abusers (SD.134)

Sponsors: Representatives Tram T. Nguyen, Vanna Howard; Senator Michael O. Moore

Status: Filed

Expands the prohibition on owning an animal to include all felony animal cruelty convictions, expanding on a 2018 law which required this following convictions of animal sexual abuse.

Housing Protections

An Act to maintain stable housing for families with pets (HD.1706); An Act to maintain stable housing for families with pets in an economic crisis and beyond (SD.817)

Sponsors: Representatives David M. Rogers; Samantha Montaño; Senator Pavel Payano

Status: Filed

Provides housing protections during states of emergency and immediately afterward, preventing animals from being used as a reason for eviction. Prohibits insurance companies from refusing coverage, canceling, or increasing rates on the basis of dog breed.

An Act to codify pet-friendly elderly housing policies and ensure pet parity across housing authorities (HD.1307)

Sponsors: Representative Tackey Chan

Status: Filed

Protects programs to allow pets in elderly housing authorities and ensures pets and their families can stay together in certain state-funded housing.

Increasing Funding

An Act to provide additional funding for animal welfare and safety programming (SD.1527)

Sponsor: Senator Mark Montigny

Status: Filed

Would divert money from agricultural fines into the Homeless Animal Fund, helping more animals stay with their families.

Protecting Dogs and Their Families

An Act relative to updating animal health inspections (HD.2408; SD.1017)

Sponsors: Representative Dan Cahill; Senator Mark Montigny

Status: Filed

Currently in Massachusetts, dog breeders are the only group who provide pets to the public who are not subject to any regulation. This bill would allow for regulation, as is required of pet shops, shelters, and rescues.

Animal Testing

An Act concerning the use of animals in  product testing (HD.1914); An Act promoting humane cosmetics and other household products by limiting the use of animal testing (SD.1640)

Sponsors: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis; Senator Mark Montigny

Status: Filed

Prohibits testing on animals for household goods and cosmetics if there is an alternative that is equivalent to or more accurate than an animal test.

An Act to protect consumers from contributing to inhumane animal testing for cosmetics (SD.2265;HD.1908)

Sponsors: Senator Mark Montigny; Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis

Status: Filed

Would ban the sale of cosmetics tested on animals when an equivalent or better alternative test exists.

Fur Sales

An Act prohibiting the sale of newly farmed fur products (HD.2107; SD.712)

Sponsors: Representative Jack Patrick Lewis; Senator Cynthia Creem

Status: Filed

Bans the sale of new fur in Massachusetts.

An Act to protect consumers from contributing to inhumane animal testing for cosmetics (SD.2265;HD.1908)

Sponsors: Senator Mark Montigny; Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis

Status: Filed

Would ban the sale of cosmetics tested on animals when an equivalent or better alternative test exists.

Pet Shops

An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs in pet shops (SD.552)

Sponsor: Senator Jason Lewis

Status: Filed

Proposed bill would prohibit the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits, and guinea pigs in pet shops throughout Massachusetts. Would not prohibit pet shops from partnering with shelters or rescues to display/facilitate adoptions.

An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in new pet shops (HD. 1530; SD. 1155)

Sponsors: Representatives Natalie M. Higgins, Kimberly N. Ferguson; Senator O’Connor

Status: Filed

Proposed bill would prohibit the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in new pet shops throughout Massachusetts. Would not prohibit pet shops from partnering with shelters or rescues to display/facilitate adoptions.

Related bills: An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet shops (SD.1154, Sen. O’Connor)

Protecting Wildlife and Companion Animals from Rodenticides

An Act restricting the use of rodenticides in the environment (HD.1721; SD.1447)

Sponsors: Representative James Hawkins; Senator Michael Moore

Status: Filed

Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) are extremely dangerous to wildlife and pets. These bills would end their use in Massachusetts, with exceptions for human health and safety.

Providing an Equitable Process for Dangerous Dog Hearings

An Act relative to dangerous dogs (SD.2113;HD.2856)

Sponsors: Senator Mark Montigny; Rep. Mark Sylvia

Status: Filed

Makes improvements to the “dangerous dog” law to ensure that both dogs and complainants receive a fair hearing and have opportunities to remedy the situation.

ARL opposes the following bills:

Each session ARL opposes a number of bills that would expand hunting and trapping in the Commonwealth. Stay tuned for more information as the session goes on!


Each session a number of bills are filed that would erode the protections in place for wildlife in Massachusetts. ARL opposes any efforts to expand hunting in the Commonwealth, including permitting hunting on Sundays or allowing additional methods to be used for hunting.

An Act relative to outdoor heritage (HD.1714 Rep. David Vieira/SD.415 Sen. Peter Durant)

An Act authorizing deer hunting on Sunday (HD.2292 Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida)

An Act relative to Sunday hunting (HD.95 Rep. Kelly Pease)

An Act authorizing the use of bow and arrows for Sunday hunting (HD.1604 Rep. Paul Frost)

An Act permitting bow hunting on Sunday (HD.427 Marc Lombardo)

An Act relative to hunting with artificial light (HD.1127 Rep. David Vieira)


ARL opposes efforts to repeal a ballot question passed over 30 years ago, that would allow for use of inhumane traps for wildlife. These traps not only cause unnecessary pain to wildlife, they are also indiscriminate and can trap unsuspecting pets.

An Act conserving our natural resources (SD.2179 Sen. Paul Mark)

An Act relative to beavers (HD.1597 Rep. Paul Frost)

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